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Quantifying and analysing the non-collective bargaining benefits of NTUC
Published 2012“…The paper also made recommendations to NTUC on how informative advertising and regular review on the benefits in accordance to preference can to reduce asymmetric information and more importantly help the union to maintain a pink state of membership numbers…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Quantum mechanical theory of dynamic nuclear polarization in solid dielectrics
Published 2012“…Microwave driven dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a process in which the large polarization present in an electron spin reservoir is transferred to nuclei, thereby enhancing NMR signal intensities. …”
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Article -
Optimal probes for global quantum thermometry
Published 2022“…In addition, we show how the best approximation of optimal global probes can be realized in spin chains, implementable in ion traps and quantum dots.…”
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Journal Article -
Microsecond dark-exciton valley polarization memory in two-dimensional heterostructures
Published 2018“…Transition metal dichalcogenides have valley degree of freedom, which features optical selection rule and spin-valley locking, making them promising for valleytronics devices and quantum computation. …”
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Journal Article -
Non-Abelian adiabatic geometric transformations in a cold strontium gas
Published 2018“…Topology, geometry, and gauge fields play key roles in quantum physics as exemplified by fundamental phenomena such as the Aharonov–Bohm effect, the integer quantum Hall effect, the spin Hall, and topological insulators. The concept of topological protection has also become a salient ingredient in many schemes for quantum information processing and fault-tolerant quantum computation. …”
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Journal Article -
Dynamical and statistical properties of anyons in fractional quantum hall effect
Published 2024“…Another important aspect of anyons is their intrinsic spin and the corresponding spin-statistics relation, which must account for the fact that FQH anyons are not point particles, but objects with finite sizes and intricate internal structures. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Ambipolar ferromagnetism by electrostatic doping of a manganite
Published 2018“…Complex-oxide materials exhibit physical properties that involve the interplay of charge and spin degrees of freedom. However, an ambipolar oxide that is able to exhibit both electron-doped and hole-doped ferromagnetism in the same material has proved elusive. …”
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Journal Article -
Controlling the magnetic properties of LaMnO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures by stoichiometry and electronic reconstruction : atomic-scale evidence
Published 2020“…Interface‐driven magnetic effects and phenomena associated with spin–orbit coupling and intrinsic symmetry breaking are of importance for fundamental physics and device applications. …”
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Journal Article -
Robust room-temperature ferromagnetism with giant anisotropy in Nd-doped ZnO nanowire arrays
Published 2013“…As an important class of spintronic material, ferromagnetic oxide semiconductors are characterized with both charge and spin degrees of freedom, but they often show weak magnetism and small coercivity, which limit their applications. …”
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Journal Article -
Electronic structure of paramagnetic transition metal complexes
Published 2017“…In Chapter 3, we address the question of redox-dependent spin transitions in triangular iron complexes. Experiments have shown that one-electron reduction of a pyrazolate-bridged Fe<sup>III</sup><sub>3</sub> cluster drives a transition from high- to low-spin configurations at all three metal centres. …”
Thesis -
Search for diphoton resonances in the 66 to 110 GeV mass range using pp collisions at s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Published 2025“…A search is performed for light, spin-0 bosons decaying into two photons in the 66 to 110 GeV mass range, using 140 fb−1 of proton-proton collisions at s = 13 TeV produced by the Large Hadron Collider and collected by the ATLAS detector. …”
Journal article -
Developing a tongue coating index for Traditional Chinese Medicine
Published 2017“…Approach 1, where L-a-b values of each tongue region were compared with those of the tongue tip, and Approach 2, where L-a-b values of each tongue region were compared with those of the ideal tongue color (Pink). Results obtained show that Approach 1 was more consistent with visual perception of post-corrected tongue images in the database. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Topochemical manipulation of some complex transition metal oxides
Published 2016“…However, upon cooling (T &LT; 250 K) a phase transition is observed in which the nickel spins interact ferromagnetically, while the ruthenium cations appear to undergo a change in spin configuration to a diamagnetic spin state. …”
Thesis -
Narrowband Searches for Continuous and Long-duration Transient Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars in the LIGO-Virgo Third Observing Run
Published 2024“…Isolated neutron stars that are asymmetric with respect to their spin axis are possible sources of detectable continuous gravitational waves. …”
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Skyrmion qubits: challenges for future quantum computing applications
Published 2024“…Experimental methods capable of nondestructively resolving the quantum aspects of topological spin textures, their local dynamical response, and their functionality now promise practical device architectures for quantum operations. …”
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Journal Article -
Pull production system in a food packaging company
Published 2014“…A simulation model of the proposed production line was analyzed and was verified by a simulation model of the current production line. …”
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Thesis -
Robotic mobility on top of a LCD display
Published 2013“…Whenever, it comes to Line-following robots people would think of a robot following white lines with black background or the black lines with white background. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Search for Higgs boson pair production in the bbW+W− decay mode in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV
Published 2024“…In addition, limits are set on the resonant HH production via spin-0 and spin-2 resonances within the mass range 250–900 GeV.…”
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Article -
Exploring New Frontiers in High Energy Physics: Boosted Resonances Decaying To Quarks, Foundation Models, and Heterogeneous Computing at the CMS Experiment
Published 2024“…This analysis presents the most sensitive limits for new spin-1 bosons coupling universally to quarks and spin-0 bosons coupling preferentially to heavier quarks. …”
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