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Stability of internal gravity wave modes: from triad resonance to broadband instability
Published 2024“…The appropriate instability mechanism hinges on how the perturbation spatial scale relative to the basic-state wavelength, controlled by a parameter 𝜇, compares to the basic-state amplitude parameter, 𝜖 ≪ 1. …”
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Article -
Dynamic lateral crushing of empty and sandwich tubes
Published 2013“…The propagation of plastic bending in the form of double-moving-hinges is the main mechanism of energy dissipation, as opposed to the low velocity impact which involves stationary plastic deformation zones.…”
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Journal Article -
Effect of partial debonding on catenary action of reinforced concrete frames
Published 2013“…In contrast, the presence of partial hinges in the second frame allowed catenary action to be mobilized to significantly enhance structural resistance. …”
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Conference Paper -
On the total synthesis of complex alkaloids
Published 2024“…Multiple competing strategies are investigated before successfully developing an efficient route to the racemic pentacycle of daphlongeranine B. This strategy hinges upon a Michael addition followed by a Claisen rearrangement and ring-closing metathesis to establish three rings.…”
Thesis -
Conceptualize, design, simulate and develop a contact tracing scheme based on the Android platform
Published 2021Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
All-optical processing technologies for next generation optical networks
Published 2012Get full text
Thesis -
Koleksi Kisah & Teladan Iktibar Tanah Suci /
Published 2006“…Ada kejadian yang bermaksud sebagai ujian daripada Allah s.w.t. bagi menguji kekuatan iman dan taqwa seseorang hamba-Nya itu sebelum Allah kurniakan sebarang keampunan atau sebelum Allah anugerahkannya tingkatan martabat dan darjat yang tinggi dan mulia di sisi-Nya. Tidak kurang juga darjat kejadian-kejadian pelik dan ganjil yang berlaku disebabkan oleh kelancangan, kecelu-paran atau kemeluluan tutur kata, tingkah laku serta tindak tanduk para jemaah bakal-bakal haji itu sendiri disebabkan oleh misi serta visi hajinya yang samar dan kusam, cetek dan dangkal pengetahuannya, longlai dan londeh penghayatannya atau disebabkan juga oleh gara-gara nafsu mazmumah mereka yang masih liar dan tidak dibendung atau dikawal itu. …”
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UMPSA jalin kerjasama dengan D-8 International University, Iran tingkat kerjasama antarabangsa
Published 2023“…IRAN, 9 Oktober 2023 - Lawatan kerja rasmi delegasi pendidikan tinggi bersama Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA), Profesor Dato’ Ts. …”
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Newspaper -
UMPSA jalin kerjasama dengan SMK Kuala Krau buka peluang kepada pelajar inklusif
Published 2024“…KUALA KRAU, 11 Oktober 2024 - Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) menjalinkan kerjasama erat dengan Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kuala Krau, Temerloh dalam usaha memberi manfaat terhadap kemenjadian murid, peluang melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat tinggi, pembelajaran STEM, inovasi dan kemasyarakatan serta meningkatkan pembangunan kompetensi guru dan anggota kumpulan pelaksana (AKP).…”
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Newspaper -
Jurnal UMPSA raih tempat kedua dan ketiga Makalah Jurnal Terbaik dalam Majlis Anugerah MAPIM-KPT Ke-15
Published 2024“…PUTRAJAYA, 18 Disember 2024 – Jurnal terbitan Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) terpilih sebagai penerima tempat kedua dan ketiga Makalah Jurnal Terbaik dalam Majlis Anugerah MAPIM-KPT ke-15 tahun 2024 yang berlangsung di Dewan Zaa’ba, Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi (KPT).…”
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Newspaper -
Selami sejarah melalui teknologi AI
Published 2024“…Justeru itu, Sejarah merupakan subjek penting yang diajar di sekolah dan ia menjadi mata pelajaran pilihan di institusi pengajian tinggi. Pelajar sering mengatakan bahawa pelajaran Sejarah penuh dengan tarikh, orang dan tempat yang memerlukan hafalan.…”
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UMPSA News -
Finite element analysis on post-buckling of thin-walled structures using ANSYS
Published 2015“…The results obtained were checked against experimental data and led to the development and the revision of design procedures for the pin-ended lipped column and hollow box section.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Penghasilan lipid kaya asid dokosaheksaenoik (DHA) oleh Aurantiochytrium sp. SW1 menggunakan sisa kulit nanas sebagai punca karbon alternatif
Published 2024“…Thraustokaitrid seperti Aurantiochytrium sp. telah menarik perhatian penyelidik dan industri disebabkan kebolehannya untuk menghasilkan asid lemak politaktepu (PUFA) bernilai tinggi terutamanya asid dokosaheksaenoik (DHA, C22:6 ω-3). …”
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Article -
Coherent spin-control of S = 1 vanadium and molybdenum complexes
Published 2024“…The burgeoning field of quantum sensing hinges on the creation and control of quantum bits. …”
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Article -
Asymmetries in the effects of drivers of brand loyalty between early and late adopters and across technology generations
Published 2015“…The success of mobile marketing hinges on consumers' adoption of mobile devices. However, consumers' mobile device adoption is not well understood at the brand (e.g., Apple, Nokia, Samsung) level. …”
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Journal Article -
Can training enhance public employees’ public service motivation? A pretest–posttest design
Published 2021“…We hypothesize that PSM, along with public service–related knowledge and a positive attitude toward public service work, improves after training, and that the improvement hinges on trainees’ satisfaction with training and perceived usefulness of training. …”
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Journal Article -
Coion exclusion properties of cation exchange membranes in 2:1 divalent salt solutions
Published 2024“…The selectivity of ion exchange membranes hinges on their capacity to exclude coions. Yet, understanding how they reject coions in multivalent salt solutions remains challenging. …”
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Journal Article -
Cognitive diagnostic assessment in educational testing: a score strategy-based evaluation
Published 2024“…The findings indicate that CDA offers strengths like granular feedback, enhanced validity, and data-driven decisions, but faces challenges in complex implementation and resource demands. Its effectiveness hinges on efficient implementation and appropriacy, while exploring opportunities, managing risks, and considering stakeholders' responses help optimize its transformational and commercial value. …”
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