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Jurnal UMPSA raih tempat kedua dan ketiga Makalah Jurnal Terbaik dalam Majlis Anugerah MAPIM-KPT Ke-15
Published 2024“…PUTRAJAYA, 18 Disember 2024 – Jurnal terbitan Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) terpilih sebagai penerima tempat kedua dan ketiga Makalah Jurnal Terbaik dalam Majlis Anugerah MAPIM-KPT ke-15 tahun 2024 yang berlangsung di Dewan Zaa’ba, Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi (KPT).…”
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Newspaper -
Selami sejarah melalui teknologi AI
Published 2024“…Justeru itu, Sejarah merupakan subjek penting yang diajar di sekolah dan ia menjadi mata pelajaran pilihan di institusi pengajian tinggi. Pelajar sering mengatakan bahawa pelajaran Sejarah penuh dengan tarikh, orang dan tempat yang memerlukan hafalan.…”
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UMPSA News -
Finite element analysis on post-buckling of thin-walled structures using ANSYS
Published 2015“…The results obtained were checked against experimental data and led to the development and the revision of design procedures for the pin-ended lipped column and hollow box section.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Penghasilan lipid kaya asid dokosaheksaenoik (DHA) oleh Aurantiochytrium sp. SW1 menggunakan sisa kulit nanas sebagai punca karbon alternatif
Published 2024“…Thraustokaitrid seperti Aurantiochytrium sp. telah menarik perhatian penyelidik dan industri disebabkan kebolehannya untuk menghasilkan asid lemak politaktepu (PUFA) bernilai tinggi terutamanya asid dokosaheksaenoik (DHA, C22:6 ω-3). …”
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Article -
Karnival Minggu Sains Negara 2023 Peringkat Negeri Pahang sokong usaha membudayakan Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi
Published 2023“…PEKAN, 11 November 2023 - Karnival Minggu Sains Negara 2023 Peringkat Negeri Pahang anjuran bersama Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) dan Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Pahang serta Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) dikunjungi lebih 4,000 pengunjung daripada komuniti setempat yang terdiri daripada pelajar sekolah, penuntut institusi pengajian tinggi dan orang awam.…”
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Newspaper -
Menara Gading Tunjang Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan Realistik atau Utopia
Published 2025“…Fungsi dan signifikan institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) sehingga kini berterusan dicabar. Adakah masih relevan menterjemahkan segala aspirasi negara dalam bentuk pembangunan modal insan, penghasilan teknologi terunggul mahupun pembudayaan nilai-nilai sahsiah terpuji. …”
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UMPSA News -
Songket Tenun: Pembangunan Prototaip (S/O: 14818)
Published 2021“…Songket mempunyai potensi yang tinggi dimana produk baru Songket tenun Sintok dan Kedah kepada pasaran tempatan dan antarabangsa. …”
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Monograph -
Design and Implementation of Active Antennas for IoT-Based Healthcare Monitoring System
Published 2024“…Two dual-band (2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz) microstrip patch antennas, one with a PIN diode and one without, are fabricated using Rogers Duroid RO3003™ substrate. …”
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Article -
Design and Implementation of Active Antennas for IoT-Based Healthcare Monitoring System
Published 2024“…Two dual-band (2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz) microstrip patch antennas, one with a PIN diode and one without, are fabricated using Rogers Duroid RO3003™ substrate. …”
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Article -
Observation of an acoustic octupole topological insulator
Published 2021“…We observe zero-dimensional topological corner states, one-dimensional gapped hinge states, two-dimensional gapped surface states, and three-dimensional gapped bulk states, representing the hierarchy of octupole, quadrupole and dipole moments. …”
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Journal Article -
42 graduan UMPSA terima diploma CBTM
Published 2023“…Majlis penganugerahan diploma itu disempurnakan Naib Canselor UMPSA, Profesor Datuk Ts Dr Yuserrie Zainuddin yang mana CBTM merupakan program usaha sama universiti itu dengan Akademi Kepimpinan Pendidikan Tinggi (AKEPT) yang terdiri daripada pentadbir universiti awam melalui Pusat Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat (PSH).…”
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Newspaper -
Memperkasa integriti melalui tatakelola keinsanan dalam memacu kelestarian UMPSA sebagai model institusi TVET nombor satu
Published 2025“…Tatakelola yang baik bukan hanya kondusif dalam memastikan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan negara berpendapatan tinggi, malah ia adalah satu instrumen yang sangat penting ke arah negara bebas dari ketidakadilan dan kesenjangan sosial. …”
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UMPSA News -
Songket Tenun: Pengesahan Konsep (S/O: 14817)
Published 2021“…Songket tenun ini mempunyai potensi yang tinggi dimana produk baru Songket tenun Sintok dan Kedah kepada pasaran tempatan dan antarabangsa. …”
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Monograph -
Automated teller machines in Singapore
Published 2015“…Activation of ATMs can also be enhanced by substituting the present A TM card and PIN system with either voice recognition, retina recognition or thumbprints. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Real time analysis of social behavior from video and kinect recordings
Published 2016“…Finally,analysis will be performed using pattern recognition algorithms and machine learning classifiers to detect the emotion of the subject.In this project,machine learning classifiers such as K-nearest neighbors,Naive Bayes and C4.5 Decision tree learning has been used. The prime aim is to pin point the most seemly machine learning classifier for obtaining highest accuracy for classification.…”
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Thesis -
Pembangunan Pelan Tindakan Penerimagunaan Teknologi Mekanisasi
Published 2020“…Terdapat pengurusan ladang dan pekerja yang tidak mahu menggunakan alatan mesin jentera kerana beberapa alasan seperti kos yang tinggi, sukar diselenggara dan membebankan. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah pemerhatian di ladang kelapa sawit dan temuramah bersama pengurus ladang bagi mengumpul maklumat. …”
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Article -
The inference-boundary model reinterpreting theme and rheme
Published 2013“…The Hallidayan notions of theme and rheme pose an interesting challenge to linguists in their attempts to pin them down more specifically. This paper argues that since the thematic structure of the clause organises it as a message, a useful starting point in theme–rheme research is an understanding of how clausal messages are typically processed by language users. …”
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Journal Article -
The effects of processing conditions on the morphology of single conjugated polymers.
Published 2010“…Drop-cast single chains were proposed to either retain its extended conformation in CHCl3 solution, or adopt an ordered structure with hair-pin loops, giving rise to two corresponding distinct types of intensity traces. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Experimental and numerical study of self-locking adaptable inter connection for modular steel structures
Published 2023“…The findings indicated that the gap produced between connection and column under higher displacement was sensitive to the outer bolt and spring pin. This gap could be further reduced by increasing the number of outer bolts and by reducing tolerance between adapter and column walls.…”