Understanding the attitude and repurchase intention towards halal food product among non-muslim consumers in Malaysia
Published 2019“…Smart Partial Least Square 3.0 was used to analyse the data. The findings revealed that the buyer factors of religion adoption and consumer past experience influence the attitude of non-Muslim consumer towards halal food product. …”
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Thesis -
Metacognitions of Flow Experience: Towards an Understanding of the Self-Regulation of Optimal Experience
Published 2016“…Building upon these correlational findings, a longitudinal study was conducted in order to identify potential causal mechanisms between flow metacognitions and flow at work. …”
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Thesis -
Tests for uncharacteristic changes in time series data and the effects of outliers on forecasts
Published 1987“…The final section considers the contribution made, the findings of the work and areas for further research.…”
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Thesis -
Constitutional change in the United Kingdom: an institutional analysis
Published 2000“…This thesis seeks to explain the lack of significant constitutional change in the UK between 1945 and 1980 and has two main findings. First, and principally, the thesis rejects conventional understandings of the UK constitution based upon Dicey's analysis and the Westminster model of British politics. …”
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Thesis -
Positive and negative structures and processes underlying academic performance: a chained mediation model
Published 2016“…The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are outlined.…”
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Flow in work as a moderator of the self-determination model of work engagement
Published 2016“…Moderated mediation modelling supported hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 2 limitedly to the needs for competence and relatedness. The findings indicate that workers with more flow at work are more likely to engage in the job regardless of autonomy support.…”
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Book Section -
'Spaces to speak' of sour milk : exploring African-Caribbean-British women's activism and agency on childhood sexual abuse from the 1980s to the present day
Published 2016“…The thesis presents findings from 5 in-depth interviews with Black British feminists (Experts); a partial content analysis of British feminist periodicals from 1980s onward; 7 in-depth interviews with African-Caribbean British victim-survivors of CSA and a survey examining Black, Asian and Minority, Ethnic service provision (BAME) in 13 Rape Crisis Centre’s in England and Scotland.…”
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Thesis -
Market exposure and the labour process: the contradictory dynamics in managing subcontracted services work
Published 2018“…This article extends existing sociological theory by analysing the market-making and rule-breaking roles of client and subcontractor firms through qualitative data. It finds that client organisations construct different types and temporalities of marketised cost pressures, that clients and subcontractors exploit their power advantage over labour to evade institutional rules, and that labour process and reputational concerns impose a degree of moderation towards socially desirable outcomes. …”
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Money Matters : Research into the extent and nature of financial abuse within intimate relationships in the UK
Published 2015“…Their voices provide rich and detailed insights into the research findings. The recommendations arising draw from both the survey and the interviews and can be found at the end of this report.…”
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Monograph -
Helping you helps me: giving and receiving social support in recovery groups for problem gamblers
Published 2018“…Recovery group identification was associated with increased abstinence self-efficacy and decreased perceived risk in gambling-related ‘trigger’ situations and these relationships were mediated by the perceived provision of social support but not its receipt. The findings suggest that mutual aid fellowships such as GA may be effective in part because they provide opportunities for members to not only receive social support from similar others but also to make a meaningful contribution to other people’s recovery through the provision of social support, which can aid their own recovery.…”
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Improving Finance for UK Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
Published 2011“…The GPI industrial policy programme for 2011/2012 is focused on finding ways to address key restraints to growth faced by industry in the UK. …”
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Development and validation of the work environment complexity scale for leaders
Published 2019“…Design/methodology/approach – Both cross-sectional and longitudinal data, gathered in the course of major organizational restructuring, using samples from employees (n=305) and leaders (n=120) in two health care organizations. Findings – The research developed and validated a scale of WEC for leaders with two factors: (1) Frequent Change and Events, and (2) Uncertain Work Demands. …”
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Peptidylarginine deiminase inhibitors reduce bacterial membrane vesicle release and sensitize bacteria to antibiotic treatment
Published 2019“…Importantly, this resulted in enhanced antibiotic sensitivity of both E. coli and S. aureus to a range of antibiotics tested. Our findings reveal novel strategies for applying pharmacological OMV/MV-inhibition to reduce antibiotic resistance.…”
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Cognitive and emotional influences on eating behaviour: a qualitative perspective
Published 2019“…(2) Jekyll and Hyde, and (3) Emotional attachment to food. These findings highlighted a link between dieting and negative thinking, which foster unhealthy eating patterns. …”
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Clay ingestion during pregnancy among black African women in a North London Borough: understanding cultural meanings, integrating indigenous and biomedical knowledge systems
Published 2020“…Findings from this qualitative audit conducted in a North London Borough among Black African women show that clay ingestion during pregnancy is a cultural phenomenon embedded in indigenous knowledge (IK). …”
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The range and shape of thermal comfort and resilience
Published 2020“…In doing this the paper builds on past findings adding some related lessons derived from surveys from many parts of the world – especially Japan, Pakistan, Nepal and Europe. …”
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With whom do young Europeans' discuss their political identities?
Published 2020“…Based on 324 group discussions with 2000 young people, in 104 locations in 29 different European states, the findings suggest that many young people see parents as the people with whom they most often talk about politics. …”
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Young children retain fast mapped object labels better than shape, color, and texture words
Published 2015“…However, after one week only the mappings for object labels were retained above chance levels. Our findings suggest that fast mapped object labels are retained long-term better than color, shape and texture words. …”
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How do counselling psychologists talk about doing therapy with working class clients in an IAPT setting?: a Foucauldian discourse analysis
Published 2020“…The interviews were analysed using Foucauldian discourse analysis, which takes into account structural hierarchies beyond the text. Findings: Three main discourses emerged from the data: ‘class is seen and heard, but not talked or thought about’, ‘intrusion of poverty’ and ‘mind the gap’. …”
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Thesis -
Navigating an invisible labyrinth: the effect of involuntary bogus self-employment on female Greek-Cypriot educators’ job satisfaction and subjective well-being
Published 2022“…Implications of the findings are discussed to unveil the gendered challenges that women with caregiving responsibilities still face in the workplace due to insufficient childcare and caregiving support.…”
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