Nexus between fintech, green finance and natural resources management: transition of BRICS nation industries from resource curse to resource blessed sustainable economies
Published 2024“…The research shows that if BRICS nations increase their green investment, they may break free of the resource curse that has plagued them. Findings also show that the development of highly competitive green goods and practices may impede real exchange appreciation, which is consistent with the Dutch disease theory (DDT). …”
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Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting and missing (M) scores in the Industry 5.0 era: broadening firms’ and investors’ decisions to achieve sustainable development...
Published 2024“…The findings suggest that ESG reporting must expand outside its company-centric emphasis, altering existing accounting methods to embrace ESG disclosure requirements more appropriately. …”
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Digital Learning Content in Automotive Technology Program Towards Student Cognition in TVET: A Partial Experiment
Published 2024“…In total, 47 students in the Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Honours) in the Mechatronics (Automotive) programme participated in the investigation. The study's findings indicated that digital learning content has a significant positive influence on the cognitive and psychomotor achievement of students. …”
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Maintaining Water Quality in Urban Lakes: Challenges and Strategies
Published 2024“…Statistical analyses using SPSS 27 ensured a rigorous evaluation of reliability and validity. Findings regarding lake benefits underscore the significance of positive mood impact, closely followed by physical benefits and nature observation. …”
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Investigation of soil and plant nutrients in residential area in Parit Rasipan drainage system
Published 2024“…The analysis used a HACH DR6000 Spectrophotometer and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The study findings indicate that the soil concentrations of TN (1660–2250 mg/kg), TP (100–360 mg/kg), and K (1020–1692 mg/kg) fall within the range of low to very high classifications. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Investigating inter-turn fault in transformer using TTR and FRA
Published 2019“…Also, there are indicator limits has been proposed for ALSE and SD. This study finding helps to use the frequency response analysis method to replace the conventional turn ratio test.…”
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Thesis -
Factors influencing buying behavior of fashion clothing brands in Johor and Wilayah Persekutuan
Published 2019“…The findings have also revealed a positive significant relationship of social advertising and individual factors with the brand image among consumers. …”
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Thesis -
A cognitive task approach on the influence of office automation software in secretarial practice
Published 2016“…Thematic data analysis was done using card index. Findings revealed that the secretaries need short and long term training in order to be relevant in their working places as well as to be updated in the use of office automation software. …”
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Thesis -
Challenges to consumers practices toward renewable energy in household from a socio-technical perspective
Published 2017“…The extended TPB model was tested using PLS-SEM. The findings revealed that attitude is the best predictor of intention to use renewable energy in the household. …”
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Thesis -
Development of assessment tool for dyslexia screening using fuzzy logic
Published 2021“…The final finding on the system response time highlighted the developed tool's capability to improve the time taken when determining the dyslexia risk level (15 seconds per subject). …”
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Thesis -
Cupular growth rate of free neuromasts in three species of cyprinid fish
Published 1992“…The rates were 8.7-10.6 μm/h in Gnathopogon elongatus caerulescens, 10.3-11.3μm/h in Carassius auratus grandoculis, and 8.9μm/h in Zacco platypus. These findings suggest that complete replacement of the treated cupulae would take about 24h in the larvae of these species.…”
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The effect of HR practices and organizational engagement on turnover intention: a study in a selected region in Malaysia
Published 2011“…Organizational engagement was found as a partial mediator between HR practices and turnover intention. The findings imply that any initiative to affect turnover intention, organizational engagement must be addressed first. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Spam e-mail: how Malaysian e-mail users deal with it?
Published 2010“…A survey was conducted to understand how Malaysian individual perceived spam and what they actually do with the spam e-mail they received in their daily life. The findings indicate that the level of awareness on spam issue in action is still low and need some extra effort by government and relevant agencies to increase their level of awareness. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Foreign portfolio investment inflows and economic performance in Malaysia: a disaggregated analysis
Published 2008“…For further inferences, the study adopts an innovation accounting by simulating variance decompositions and impulse response functions. The study finds that there is a significant positive association between Malaysia’s GDP and the UK FPI inflow, particularly in the long run.…”
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Posterior mediastinal abscess secondary to esophageal perforation following fish bone ingestion
Published 2008“…In one of the cases the patient died because of the presentation was misdiagnosed hence leading to delay in the intervention. Radiological findings and surgical management namely esophagoscopy and neck exploration are briefly described.…”
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Sources of banks’ productivity growth in a developing economy: efficiency change or technological progress?
Published 2010“…We also explore main sources of EFFCH: either improvements in management practices (pure technical efficiency change) or optimal size (scale efficiency change). The findings indicate that the majority of the medium banks (MED_BNKS) and large banks have exhibited productivity growth, while the majority of the small and MED_BNKS have experienced productivity regress.…”
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Article -
Effectiveness of computerized visual screening tool used in driving schools in Malaysia
Published 2011“…Results: 250 subjects achieved less than 0.3 LogMAR with their best eye and 83 subjects failed the Ishihara Test after retested using the conventional tool. Conclusion: These finding showed the computerized visual screening test failed to filter some subjects according to the standards set.…”
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Antecedents of banks’ productivity growth in a developing economy: efficiency change or technological progress?
Published 2010“…This paper attempts to empirically analyse the Malaysian banking sector’s productivity during the period 1995–2004. The empirical findings suggest that the Malaysian banking sector has exhibited productivity regress during the period under study mainly due to technological regress, rather than efficiency decline. …”
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Herd behavior in Malaysian capital market: An empirical Analysis
Published 2009“…Additionally, we adopt an innovation accounting by simulating variance decompositions (VDC) and impulse response functions (IRF) for further inferences. The findings support the belief that there is a strong herd instinct prevailing among foreign investors in the Malaysian capital market.…”
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