Showing 3,041 - 3,060 results of 3,452 for search '((spinge OR (senge OR pence)) OR (((sheng OR long) OR (pina OR spengat)) OR peng))', query time: 0.22s Refine Results
  1. 3041

    Measurement of the CKM angle $$\gamma $$ in the $${{{B} ^0} \rightarrow {D} {{K} ^{*0}}}$$ channel using self-conjugate $${D} \rightarrow {{K} ^0_{\textrm{S}}} h^+ h^-$$ decays by Aaij, R., Abdelmotteleb, A. S. W., Beteta, C. Abellan, Abudinén, F., Ackernley, T., Adeva, B., Adinolfi, M., Adlarson, P., Afsharnia, H., Agapopoulou, C., Aidala, C. A., Ajaltouni, Z., Akar, S., Akiba, K., Albicocco, P., Albrecht, J., Alessio, F., Alexander, M., Albero, A. Alfonso, Aliouche, Z., Cartelle, P. Alvarez, Amalric, R., Amato, S., Amey, J. L., Amhis, Y., An, L., Anderlini, L., Andersson, M., Andreianov, A., Andreola, P. A., Andreotti, M., Andreou, D., Ao, D., Archilli, F., Artamonov, A., Artuso, M., Aslanides, E., Atzeni, M., Audurier, B., Perea, I. B. Bachiller, Bachmann, S., Bachmayer, M., Back, J. J., Bailly-reyre, A., Rodriguez, P. Baladron, Balagura, V., Baldini, W., de Souza Leite, J. Baptista, Barbetti, M., Barbosa, I. R., Barlow, R. J., Barsuk, S., Barter, W., Bartolini, M., Baryshnikov, F., Basels, J. M., Bassi, G., Batsukh, B., Battig, A., Bay, A., Beck, A., Becker, M., Bedeschi, F., Bediaga, I. B., Beiter, A., Belin, S., Bellee, V., Belous, K., Belov, I., Belyaev, I., Benane, G., Bencivenni, G., Ben-Haim, E., Berezhnoy, A., Bernet, R., Andres, S. Bernet, Berninghoff, D., Bernstein, H. C., Bertella, C., Bertolin, A., Betancourt, C., Betti, F., Bezshyiko, Ia., Bhom, J., Bian, L., Bieker, M. S., Biesuz, N. V., Billoir, P., Biolchini, A., Birch, M., Bishop, F. C. R., Bitadze, A., Bizzeti, A., Blago, M. P., Blake, T., Blanc, F., Blank, J. E., Blusk, S., Bobulska, D., Bocharnikov, V. B., Boelhauve, J. A., Garcia, O. Boente, Boettcher, T., Bohare, A., Boldyrev, A., Bolognani, C. S., Bolzonella, R., Bondar, N., Borgato, F., Borghi, S., Borsato, M., Borsuk, J. T., Bouchiba, S. A., Bowcock, T. J. V., Boyer, A., Bozzi, C., Bradley, M. J., Braun, S., Rodriguez, A. Brea, Breer, N., Brodzicka, J., Gonzalo, A. Brossa, Brown, J., Brundu, D., Buonaura, A., Buonincontri, L., Burke, A. T., Burr, C., Bursche, A., Butkevich, A., Butter, J. S., Buytaert, J., Byczynski, W., Cadeddu, S., Cai, H., Calabrese, R., Calefice, L., Cali, S., Calvi, M., Gomez, M. Calvo, Campana, P., Perez, D. H. Campora, Quezada, A. F. Campoverde, Capelli, S., Capriotti, L., Carbone, A., Cardinale, R., Cardini, A., Carniti, P., Carus, L., Vidal, A. Casais, Caspary, R., Casse, G., Cattaneo, M., Cavallero, G., Cavallini, V., Celani, S., Cerasoli, J., Cervenkov, D., Chadwick, A. J., Chahrour, I. C., Chapman, M. G., Charles, M., Charpentier, Ph., Barajas, C. A. Chavez, Chefdeville, M., Chen, C., Chen, S., Chernov, A., Chernyshenko, S., Chobanova, V., Cholak, S., Chrzaszcz, M., Chubykin, A., Chulikov, V., Ciambrone, P., Cicala, M. F., Vidal, X. Cid, Ciezarek, G., Cifra, P., Ciullo, G., Clarke, P. E. L., Clemencic, M., Cliff, H. V., Closier, J., Cobbledick, J. L., Coco, V., Cogan, J., Cogneras, E., Cojocariu, L., Collins, P., Colombo, T., Comerma-Montells, A., Congedo, L., Contu, A., Cooke, N., Corredoira, I., Corti, G., Meldrum, J. J. Cottee, Couturier, B., Craik, D. C., Torres, M. Cruz, Currie, R., Da Silva, C. L., Dadabaev, S., Dai, L., Dai, X., Dall’Occo, E., Dalseno, J., D’Ambrosio, C., Daniel, J., Danilina, A., d’Argent, P., Davies, J. E., Davis, A., De Aguiar Francisco, O., de Boer, J., De Bruyn, K., De Capua, S., De Cian, M., De Freitas Carneiro Da Graca, U., De Lucia, E., De Miranda, J. M., De Paula, L., De Serio, M., De Simone, D., De Simone, P., De Vellis, F., de Vries, J. A., Dean, C. T., Debernardis, F., Decamp, D., Dedu, V., Buono, L. Del, Delaney, B., Dembinski, H.-P., Denysenko, V., Deschamps, O., Dettori, F., Dey, B., Nezza, P. Di, Diachkov, I., Didenko, S., Ding, S., Dobishuk, V., Dolmatov, A., Dong, C., Donohoe, A. M., Dordei, F., Reis, A. C. dos, Douglas, L., Downes, A. G., Duan, W., Duda, P., Dudek, M. W., Dufour, L., Duk, V., Durante, P., Duras, M. M., Durham, J. M., Dutta, D., Dziurda, A., Dzyuba, A., Easo, S., Egede, U., Egorychev, A., Egorychev, V., Orro, C. Eirea, Eisenhardt, S., Ejopu, E., Ek-In, S., Eklund, L., Elashri, M. E., Ellbracht, J., Ely, S., Ene, A., Epple, E., Escher, S., Eschle, J., Esen, S., Evans, T., Fabiano, F., Falcao, L. N., Fan, Y., Fang, B., Fantini, L., Faria, M., Farmer, K., Farry, S., Fazzini, D., Felkowski, L. F., Feng, M., Feo, M., Gomez, M. Fernandez, Fernez, A. D., Ferrari, F., Lopes, L. Ferreira, Rodrigues, F. Ferreira, Sole, S. Ferreres, Ferrillo, M., Ferro-Luzzi, M., Filippov, S., Fini, R. A., Fiorini, M., Firlej, M., Fischer, K. M., Fitzgerald, D. S., Fitzpatrick, C., Fiutowski, T., Fleuret, F., Fontana, M., Fontanelli, F., Foreman, L. F., Forty, R., Foulds-Holt, D., Lima, V. Franco, Sevilla, M. Franco, Frank, M., Franzoso, E., Frau, G., Frei, C., Friday, D. A., Frontini, L. F., Fu, J., Fuehring, Q., Fulghesu, T., Gabriel, E., Galati, G., Galati, M. D., Torreira, A. Gallas, Galli, D., Gambetta, S., Gandelman, M., Gandini, P., Gao, H. G., Gao, R., Gao, Y., Gao, Y., Garau, M., Martin, L. M. Garcia, Moreno, P. Garcia, Pardiñas, J. García, Plana, B. Garcia, Rosales, F. A. Garcia, Garrido, L., Gaspar, C., Geertsema, R. E., Gerken, L. L., Gersabeck, E., Gersabeck, M., Gershon, T., Giambastiani, L., Gibson, V., Giemza, H. K., Gilman, A. L., Giovannetti, M., Gioventù, A., Gironell, P. Gironella, Giugliano, C., Giza, M. A., Gizdov, K., Gkougkousis, E. L., Gligorov, V. V., Göbel, C., Golobardes, E., Golubkov, D., Golutvin, A., Gomes, A., Fernandez, S. Gomez, Abrantes, F. Goncalves, Goncerz, M., Gong, G., Gooding, J. A., Gorelov, I. V., Gotti, C., Grabowski, J. P., Cardoso, L. A. Granado, Graugés, E., Graverini, E., Graziani, G., Grecu, A. T., Greeven, L. M., Grieser, N. A., Grillo, L., Gromov, S., Gu, C., Guarise, M., Guittiere, M., Guliaeva, V., Günther, P. A., Guseinov, A. K., Gushchin, E., Guz, Y., Gys, T., Hadavizadeh, T., Hadjivasiliou, C., Haefeli, G., Haen, C., Haimberger, J., Haines, S. C., Halewood-leagas, T., Halvorsen, M. M., Hamilton, P. M., Hammerich, J., Han, Q., Han, X., Hansmann-Menzemer, S., Hao, L., Harnew, N., Harrison, T., Hasse, C., Hatch, M., He, J., Heijhoff, K., Hemmer, F. H., Henderson, C., Henderson, R. D. L., Hennequin, A. M., Hennessy, K., Henry, L., Herd, J., Heuel, J., Hicheur, A., Hill, D., Hilton, M., Hollitt, S. E., Horswill, J., Hou, R., Hu, J., Hu, J., Hu, W., Hu, X., Huang, W., Huang, X., Hulsbergen, W., Hunter, R. J., Hushchyn, M., Hutchcroft, D., Ibis, P., Idzik, M., Ilin, D., Ilten, P., Inglessi, A., Iniukhin, A., Ishteev, A., Ivshin, K., Jacobsson, R., Jage, H., Elles, S. J. Jaimes, Jakobsen, S., Jans, E., Jashal, B. K., Jawahery, A., Jevtic, V., Jiang, E., Jiang, X., Jiang, Y., Jiang, Y. J., John, M., Johnson, D., Jones, C. R., Jones, T. P., Joshi, S. J., Jost, B., Jurik, N., Juszczak, I., Kaminaris, D., Kandybei, S., Kang, Y., Karacson, M., Karpenkov, D., Karpov, M., Kautz, J. W., Keizer, F., Keller, D. M., Kenzie, M., Ketel, T., Khanji, B., Kharisova, A., Kholodenko, S., Khreich, G., Kirn, T., Kirsebom, V. S., Kitouni, O., Klaver, S., Kleijne, N., Klimaszewski, K., Kmiec, M. R., Koliiev, S., Kolk, L., Kondybayeva, A., Konoplyannikov, A., Kopciewicz, P., Kopecna, R., Koppenburg, P., Korolev, M., Kostiuk, I., Kot, O., Kotriakhova, S., Kozachuk, A., Kravchenko, P., Kravchuk, L., Kreps, M., Kretzschmar, S., Krokovny, P., Krupa, W., Krzemien, W., Kubat, J., Kubis, S., Kucewicz, W., Kucharczyk, M., Kudryavtsev, V., Kulikova, E. K., Kupsc, A., Lacarrere, D., Lafferty, G., Lai, A., Lampis, A., Lancierini, D., Gomez, C. Landesa, Lane, J. J., Lane, R., Langenbruch, C., Langer, J., Lantwin, O., Latham, T., Lazzari, F., Lazzeroni, C., Gac, R. Le, Lee, S. H., Lefèvre, R., Leflat, A., Legotin, S., Lenisa, P., Leroy, O., Lesiak, T., Leverington, B., Li, A., Li, H., Li, K., Li, L., Li, P., Li, P. -R., Li, S., Li, T., Li, T., Li, Y., Li, Z., Lian, Z., Liang, X., Lin, C., Lin, T., Lindner, R., Lisovskyi, V., Litvinov, R., Liu, G., Liu, H., Liu, K., Liu, Q., Liu, S., Salvia, A. Lobo, Loi, A., Castro, J. Lomba, Longstaff, I., Lopes, J. H., Huertas, A. Lopez, Soliño, S. L.ópez, Lovell, G. H., Lu, Y., Lucarelli, C., Lucchesi, D., Luchuk, S., Martinez, M. Lucio, Lukashenko, V., Luo, Y., Lupato, A., Luppi, E., Lynch, K., Lyu, X. -R., Ma, R., Maccolini, S., Machefert, F., Maciuc, F., Mackay, I., Macko, V., Mohan, L. R. Madhan, Madurai, M. M., Maevskiy, A., Maisuzenko, D., Majewski, M. W., Malczewski, J. J., Malde, S., Malecki, B., Malinin, A., Maltsev, T., Manca, G., Mancinelli, G., Mancuso, C., Escalero, R. Manera, Manuzzi, D., Manzari, C. A., Marangotto, D., Marchand, J. F., Marconi, U., Mariani, S., Benito, C. Marin, Marks, J., Marshall, A. M., Marshall, P. J., Martelli, G., Martellotti, G., Martinazzoli, L., Martinelli, M., Santos, D. Martinez, Vidal, F. Martinez, Massafferri, A., Materok, M., Matev, R., Mathad, A., Matiunin, V., Matteuzzi, C., Mattioli, K. R., Mauri, A., Maurice, E., Mauricio, J., Mazurek, M., McCann, M., Mcconnell, L., McGrath, T. H., McHugh, N. T., McNab, A., McNulty, R., Meadows, B., Meier, G., Melnychuk, D., Merk, M., Merli, A., Garcia, L. Meyer, Miao, D., Miao, H., Mikhasenko, M., Milanes, D. A., Milovanovic, M., Minard, M.-N., Minotti, A., Minucci, E., Miralles, T., Mitchell, S. E., Mitreska, B., Mitzel, D. S., Modak, A., Mödden, A., Mohammed, R. A., Moise, R. D., Mokhnenko, S., Mombächer, T., Monk, M., Monroy, I. A., Monteil, S., Morello, G., Morello, M. J., Morgenthaler, M. P., Moron, J., Morris, A. B., Morris, A. G., Mountain, R., Mu, H., Mu, Z. M., Muhammad, E., Muheim, F., Mulder, M., Müller, K., Murray, D., Murta, R., Muzzetto, P., Naik, P., Nakada, T., Nandakumar, R., Nanut, T., Nasteva, I., Needham, M., Neri, N., Neubert, S., Neufeld, N., Neustroev, P., Newcombe, R., Nicolini, J., Nicotra, D., Niel, E. M., Nieswand, S., Nikitin, N., Nolte, N. S., Normand, C., Fernandez, J. Novoa, Nowak, G. N., Nunez, C., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Obraztsov, V., Oeser, T., Okamura, S., Oldeman, R., Oliva, F., Olocco, M. O., Onderwater, C. J. G., O’Neil, R. H., Goicochea, J. M. Otalora, Ovsiannikova, T., Owen, P., Oyanguren, A., Ozcelik, O., Padeken, K. O., Pagare, B., Pais, P. R., Pajero, T., Palano, A., Palutan, M., Panshin, G., Paolucci, L., Papanestis, A., Pappagallo, M., Pappalardo, L. L., Pappenheimer, C., Parkes, C., Passalacqua, B., Passaleva, G., Pastore, A., Patel, M., Patrignani, C., Pawley, C. J., Pellegrino, A., Altarelli, M. Pepe, Perazzini, S., Pereima, D., Castro, A. Pereiro, Perret, P., Perro, A., Petridis, K., Petrolini, A., Petrucci, S., Petruzzo, M., Pham, H., Philippov, A., Pica, L., Piccini, M., Pietrzyk, B., Pietrzyk, G., Pinci, D., Pisani, F., Pizzichemi, M., Placinta, V., Plews, J., Casasus, M. Plo, Polci, F., Lener, M. Poli, Poluektov, A., Polukhina, N., Polyakov, I., Polycarpo, E., Ponce, S., Popov, D., Poslavskii, S., Prasanth, K., Promberger, L., Prouve, C., Pugatch, V., Puill, V., Punzi, G., Qi, H. R., Qian, W., Qin, N., Qu, S., Quagliani, R., Rachwal, B., Rademacker, J. H., Rajagopalan, R., Rama, M., Pernas, M. Ramos, Rangel, M. S., Ratnikov, F., Raven, G., De Miguel, M. Rebollo, Redi, F., Reich, J., Reiss, F., Ren, Z., Resmi, P. K., Ribatti, R., Ricciardi, S., Richardson, K., Richardson-Slipper, M., Rinnert, K., Robbe, P., Robertson, G., Rodrigues, E., Fernandez, E. Rodriguez, Lopez, J. A. Rodriguez, Rodriguez, E. Rodriguez, Rolf, D. L., Rollings, A., Roloff, P., Romanovskiy, V., Lamas, M. Romero, Vidal, A. Romero, Ronchetti, F., Rotondo, M., Rudolph, M. S., Ruf, T., Fernandez, R. A. Ruiz, Vidal, J. Ruiz, Ryzhikov, A., Ryzka, J., Silva, J. J. Saborido, Sagidova, N., Sahoo, N., Saitta, B., Salomoni, M., Gras, C. Sanchez, Sanderswood, I., Santacesaria, R., Rios, C. Santamarina, Santimaria, M., Santoro, L., Santovetti, E., Saranin, D., Sarpis, G., Sarpis, M., Sarti, A., Satriano, C., Satta, A., Saur, M., Savrina, D., Sazak, H., Smead, L. G. Scantlebury, Scarabotto, A., Schael, S., Scherl, S., Schertz, A. M., Schiller, M., Schindler, H., Schmelling, M., Schmidt, B., Schmitt, S., Schneider, O., Schopper, A., Schubiger, M., Schulte, N., Schulte, S., Schune, M. H., Schwemmer, R., Schwering, G., Sciascia, B., Sciuccati, A., Sellam, S., Semennikov, A., Soares, M. Senghi, Sergi, A., Serra, N., Sestini, L., Seuthe, A., Shang, Y., Shangase, D. M., Shapkin, M., Shchemerov, I., Shchutska, L., Shears, T., Shekhtman, L., Shen, Z., Sheng, S., Sheth, S. S., Shevchenko, V., Shi, B., Shields, E. B., Shimizu, Y., Shmanin, E., Shorkin, R., Shupperd, J. D., Siddi, B. G., Coutinho, R. Silva, Simi, G., Simone, S., Singla, M., Skidmore, N., Skuza, R., Skwarnicki, T., Slater, M. W., Smallwood, J. C., Smeaton, J. G., Smith, E., Smith, K., Smith, M., Snoch, A., Lavra, L. Soares, Sokoloff, M. D., Soler, F. J. P., Solomin, A., Solovev, A., Solovyev, I., Song, R., Song, Y., Song, Y. S., Song, Y. S., De Almeida, F. L. Souza, De Paula, B. Souza, Norella, E. Spadaro, Spedicato, E., Speer, J. G., Spiridenkov, E., Spradlin, P., Sriskaran, V., Stagni, F., Stahl, M., Stahl, S., Stanislaus, S., Stein, E. N., Steinkamp, O., Stenyakin, O., Stevens, H., Strekalina, D., Su, Y. S., Suljik, F., Sun, J., Sun, L., Sun, Y., Swallow, P. N., Swientek, K., Szabelski, A., Szumlak, T., Szymanski, M., Tan, Y., Taneja, S., Tat, M. D., Terentev, A., Teubert, F., Thomas, E., Thompson, D. J. D., Tilquin, H., Tisserand, V., T’Jampens, S., Tobin, M., Tomassetti, L., Tonani, G., Tong, X., Machado, D. Torres, Toscano, L., Tou, D. Y., Trippl, C., Tuci, G., Tuning, N., Ukleja, A., Unverzagt, D. J., Ursov, E., Usachov, A., Ustyuzhanin, A., Uwer, U., Vagnoni, V., Valassi, A., Valenti, G., Canudas, N. Valls, Dijk, M. Van, Hecke, H. Van, Herwijnen, E. van, Hulse, C. B. Van, Laak, R. Van, Veghel, M. van, Gomez, R. Vazquez, Regueiro, P. Vazquez, Sierra, C. V.ázquez, Vecchi, S., Velthuis, J. J., Veltri, M., Venkateswaran, A., Vesterinen, M., Vieira, D., Diaz, M. Vieites, Vilasis-Cardona, X., Figueras, E. Vilella, Villa, A., Vincent, P., Volle, F. C., Bruch, D. vom, Vorobyev, V., Voropaev, N., Vos, K., Vrahas, C., Walsh, J., Walton, E. J., Wan, G., Wang, C., Wang, G., Wang, J., Wang, J., Wang, J., Wang, J., Wang, M., Wang, N. W., Wang, R., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, Z., Wang, Z., Ward, J. A., Watson, N. K., Websdale, D., Wei, Y., Westhenry, B. D. C., White, D. J., Whitehead, M., Wiederhold, A. R., Wiedner, D., Wilkinson, G., Wilkinson, M. K., Williams, I., Williams, M., Williams, M. R. J., Williams, R., Wilson, F. F., Wislicki, W., Witek, M., Witola, L., Wong, C. P., Wormser, G., Wotton, S. A., Wu, H., Wu, J., Wu, Y., Wyllie, K., Xian, S., Xiang, Z., Xie, Y., Xu, A., Xu, J., Xu, L., Xu, L., Xu, M., Xu, Z., Xu, Z., Xu, Z., Yang, D., Yang, S., Yang, X., Yang, Y., Yang, Z., Yang, Z., Yeroshenko, V., Yeung, H., Yin, H., Yu, C. Y., Yu, J., Yuan, X., Zaffaroni, E., Zavertyaev, M., Zdybal, M., Zeng, M., Zhang, C., Zhang, D., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Zhang, S., Zhang, S., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Zharkova, A., Zhelezov, A., Zheng, Y., Zhou, T., Zhou, X., Zhou, Y., Zhovkovska, V., Zhu, L. Z., Zhu, X., Zhu, X., Zhu, Z., Zhukov, V., Zhuo, J., Zou, Q., Zucchelli, S., Zuliani, D., Zunica, G.

    Published 2024
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  2. 3042
  3. 3043

    Towards A Robust Integrated Urban Mobility System: Public Transit and Ride-Sharing Systems by Guo, Xiaotong

    Published 2024
    “…This is attributed to their capacity to move large numbers of people over long distances at a relatively low cost and an environmentally friendly way. …”
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  4. 3044
  5. 3045

    抒情作家莫河的地方经验 : 故土、历史与文化的记忆 = Lyrical writer Mo He's local experiences : the memories of homeland, history and culture by 蒋承耘 Jiang, Chengyun

    Published 2021
    “…Mo He, a Singaporean Chinese author, had been publishing Chinese literary works for more than 50 years (1950s to 2010s). His long-spanning writing career was a result of his deep passion in the subject. …”
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    Thesis-Master by Research
  6. 3046

    Interface engineering for organic−inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells by Foo, Shini

    Published 2022
    “…It is revealed, through this paper, that the use of both AITO and SnO2 ETLs in a single device provides synergistic benefits to the overall performance, long−term stability, and reproducibility of the planar OIHP solar devices. …”
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    Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy
  7. 3047
  8. 3048

    Clustering-based solutions for energy efficiency, adaptability and resilience in IoT networks by Shivaraman, Nitin

    Published 2024
    “…Communication between these devices is the highest energy consuming operation and hence, needs to be efficient to sustain their operations in a network over long periods. Additionally, devices may join, leave or move across the network in an ad-hoc manner. …”
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    Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy
  9. 3049
  10. 3050
  11. 3051

    Semantic scene understanding on 3D point clouds by Dong, Shichao

    Published 2025
    “…This approach efficiently produces a substantial amount of 3D scene data without relying on real data, offering significant advantages in addressing few-shot learning challenges and mitigating long-tailed class imbalances. Our work contributes to enhancing 3D data diversity and advancing model capabilities in scene understanding tasks.…”
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    Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy
  12. 3052

    Scheduling and resource optimization in rail operations : models and algorithms by Birhade, Mahendra Pandharinath

    Published 2016
    “…Railway resources such as tracks, overhead equipment, locomotives, passenger and freight cars require huge capital investments and long lead time for procurement and installation. …”
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  13. 3053

    Pnictogen-halide semiconductors for photovoltaics by Liu, P

    Published 2025
    “…</p> <p>But reaching the optical limits in efficiency requires long diffusion lengths, and this can be severely limited by carrier-phonon coupling. …”
  14. 3054

    Exploiting LoRaWAN for efficient and resilient IoT networks by Gu, Chaojie

    Published 2020
    “…This thesis aims at studying how the low-power long-range communication capability of LoRaWAN can be exploited to address some of the efficiency and resilience issues in IoT networks. …”
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    Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy
  15. 3055
  16. 3056
  17. 3057
  18. 3058

    Towards robust sensing and recognition : from statistical learning to transfer learning by Yang, Jianfei

    Published 2020
    “…They greatly give impetus to dealing with real-world domain adaptation scenarios such as long-tailed data or automatic model adaptation in edge devices. …”
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    Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy
  19. 3059

    Surface engineering to manipulate solar energy for thermal management by Fei, Jipeng

    Published 2023
    “…It was found that high relative humidity (averagely ~65% at sunny daytime and higher on cloudy days) leads to an apparently narrowed atmospheric window, which strongly hinders the long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) radiation. Meanwhile, daytime solar intensity in Singapore can reach more than 1200 W/m2, which is much higher than that in other regions. …”
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    Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy
  20. 3060

    In-situ infrared spectroscopy studies of surface reactions over irradiated photocatalysts by Gong, Dangguo

    Published 2013
    “…DRIFTS studies were made initially on P25 TiO2 and its platinized form to establish any changes in state under illumination and its relation with the ambient gas environment, water vapour and O2 in particular. Earlier reports of long-lived and reversible photochromism due to free carriers (electrons) were confirmed, and a detailed study made of the conditions that optimize the effect. …”
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