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Automation acceptance for sustainable digital daily life
Published 2024“…While various daily life activities have seamlessly integrated automation, such as bill payments and streaming recommended entertainment, those with substantial energy impacts, like home energy management, face challenges in gaining end-user acceptance. …”
Conference item -
Discovering objects and their location in images
Published 2005“…The model is applied to images by using a visual analogue of a word, formed by vector quantizing SIFT-like region descriptors. The topic discovery approach successfully translates to the visual domain: for a small set of objects, we show that both the object categories and their approximate spatial layout are found without supervision. …”
Conference item -
What Dicey forgot
Published 2024“…For over a century, Dicey’s account of the rule of law dominated constitutional scholarship and, like any successful academic exercise, has not lacked critics. …”
Book section -
Exploring China’s cyber sovereignty concept and artificial intelligence governance model: a machine learning approach
Published 2025“…Dissatisfied with the status quo, some developing countries like China embrace another governance concept called cyber sovereignty, which advocates more state control. …”
Journal article -
Derivation of a rotation curve model based on time of events theory and its application on samples of several spiral galaxies
Published 2024“…The findings showed that the bulge plays a limited role for the galaxies with large extensions like IC 2574 and NGC 3198, where the dark matter in the halo region controls and determines the shape of the diagram of the rotation curves in these galaxies. …”
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Article -
Asynchronous wood formation in young Acacia mangium planted in Malaysia
Published 2002“…The objective of this report is to show the asynchronous wood formation from the observation of indistinct, ring-like structures. Young Acacia mangium planted in Malaysia was investigated for asynchronous wood formation anatomically and macroscopically. …”
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Analysing the project delay causes and improving quality using multi-project strategies.
Published 2023“…The clients and contractors gave the same importance to factors like poor communications and governmental approvals in projects that were successful (had a time delay of less than 10%). …”
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Article -
Smuggling of Migrants in Malaysia: The Case Study of Illegal Immigrants in the Northern Region
Published 2019“…The data sample of this study are taken from 54 illegal immigrants who are being detained at the Immigration Detention Centre at Sik, Kedah and also those who settled in several districts in the Northern part of the Peninsular Malaysia. Relevant authorities like Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, Malaysia Immigration Department and Border Ranger Regiment, are being interviewed. …”
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Article -
21W.747 Rhetoric, Fall 2002
Published 2002“…Understanding rhetoric, then, is our best defense against its abusers-- e.g., political "spin doctors," advertisers, demagogues, apologists for immoral business practices, and hate mongers. …”
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Learning Object -
Promoting Sustainable Management Through Technological Innovation /
Published 2023“…The world is currently grappling with unprecedented environmental and social challenges that jeopardize our ability to achieve a sustainable future for all. Issues like climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality require urgent and effective action. …”
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software, multimedia -
Exciton Dynamics and Anisotropy in 2D Metal Organochalcogenolate Semiconductors
Published 2024“…This finding can be generalized to other blue-emitting 2D AgSePh-R compounds which exhibit either AgSePh-like or AgSePh-F₂(2,3)-like absorption spectra. Overall, this thesis advances the understanding of the structure-composition-excitonic property relationships in these emerging hybrid semiconductors, paving the way for future investigations into this exciting material family.…”
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Thesis -
Bacteria-mediated anti-cancer therapy
Published 2019“…Traditional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy continue to have limited efficacy due to phenomena like tumor hypoxia and multi-drug resistance. …”
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Thesis -
Modulation and control strategies for neutral-point-clamped converters
Published 2021“…NPC converters are widely employed in grid integration of renewable energy sources like solar and wind energy, high-power motor drives, shunt active power filters, etc. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Effect of surface albedo of urban fabrics on urban climate in tropical area
Published 2023“…The resulting urban heat island (UHI) effect can be harmful to urban residents. In tropical regions like Singapore, the direct influence would be heat stress in the outdoor environment and higher energy consumption by air-conditioning. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Pre-failure strain localization in siliclastic rocks: a comparative study of laboratory and numerical approaches
Published 2024Get full text
Journal Article -
Interaction-mediating sequences within class I viral fusion glycoproteins : their roles in viral infection and in applications
Published 2015“…These putative self-binding peptides contain five core octapeptide consensus sequences, among which the octapeptide GINITNFR was predicted to form β-zipper-mediated amyloid-like fibrils. The peptide C6 containing this sequence was subsequently shown to oligomerize and form amyloid-like fibrils. …”
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Thesis -
Discrete geodesic graphs
Published 2019“…As discrete surfaces are not able to generalize like parametric surfaces, computing the distance metric requires complex models and provides with huge possibilities to algorithm design. …”
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Thesis -
Next generation design of floating systems for coastal solar farms
Published 2023“…It is found that the wave transmission decreases as barriers shift from plate-like to membrane-like and its material has higher viscosity. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Language dynamics in the agricultural sector: Determining language use and choices in a Malaysian organization
Published 2024“…These findings provide insights into language use in agricultural companies in multilingual countries like Malaysia, emphasizing the need for continuous language training to bridge proficiency gaps.…”
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Article -
Looking for a better future: modeling migrant mobility
Published 2021“…A recent example is the Venezuelan migration crisis across South America, which particularly affects neighboring countries like Colombia. Creating an effective response to the crisis is a challenge for governments and international agencies, given the lack of information about migrants’ location, flows and behaviors within and across host countries. …”
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