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Published 2023“…Dalam keadaan resah, si bapa membelikan panduan membaca sehingga beratus ringgit. Itu pun semakin berganda. …”
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Hindun binti Uthbah /
Published 2024“…Demi menebus segala dosa silam yang terasa tidak pernah pudarndalam lubuk hatinya, beliau dan suaminya sehingga penghujung hayat, menabur tubuh dan bakti hanya demi Islam. …”
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A 1-bit 16×16 reconfigurable intelligent surfaces array for C-band
Published 2025“…RIS array is achieved by combining a number of basic elements together with PIN diodes which control the on and off state of RIS units. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Behind every domain there is a shift: adapting distortion-aware vision transformers for panoramic semantic segmentation
Published 2024“…Third, aside from Pinhole-to-Panoramic ( Pin2Pan ) adaptation, we create a new dataset (SynPASS) with 9,080 panoramic images, facilitating Synthetic-to-Real ( Syn2Real ) adaptation scheme in 360∘ imagery. …”
Journal article -
Experimental studies of melting PCM in a heat sink
Published 2011“…The heat sink design that was the focus of this study is based on the pin finned heat sink design. Experiments mainly pertaining to the characteristics of the melting PCM in the heat sinks were observed and recorded to further understand the behaviours and characteristics of the melting PCM. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Lebih 100 sertai Persidangan World Sustainable Construction Conference Series 2023
Published 2023“…KUALA LUMPUR, 13 Oktober 2023 - Persidangan World Sustainable Construction Conference Series 2023 (WSCC Series 2023) anjuran Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Awam (FTKA), Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) telah diadakan secara fizikal pada 13 sehingga 14 Oktober 2023 bertempat di Tamu Hotel & Suites, Kuala Lumpur.…”
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Newspaper -
Mohamad Nor Iman rajin bekerja demi menggenggam segulung ijazah
Published 2024“…GAMBANG, 26 Oktober 2024 – Melakukan pelbagai pekerjaan semasa belajar, Mohamad Nor Iman Mat Nasir, 27 tidak pernah berputus asa sehingga berjaya memperoleh Ijazah Sarjana Muda (Kepujian) Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (Automotif) dalam Majlis Konvokesyen Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) Ke-19.…”
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Newspaper -
Published 2023“…Sekiranya anda membeli buku ini dan membaca sehingga habis, anda berpeluang menjadi jutawan. Anda juga berpeluang menelusuri kisah benar 20 jutawan yang dikongsikan oleh pengarang buku ini.…”
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Published 2021“…Tanggal 26 April 1976 pula mencatat sejarah hitam apabila sebuah helikopter Nuri TUDM ditembak jatuh oleh pengganas komunis sehingga mengorbankan 11 nyawa perwira negara. Di sini juga terletaknya Kem Gubir yang menempatkan Markas Taktikal Angkatan Tentera Malaysia. …”
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Manifestasi unsur eufemisme dalam novel Mental karya Shaz Johar berdasarkan Teori Medan Semantik
Published 2021“…Penggunaan bahasa yang cacamarba serta kabur maknanya sehingga boleh disalahertikan sering berlaku bukan sahaja dalam kalangan golongan dewasa, malah juga golongan remaja. …”
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Thesis -
Hybrid biometric authentication for automatic teller machine
Published 2024“…Unlike traditional password or PIN-based methods, biometric authentication uses unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, to verify identity. …”
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Article -
Design of a dual band planar inverted-F antenna for GMS/DCS mobile handset
Published 2008“…This project involved the study of size miniaturization of microstrip antenna techniques: shorting pin and shorting wall, loading, shorted spiral printed antenna and stacked shorted patch antenna are fully discussed.…”
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Thesis -
Study on the wear characteristics of aluminium metal matrix composite with 15% Al2O3 and 20% Al2O3
Published 2008“…The objective of this dissertation was to study the wear characteristics and behaviour of aluminium metal matrix composite materials (MMCs), namely Duralcan 286 and Duralcan 284 as a pin material when mated against three types of dics materials.…”
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Thesis -
Kesan persekitaran pekerjaan terhadap penglibatan wanita dalam STEM
Published 2024“…Terdapat enam model telah dibangunkan dalam kajian ini menggunakan pemboleh ubah bersandar yang berbeza bagi melihat kesan dan impak disebabkan perubahan pemboleh ubah bebas. Model 1 sehingga model 3 merangkumi wanita yang sertai dan kekal dalam STEM. …”
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Article -
Bahasa sarkastik dalam laman sosial Facebook
Published 2022“…Impaknya, bahasa sarkastik telah mengalami permasalahan dari sudut kekeliruan bentuk (Alva, 2016) dan percanggahan makna (Rockwell, 2005) sehingga bahasa sarkastik telah menjadi satu bahasa yang agak rumit untuk difahami (Penny, 2018). …”
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Thesis -
Experimental and numerical investigations of hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns susceptible to flexural buckling
Published 2022“…A thorough testing and numerical modelling programme has been conducted to investigate the minor-axis flexural buckling behaviour and resistances of pin-ended hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns. …”
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Journal Article -
Khaulah Al-Azwar : BIDADARI BESI /
Published 2023“…Tiada tandingan, tidak gentar dan gerun, beliau terus melangkah sehingga namanya sebaris 'Pedang Allah', Khalid al-Walid. …”
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Measuring membrane capacitance during a depolarizing stimulus
Published 2010“…It is critical to resolve the highly dynamic kinetic steps along the molecular cascade of exocytosis in order to pin down the specific actions of regulatory molecules and eventually decipher this complex and fundamental process.…”
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Research Report -
Menara Gading Tunjang Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan Realistik atau Utopia
Published 2025“…Fungsi dan signifikan institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) sehingga kini berterusan dicabar. Adakah masih relevan menterjemahkan segala aspirasi negara dalam bentuk pembangunan modal insan, penghasilan teknologi terunggul mahupun pembudayaan nilai-nilai sahsiah terpuji. …”
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UMPSA News -