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Getting from here to there : stitching together goods agreements in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement
Published 2013“…The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement might yet end up being a high-quality, 21st century agreement, but market access in goods will not be at the cutting edge, but rather, bringing up the rear.…”
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Working Paper -
Predictors of depression among trainee counselors: the role of coping styles and resilience
Published 2024“…Remarkably, within this study, 46.2% of trainee counselors were found to be grappling with moderate to severe depressive symptoms. The study brings to light significant associations among trainee counselors between coping mechanisms, such as emotion-focused and avoidant coping, resilience, and depression. …”
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Article -
A Learning Community of Reflective Teachers : From Whispers to Resonance /
Published 2024“…A unique story of community building and teacher education, this book also contains key outcomes and insights which take us through their action research projects and showcases a model of teacher development that can be adopted by interested readers. Above all, it brings out the crying need for a teacher's voice to be heard - for far too long, teachers have been mere implementers of decisions taken by policy makers or managements of schools. …”
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software, multimedia -
A mechanism-based theory of cellular and tissue plasticity
Published 2024“…Our theory predicts that endocytic vesicles with a size around 1 to 2 µm will most likely be formed and a higher irreversible shortening of cell junctions could be achieved if a long stimulation is split into multiple short ones, all in quantitative agreement with experiments. …”
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Journal Article -
Pyrroloquinoline quinone aza-crown ether complexes as biomimetics for lanthanide and calcium dependent alcohol dehydrogenases
Published 2021“…In addition, we report a new straightforward synthetic route (3 steps instead of 11 and 33 % instead of 0.6 % yield) for biomimetic ligands based on PQQ. We show that when studying biomimetics for MDH, larger metal ions and those with lower charge in this case promote the dehydrogenation reaction more effectively and that this is likely an effect of the ligand design which must be considered when studying biomimetics. …”
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Article -
Give your money and lose your friend : the roles of social exclusion and money anthropomorphism in charitable giving
Published 2019“…Lastly, we predicted that socially excluded people would be less likely to donate money compared to socially included people, but only when money is anthropomorphized. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Match making in complex social networks
Published 2021“…We also investigate when social systems become more densely connected, how the match making process would be affected. Our observations show that, in a more densely connected social network, individuals’ efforts for seeking for matches with the strongest partners would be more likely to end up with matching with someone similar to themselves. …”
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Journal Article -
Cooperative field localization and excitation eigenmodes in disordered metamaterials
Published 2019“…We find substantially increased standard deviation of the Purcell enhancement with disorder, making it increasingly likely to find collective excitation eigenmodes with very high Purcell factors that are also stronger for magnetic than electric excitations. …”
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Journal Article -
Picosecond charge localization dynamics in CH₃NH₃PbI₃ perovskite probed by infrared-activated vibrations
Published 2022“…A subpopulation of these can then fall into deeper trapped states over picoseconds, likely due to local reorganization of the organic molecules surrounding the carriers.…”
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Journal Article -
On assuming Mean Radiant Temperature equal to air temperature during PMV-based thermal comfort study in air-conditioned buildings
Published 2017“…A correlation study between AMV and the six Macpherson factors reveals that MRT has the highest positive correlation with the thermal sensation reported by the occupants. Study of TSA and MCI show that the assumption is more likely to affect comfort level determination in the uncomfortable range.…”
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Conference Paper -
Personal Food Computer: A new device for controlled-environment agriculture
Published 2017Get full text
Article -
RES.TLL-008 Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing (SERC), Fall 2022
Published 2024“…This site is a resource for SERC pedagogical materials developed for use in MIT courses. SERC brings together cross-disciplinary teams of faculty, researchers, and students to develop original pedagogical materials that meet our goal of training students to practice responsible technology development through incorporation of insights and methods from the humanities and social sciences, including an emphasis on social responsibility. …”
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Learning Object -
Development of android apps for matrix operations
Published 2024“…This project aims to develop an Android application that brings matrix operations to the forefront of educational tools. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Experimental and analytical study of exterior beam-column joint for progressive collapse
Published 2009“…For many urban settings, the proximity to unregulated traffic brings the terrorist threat to or within the perimeter of the building. …”
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Thesis -
Dialogism and monologism : a study of modernity and postcolonialism in Jean Marie Gustave Clézio's Oeuvre.
Published 2013“…Le Clézio demonstrates, however, that colonialism brings with it ruin and desolation instead of the promised peace and civilization. …”
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Thesis -
Multi-stable configurations for vibration-based energy harvester
Published 2014“…Therefore, this study proposes to introduce multi-stable configurations with the use of magnets, to induce non-linearity. Non-linearity brings about more stable equilibrium states in the system, resulting in a broadened bandwidth of operation for the energy harvester. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Various factors affecting human performance in a computerised environment
Published 2015“…This project report brings the reader through a field study conducted to examine the various factors affecting human performance in an office work station. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Social network analytics : trend analysis in Twitter
Published 2017“…However, with many news, sources and topics discussed on Twitter, it brings about huge drawbacks on the efficient acquisition of important information. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The inert online citizen : online political spaces in Singapore
Published 2018“…While assessing the obstacles that Singapore must deal with in bringing about political change, I also aim to assess the internet as a medium, as a supposed tool for political destabilisation, to understand if claims of its potential were warranted- again, in the context of Singapore.…”
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Thesis -
The role of emotional tears in intergroup bias
Published 2019“…Furthermore, in today’s globalised world, the unprecedented ease of travelling brings about influx of foreigners in many countries. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)