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Automatic test chip set
Published 2008“…In this project, the fundamental functions and basic circuitry of an universal pin electronics are investigated and designed.…”
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Research Report -
Published 2021“…Tunku tidak akan mengiktiraf Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) dan bertegas supaya parti tersebut dibubarkan serta pengganas komunis menyerah diri, namun pendirian Chin Peng sebaliknya. Kegagalan pertemuan ini membawa kemerdekaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, manakala Chin Peng dan gerilanya terus menjadi buruan pasukan keselamatan.…”
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Demographic factors and their correlations with loss aversion and framing effects.
Published 2012“…In our study, we discovered that older individuals are more loss averse than younger individuals; women are more loss averse than men; level of income has an inverse U-shaped relationship with loss aversion; Chinese are less loss averse than Malay and Indian; and higher educated individuals have lower loss aversion than lower educated people. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Pie crusting of ligaments
Published 2020“…MCL is the ligament that connects thigh bone to shin bone. It is located on the inner sides of our knee joints. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Experimental studies of melting PCM in a heat sink
Published 2011“…The heat sink design that was the focus of this study is based on the pin finned heat sink design. Experiments mainly pertaining to the characteristics of the melting PCM in the heat sinks were observed and recorded to further understand the behaviours and characteristics of the melting PCM. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Smart sleep monitoring: sparse sensor-based spatiotemporal CNN for sleep posture detection
Published 2024“…Sleep quality is heavily influenced by sleep posture, with research indicating that a supine posture can worsen obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) while lateral postures promote better sleep. …”
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Journal Article -
Experimental studies of two-stream mixing flows with vortex-generating tabs
Published 2008“…The results showed that when the single tab was attached to the higher speed side, the streamwise vortices generated and the subsequent mixing were stronger and more intense than placing it on the low speed side. The effectiveness of both arrangements were quantified and compared in terms of mass flux entrainment with downstream distance. …”
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Thesis -
Hybrid biometric authentication for automatic teller machine
Published 2024“…Unlike traditional password or PIN-based methods, biometric authentication uses unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, to verify identity. …”
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Article -
Study on the wear characteristics of aluminium metal matrix composite with 15% Al2O3 and 20% Al2O3
Published 2008“…The objective of this dissertation was to study the wear characteristics and behaviour of aluminium metal matrix composite materials (MMCs), namely Duralcan 286 and Duralcan 284 as a pin material when mated against three types of dics materials.…”
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Thesis -
Geometry of single axis motions using conic fitting
Published 2003“…The main advantage is that determining only five parameters of a conic from one corresponding point over at least five views is simpler and more robust than determining a fundamental matrix from two views or a trifocal tensor from three views. …”
Journal article -
Design and analysis of nanostructured optical fiber and surface plasmon devices
Published 2012“…The normal single mode optical fiber (SMF) with diameters much bigger than optical wavelength has presented lots of successful applications in optical communications. …”
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Thesis -
Septic patients with cancer : do prehospital antibiotics improve survival? A sub-analysis of the PHANTASi trial
Published 2021“…Results: 357(13.4%) of the 2658 included patients had cancer in the past five years, of which, 209 (58.5%) were included in the intervention and 148 (41.5%) usual care groups; 28-day mortality was significantly higher in patients who were diagnosed with cancer in the past five years than those without cancer in the past five years: 15.2% vs. 7.1%, respectively (p < 0.001). …”
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Journal Article -
Sex-role stereotyping in Vietnamese television commercials.
Published 2008“…Results showed that advertising in Vietnam portrayed more men than women in occupational roles. Men were more likely to be depicted in occupational settings while women were more likely to be shown in the home. …”
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Thesis -
Development of grid-tie home electricity suppy system (GHESS) using solar energy
Published 2009“…It is deduced that fossil fuel will be depleted in less than a centry time. in addition, power generation using fossil fuel also creates the emission of greenhouse gases, which contribute to the rising of global average temperature, the melting of iceberg in the arctic and Antarctic, and thus create disastrous thunderstorm and the rapid rising of water sea level. …”
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Thesis -
Conditional prosociality in development: deconstructing social and materialistic factors that modulate early prosocial behavior
Published 2022“…In terms of resource sharing, children behaved less selfishly toward the victim than the transgressor, but remained selfish by and large as they were not more likely than chance to share their resources with either actress. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Efficient architectures for computation of binary logarithm
Published 2014“…The experimental results show that the designs obtained have better ADPs than those by the existing Mitchell-based methods, with eight of the thirteen designs achieving better ADP by more than 50%. …”
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Thesis -
Preparation and characterization of apatite/cathode interfaces of solid oxide fuel cells
Published 2009“…The La9.5Si6O26.25 apatite type electrolyte was tested out with pure LSCF and LSM cathodes. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Experimental and numerical investigations of hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns susceptible to flexural buckling
Published 2022“…A thorough testing and numerical modelling programme has been conducted to investigate the minor-axis flexural buckling behaviour and resistances of pin-ended hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns. …”
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Journal Article -
Disposition kinetics of tylosin administered intravenously and intramuscularly in Desert Sheep and Nubian Goats
Published 1999“…The pharmacokinetic behaviour of tylosin was compared in five Desert sheep and five Nubian goats. The animals were given a single dose of 20% tylosin (15 mg/kg), either intravenously (i.v.) or intramuscularly (i.m.). …”
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Article -
Investigation of the sequential accelerator on the perceptron for pattern recognition
Published 2013“…Machine learning has been in the field of research for more than five decades since 1950s. It has become a challenging task to create the method that able to make machines can learn faster.…”
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