Ethics of trending in pharmaceutical & therapeutic-related biotechnology
Published 2013“…However, what of health areas that do not put the patients in mortal danger, for example, skin diseases, weight-loss, and hair loss? Compared to cancer, diabetes, asthma, and kidney failure, obviously these issues, whilst being damaging to self-esteem & social life, are not as severe. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Adjustment to atopic dermatitis: a cross-sectional study investigating the role of maladaptive self-schemas in a community sample of people with atopic dermatitis
Published 2025“…All groups completed the Young Schema Questionnaire (Short Form 3) and the Adjustment to Chronic Skin Disease Questionnaire. Results: There were no significant differences in adjustment levels between the two groups. …”
Article -
The Second Annual Report from the Strategic Sanctuary for the Destruction of Free Will
Published 2018“…The Second Annual Report from the Strategic Sanctuary for the Destruction of Free Will is an installation and live performance that explore the construction of subjectivity. A skin of white cardboard and black tape covers the entire gallery. …”
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Show/Exhibition -
Numerical study of heat source/sink effects on dissipative magnetic nanofluit flow from a non-linear inclined stretching and shirinking sheet
Published 2018“…A detailed study of the influence of these parameters on velocity and temperature distribution is conducted. The skin friction coefficient and rate of heat transfer values with selected parameters is presented.…”
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Thesis -
Spawning and nesting behaviour of Tachypleus gigas along the East coast of Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2012“…Field sampling was carried out in every full and new moon days between September and December 2009 in Balok (Lat3°56.194’ N, Long103°22.608’ E) and Pekan (Lat3°36.181’ N, Long103°23.946’ E) nesting grounds. …”
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Transcriptional regulation of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 gene by alternative spliced forms of nuclear factor Y in tumorigenic population of endometrial adenocarcinoma
Published 2011“…Two alternatively spliced isoforms of NFYA (NFYA-long and NFYA-short) have been reported. The sorted ALDH-hi population of endometrial adenocarcinoma preferentially expressed NFYA-short, whereas ALDH-lo dominantly expressed NFYA-long. …”
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Allergenic pollen concentrations in the United Kingdom
Published 1995“…This research has relevance within many subject areas. The long term data sets on which a large part of the thesis is based are of great interest to Aerobiologists in the identification of long term trends in pollen data. …”
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Thesis -
Psychology from the Islamic perspective. By Aisha Utz. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House, 2011, pp. 351. ISBN: 978-603-501-108-2 (Paperback)
Published 2012“…Psychology from the Islamic Perspective is a long awaited book that helps in satisfying the long quest endured by Muslim psychologists. …”
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Zakat distribution and growth in the federal territory of Malaysia
Published 2012“…In other words, zakat expenditure could boost GDP in the Federal Territory Malaysia both in the short-run and long-run. …”
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Exports and economic growth nexus: the case of Pakistan
Published 2004“…Results strongly support a long-run relationship among imports, exports, and output growth. …”
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Does exchange rate risks matter for exports? a case of Malaysia
Published 2010“…This paper attempts to estimate the impact of exchange rate risks on exports using Pesaran et al. (2001) bounds testing procedure to establish cointegration. The long run coefficients are estimated via the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model. …”
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The abuse of the due process doctrine
Published 2015“…Under the Malaysian evidence law, evidence procured by illegal methods, even by reprehensible methods such as entrapment is still admissible as long as it is relevant. Even though, there is a discretion to exclude, it is exercised in very circumscribed circumstances. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Establishment of the London indoor air quality network
Published 2009“…In response to increasing concerns over indoor air quality and health a long term monitoring project was set up at two campaign buildings with existing ambient monitoring stations (see Table 1). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Critical Thinking through Problem-based Learning in an Applied Ethics Module
Published 2007“…Employers and governments have long called for graduates with generic, interpersonal, communication, and critical thinking skills [1]. …”
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Estimating persistence in the volatility of asset returns with signal plus noise models
Published 2010“…The results suggest that volatility has a component of long-memory behaviour, the order of integration ranging between 0.3 and 0.5, the series being therefore stationary and mean-reverting.…”
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Nano-structural analysis of fish collagen extracts for new process development
Published 2011“…Cross-linked rods observed in SBA denote adequate removal of non-collagen content of the fish skin and increase its surface area. SBA is suggested as the best pretreatment for perch fish gelatin. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Intra-aural tick infestation, the presentation and complications
Published 2003“…It grips firmly into the skin of the external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane. …”
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Therapeutic potential of the haruan (Channa striatus) : from food to medicinal uses
Published 2012“…Extracts of the fish are produced from whole fish, roe, mucus and skin of the fish. This review updates research findings on potential uses of Channa striatus, beyond the traditional prescription as a wound healer, pain reliever and energy booster to include its properties as a ACE-inhibitor, anti-depressant and neuroregenerative agent. …”
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A framework of remote diabetic monitoring system for developing countries
Published 2013“…Failure to monitor the level of glucose in diabetes patients can increase the risk of complications like hypertension, stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, skin, foot, and eye complications, etc. However, healthcare delivery cost can be reduced by using telemedicine applications that focus on monitoring patients from outside the clinics or hospitals. …”
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Proceeding Paper