Individual and group dynamic behaviour patterns in bound spaces
Published 2017“…This research can have a wide applicability in different areas where the video analytics is necessary, ranging from public safety and video surveillance to marketing research to computer games and animation. Its limitations are linked to the dependence on some preliminary processing of the video footage which is still less detailed and computationally demanding than the methods which use directly the video frames of the original footage.…”
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Thesis -
An investigation of the relationships between Libyan EFL lecturers’ beliefs about the teaching and learning of reading in English and their classroom practices in Libyan universiti...
Published 2018“…The research also reveals that, irrespective of the relationships between beliefs and practices, the underpinning rationales are linked to the complex relationship between lecturers’ beliefs and practices and a range of other factors. …”
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Thesis -
The geomorphological behaviour of a snow-fed, semi-arid gully system in western Colorado
Published 1984“…Frequency-weighted runoff models for melt and overland flow are consequently developed and tested against field discharge data. Linking these simulations to sediment rating curves allows event sediment yields for watershed sites to be estimated. …”
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Thesis -
A rule and graph-based approach for targeted identity resolution on policing data
Published 2020“…Moreover, when using graph analysis, 51 suspected false identities were found for the 23 targets with four of the five false identities linked through the crimes they had been involved in. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The role of export associations as supporters of SME exporters in Ghana's non-traditional export sector
Published 2012“…Also, Actor Bonds, Activity Links, Resource Ties (AAR); Dynamic Capabilities (DC); Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO); Horizontal Trust; and Vertical Trust (most important) positively influenced SME exporters performance. …”
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Thesis -
Poor vitamin D status, obesity and associated health outcomes: focus on groups at risk
Published 2011“…There is also emerging evidence linking poor vitamin D status to obesity related chronic diseases. …”
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Thesis -
Experiences of Older Undergraduate Students in Higher Education: Constructions of Age and Gender
Published 2015“…The participant's stories reveal varied experiences of student life, and thus unsettle notions of the 'traditional student' in new ways, calling attention to the complexities of what being an undergraduate student is like in contemporary Britain. In uncovering links and contradictions between old age and undergraduate study, I seek to illuminate the experiences and concerns of older undergraduates and to contribute to debates in both the sociology of education and social gerontology.…”
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Thesis -
Barriers and leverage points for seeing alcohol differently in integrated care systems in England: a senior stakeholder interview study
Published 2024“…Conclusions: There is much to do to create a joined-up, system-wide approach to alcohol, and thus a strong case for a national NHS alcohol strategy to guide ICS decision-making, addressing links between NHS work and public health.…”
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Article -
Long-term assignment reward (dis)satisfaction outcomes: hearing women’s voices
Published 2016“…Reward inequity is reported linked to specific home/host country transfers. Policy change reducing housing and children’s education are major causes of reward dissatisfaction. …”
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Article -
Published 2024“…Creating an artist's archive is not only about preserving their works for the future, but also about exploring the life path that gave rise to these works, linking them together in various thematic itineraries. …”
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Show/Exhibition -
Optimization model for consumption taxation in Malaysia: a case study of goods and services tax
Published 2020“…Its main idea was to propose the model, which is an individual model, linked together with firm and government behaviours, in the case of taxation in Malaysia, where goods and services tax (GST) is considered. …”
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Thesis -
Chronic Monosodium Methylarsonate (MSMA) exposure induces oxidation of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and early atherosclerosis development
Published 2015“…Epidemiological studies have linked high chronic arsenic exposure with cardiovascular diseases but the mechanism is not clear. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
دراسات معجمية ولغوية تقابلية للدارسين في الجامعات الماليزية = Dirasat mu'jamiyah wa lughawiyah taqabuliyah lil-darisin fi al-jami'at al-Maliziyah. 2nd. ed...
Published 2016“…It tries to highlight the importance of linking the science of Arabic lexicography and lexicology with the learners in Malaysian universities, since the Arabic Malay bilingual dictionaries have contributed significantly to the development of civilization in the region throughout the centuries. …”
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Book -
الحكمة والتعليل في القرآن والسنة: دراسة تحليلية للعلاقة بين العقيدة والمقاصد = Wisdom and ratiocination in the Quran and Sunnah: an analytical study on the connection between faith...
Published 2016“…Therefore, the doctrine of wisdom and causation is organically linked to Islam’s systems of belief, legislation and values.…”
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Article -
Identification of haptoglobin as a potential biomarker in young adults with acute myocardial infarction by proteomic analysis
Published 2020“…The plasma concentrations of these proteins were quantified using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay during the verification phase (40 AMI patients and 80 controls). …”
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Article -
Stimulation of Interleukin-2 [IL-2] Release by Rhizophora mangle Bark Aqueous Extracts and Its Fractions
Published 2016“…Mass spectral studies of the butanolic fraction reflected the presence of compounds that varied between 1000-1333 m/z, indicating the presence of procyanidins up to a tetramer polymerization level linked to glycosides based on monomeric units [epicatechin / catechin]. …”
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Article -
Effect of dietary omega-3 supplementation on plasma phospholipids, neutral lipids fatty acids and antioxidant status of pregnant women with gestational diabetes and their neonates
Published 2018“…It may be that the comparable plasma DHA and AA levels observed in the GDM women is linked to a failure to incorporate these fatty acids into the phospholipids of the red cell membrane and/or impaired placental transport. …”
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Thesis -
An Investigation on the Audit Committees Effectiveness: The Case for GLCs in Malaysia
Published 2011“…As of 31 December 2010, there were 33 public-listed companies categorized as Government-Linked Companies (GLC Transformation Policy, 2010) and there were 20 firms that have complete data that resulted in the total number of firm-year observations to 120 for six years (years 2003-2009). …”
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Article -
CA1 hippocampal neuronal responses to curry leaves extract treatment in rats subjected to chronic cerebral hypoperfusion : a behavioral and histopathological study
Published 2013“…Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in its vascular hypothesis has been linked to chronic decrease in cerebral blood flow when it attains significantly sub-threshold levels, a condition referred to as chronic cerebral hypoperfusion (CCH). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Evaluation of kernel elongation ratio and aroma association in global popular aromatic rice cultivars in tropical environment
Published 2010“…Previous studies on genetic analysis have shown that genes/ QTLs for these two traits are linked. In the present study, it tried to evaluate the expression of aroma, kernel elongation and their association in 55 fine rice genotypes in the tropical environment of Malaysia. …”
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