Design and development of a digital library of bibliographic data of theses and dissertations.
Published 2008“…The main objective of this project was to develop a digital library of bibliographic data of theses and dissertations for the Asian Communication Resource Centre (ACRC). …”
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Thesis -
A virtual exhibition system for the National Archives of Singapore.
Published 2008“…The main tasks of the project are to determine appropriate metadata models for virtual exhibitions and the different digital artifacts, develop an efficient method of creating virtual exhibitions, and implement a facility for searching the textual content of virtual exhibitions and digital artifacts. …”
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Thesis -
Career maturity and career guidance needs of Malay secondary school students
Published 2009“…The main purpose of this study was to assess the career maturity levels and career guidance needs of Malay secondary students in Singapore schools. …”
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Thesis -
Managing a company as an integrated enterprise
Published 2009“…The main objective of this dissertation is to provide new integrated enterprise paradigm shift to become globally competitive for traditional manufacturing SME's in Singapore by an instance of real case study analysis. …”
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Thesis -
Encryption of EDA software
Published 2008“…The security model comprises two main security modules. The first is a secured encryption/decryption scheme and the other is a network-based software licensing scheme.…”
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Thesis -
Cleaning up the environment by phytofiltration of arsenic : biodiversity screening, kinetics study and commercial applications
Published 2010“…Under this two grants (main grant and SEP grant), the research works can be separated into two parts. the first part focused mainly on the plant science aspects of the project, while the second part focused on the analytical chemistry part of the project.…”
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Research Report -
Automatic work piece locating, clamping and setup system for machining centers
Published 2011Get full text
Research Report -
Intravascular ultrasound imaging using advanced signal processing techniques
Published 2008“…In this thesis, our main objective has been to study IVUS image analysis for tissue characterization using tissue image processing techniques. …”
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Thesis -
Current-starved voltage controlled oscillator
Published 2012“…A voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) is one of the most essential basic building blocks in analog and digital circuits. The main reason of ring oscillator popularity is a direct result of its simple integration. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
An empirical investigation into the usefulness of productivity information and value added satement to securities analysts for stock valuation
Published 2014“…The survey was conducted on one group of financial statement users, namely the securities analysts. The main objective of the study is to investigate the usefulness of productivity information, in particular, the value added statement (VAS) in assisting the analysts in their valuation of stocks.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Molecular mechanics of asialogycoprotetin receptor interactions with ligands
Published 2008“…Studies have shown that the main interaction of hepatocytes with engineered scaffold is the recognition between this receptor and galactose ligands. …”
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Thesis -
Design and development of modular protein models as educational tools
Published 2014“…Proteins form the main living unit of all organisms and are primarily composed of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and sulphur atoms bonded to each other and arranged in the form of a chain. …”
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Thesis -
Published 2016“…But what if this brown material is introduced as the main material to make furniture, particularly for kids? …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Geographical diversification strategy in a small open economy.
Published 2008“…This report will test two main hypotheses - that international diversification is a positively related to firm performance, and that international diversification reduces the impact of regional economic crisis on firm performance. …”
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Thesis -
How customers respond to bank problems : an exploratory study.
Published 2008“…Bank customers generally experience problems with their main bank. Some customers may speak about their unhappiness to the bank; others may remain silent. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Occurrence, human exposure and dynamics of phthalates in ACMV indoor environments : method development and field studies
Published 2015“…Human exposure to phthalates in indoor environments has raised public concerns owing to the identified associations between phthalates and a number of adverse human health effects. …”
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Thesis -
Light-induced paramagnetism in colloidal Ag+-doped CdSe nanoplatelets
Published 2021“…This work points to the possibility of incorporating these nanoplatelets into spintronic devices, in which light can be used to control the spin injection.…”
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Journal Article -
Conformational changes involved in signal transduction in avian cryptochromes
Published 2023“…To further investigate the interaction surface, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy was used, more specifically double electron-electron resonance, to complement the previously acquired data with cysteine-residue-dependent distance measurements using nitroxide spin labels. The findings on dimerisation are presented in chapter 5.…”
Thesis -
An on-skin electrode with anti-epidermal-surface-lipid function based on a zwitterionic polymer brush
Published 2021“…Such an electrode allows the skin‐lipids‐fouled surface to be cleaned by simple water rinsing owing to the superhydrophilic zwitterionic groups. …”
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Journal Article -
Mimicking localized surface plasmons with structural dispersion
Published 2021“…Theoretical analysis based on cylindrical wave expansion shows that the effective surface modes are induced by structural dispersion of transverse electric modes. Owing to dramatically suppressed metallic loss, the designed structure can support multipolar sharp plasmonic resonances, which are difficult to attain with natural plasmons at optical frequencies. …”
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Journal Article