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Seismic behavior of interior concretebeam-column joints with non-seismic and limited seismic detailing
Published 2009“…Column main bars lap spliced within plastic hinge regions were detrimental. The beams and columns were not severely damaged while shear failure formed in the joints. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design, fabrication, evaluation of low-speed UAV wing flap actuated with shape memory alloy
Published 2009“…It is then followed by design, fabrication and actuation tests for two concepts, namely the shim-based version and hinge-based version. Flexible skins, a key requirement to smooth camber change, are also explored and experimented. …”
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Thesis -
Superconductivity from repulsive interactions in Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene
Published 2024“…Intriguingly, superconductivity manifests only at nonzero magnetic fields, or when spin-orbit coupling is induced in BBG by coupling to a substrate. …”
Journal article -
Cold atoms laboratory in a hollow core fiber
Published 2021“…The long quantum spin coherence time opens up possibilities for various quantum experiments in HCF. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Cationic distribution, exchange interactions, and relaxation dynamics in Zn-diluted MnCo2O4 nanostructures
Published 2019“…Relaxation time τ follows the Power-Law variation with a dynamical critical exponent zν=6.17 and microscopic spin relaxation time τo=4.4×10−15s for xB=0.2 (for yA=0.1, zν=5.2 and τo=5.4×10−13s). …”
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Journal Article -
Design of a dual band planar inverted-F antenna for GMS/DCS mobile handset
Published 2008“…This project involved the study of size miniaturization of microstrip antenna techniques: shorting pin and shorting wall, loading, shorted spiral printed antenna and stacked shorted patch antenna are fully discussed.…”
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Thesis -
Study on the wear characteristics of aluminium metal matrix composite with 15% Al2O3 and 20% Al2O3
Published 2008“…The objective of this dissertation was to study the wear characteristics and behaviour of aluminium metal matrix composite materials (MMCs), namely Duralcan 286 and Duralcan 284 as a pin material when mated against three types of dics materials.…”
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Thesis -
Nanosensors for regenerative medicine
Published 2014“…While genetic engineering techniques allow cells to express molecules with detectable signals (e.g., fluorescence, luminescence, T1 (spin–lattice)/T2 (spin–spin) contrast in magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide), concerns arise regarding technical complexity, high-cost of genetic manipulation, as well as mutagenic cell dysfunction. …”
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Journal Article -
Optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopic analyses on the role of magnetic ions in colloidal nanocrystals
Published 2024“…Incorporating magnetic ions into semiconductor nanocrystals has emerged as a prominent research field for manipulating spin-related properties. The magnetic ions within the host semiconductor experience spin-exchange interactions with photogenerated carriers and are often involved in the recombination routes, stimulating special magneto-optical effects. …”
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Journal Article -
Polarized fragmenting jet functions in inclusive and exclusive jet production
Published 2024“…As examples, we provide numerical results for the spin asymmetry A TU , T cos ϕ S − ϕ ̂ S h $$ {A}_{TU,T}^{\cos \left({\phi}_S-{\hat{\phi}}_{S_h}\right)} $$ from polarized semi-inclusive hadron-in-jet production in polarized pp collisions at RHIC kinematics, where a transversely polarized quark would lead to the transverse spin of the final-state hadron inside the jet and is thus sensitive to the transversity fragmentation functions. …”
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Article -
Antiferromagnetic half-skyrmions and bimerons at room temperature
Published 2021“…Here we realize a family of topological antiferromagnetic spin textures in α-Fe2O3—an Earth-abundant oxide insulator—capped with a platinum overlayer. …”
Journal article -
Synthesis and characterization of photocatalytic zinc oxide thin films
Published 2009“…The 4 reagents were zinc acetate dihydrate, DI water, H2O2 and PEG 200. The colloid was spin coated and spray coated onto glass substrates, then heated at 450oC for 1hr to obtain ZnO thin films. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Quantum mechanical theory of dynamic nuclear polarization in solid dielectrics
Published 2012“…Microwave driven dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a process in which the large polarization present in an electron spin reservoir is transferred to nuclei, thereby enhancing NMR signal intensities. …”
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Article -
Experimental and numerical investigations of hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns susceptible to flexural buckling
Published 2022“…A thorough testing and numerical modelling programme has been conducted to investigate the minor-axis flexural buckling behaviour and resistances of pin-ended hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns. …”
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Journal Article -
Measuring membrane capacitance during a depolarizing stimulus
Published 2010“…It is critical to resolve the highly dynamic kinetic steps along the molecular cascade of exocytosis in order to pin down the specific actions of regulatory molecules and eventually decipher this complex and fundamental process.…”
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Research Report -
Structural behaviour of 2D post-tensioned precast beam-column sub-assemblages subjected to column loss scenario
Published 2023“…The test results indicated that both unbonded and bonded parabolic-shaped PT significantly enhanced compressive arch action (CAA) and catenary action (CA) beyond basic flexural capacity, and also changed the plastic hinge mechanism in the precast beams. The specimen with unbonded PT could provide greater residual capacity than bonded PT, but the former was severely damaged by fracture of normal reinforcement and crushing of concrete rather than fracture of the tendon. …”
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Journal Article -
Cross-Modal Deep Variational Hashing
Published 2017“…Unlike most existing cross-modal hashing methods which learn a single pair of projections to map each example into a binary vector, we design a deep fusion neural network to learn non-linear transformations from image-text input pairs, such that a unified binary code is achieved in a discrete and discriminative manner using a classification-based hinge-loss criterion. We then design modality-specific neural networks in a probabilistic manner such that we model a latent variable to be close as possible from the inferred binary codes, at the same time approximated by a posterior distribution regularized by a known prior, which is suitable for out-of-sample extension. …”
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Conference Paper -
Dynamical and statistical properties of anyons in fractional quantum hall effect
Published 2024“…Another important aspect of anyons is their intrinsic spin and the corresponding spin-statistics relation, which must account for the fact that FQH anyons are not point particles, but objects with finite sizes and intricate internal structures. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy