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Explaining islamist insurgencies : the case of Al Jamaah Al Islamiyyah and the radicalisation of the Poso conflict, 2000-2007.
Published 2013“…Another was Mujahidin Kompak Kayamanya (MKK) a spin-off from KOMPAK, an Islamic charity that became affiliated with a group in the Kayamanya area of Poso.…”
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Thesis -
Improvement of CZTS solar cell by hydrogen doping
Published 2019“…CZTS films were successfully fabricated on Molybdenum-coated glass by spin coating technique and subsequent annealing in sulphur atmosphere. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Magnetism in graphene oxide induced by epoxy groups
Published 2015“…Local density approximation calculation results well reproduce the magnetic moments obtained from experiments, and these results indicate that the unpaired spin induced by the presence of epoxy groups is the origin of the magnetism. …”
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Journal Article -
A variational master equation approach to quantum dynamics with off-diagonal coupling in a sub-Ohmic environment
Published 2016“…A master equation approach based on an optimized polaron transformation is adopted for dynamics simulation with simultaneous diagonal and off-diagonal spin-boson coupling. Two types of bath spectral density functions are considered, the Ohmic and the sub-Ohmic. …”
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Journal Article -
Exchange coupling and coercivity enhancement in cuprate/manganite bilayers
Published 2013“…The temperature dependent magnetization data indicate an interfacial spin-glass state. Furthermore, the bilayer exhibits significant enhancement of coercivity compared to the La0.70Sr0.30MnO3 single layer and reaches 705 Oe at 5 K. …”
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Journal Article -
Modulation and control strategies for neutral-point-clamped converters
Published 2021“…Limiting the CV ripples helps in the design of the NPC converter, since the maximum voltage that the dc-link capacitors and the power semiconductors have to withstand is predefined. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Signalling inhibition by ponatinib disrupts productive alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT)
Published 2023“…Using RNA-sequencing and quantitative phosphoproteomic analyses, combined with C-circle level assessment, we find an ABL1-JNK-JUN signalling circuit to be inhibited by ponatinib and to have a role in suppressing telomeric C-circles. …”
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Journal Article -
ST-18AB Influence of rubber content of concrete on local impact damage
Published 2018Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
High and Dry: Rental Markets After Flooding Disasters
Published 2024“…How, if at all, do disasters affect rents? We find that severe floods are associated with significant increases in rents for households renting units priced at the bottom of the rent distribution, but not the middle or the top. …”
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Article -
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) : Day-of-the-week effect and bid-ask spreads
Published 2008“…We find that the technology sector is associated with higher transaction cost. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Research firm reputation and investors' reaction to research reports
Published 2008“…Contrary to our expectation, we do not find any significant relationship between research firms’ ownership in the listed companies and abnormal returns. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Build your own Android App
Published 2020“…In a developed country like Singapore, finding a car park can be difficult during peak hours. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Three essays on corporate finance
Published 2021“…Using the 2003 mutual fund scandal as a shock to institutions’ risk-shifting incentives, we find that lenders charge higher loan spreads and impose more covenants after the scandal. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Does cultural similarity between CFOs and auditors impact audit quality?
Published 2021“…Using last names to infer cultural values, I find that the cultural similarity between the CFO and the engagement partner is associated with high audit quality. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
StudentGO web application
Published 2023“…As a final year project, I propose to develop a web application for students in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) to find and manage their groups in their registered modules. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
PCA based feature extraction for cell image retrieval
Published 2009“…The Euclidian Distance method is adapted to find out the position of the new image in the subspace After Calculating the Euclidian Distance the images, which are stored, are retrieved back in the order of closeness with that of the test image. …”
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Thesis -
Risk perception and attitude of Singaporeans : online shopping in Singapore
Published 2012“…There has been an increase in the number of online purchases made by Singaporeans as compared to the past decade despite the increasing number of various risks involved. This paper aims to find the perceived risks and risk attitudes of Singaporeans by looking into their attitudes and behaviors towards online shopping. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design of an indoor intelligent navigation system for visual disabilities
Published 2015“…This RFID system is an indoor route-guide system for blind people to clearly find the way in a building without others' help. …”
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Thesis -
Design of the physical layer security algorithms for the cellular networks
Published 2016“…From the introduction of the first wireless security standard in WEP to the current standard now of WPA2, adversaries seem to be always able to find a way to break into these wireless networks. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Scratch based graphical programming online guide/exam system
Published 2019“…In this project, comparison of various block-based applications are performed to find the most suitable application for students who may or may not have prior programming background to learn programming. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)