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Plastic heat sink
Published 2011“…The performances of plastic heat sinks are also determined by thermal imaging heat scans and evaluation of performance of light emitting diode when mounted on the plastic heat sinks. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
For your own good : a historical study on social control and the normalisation of state surveillance in Singapore, 1990-2015
Published 2017“…To explore this argument, this essay examines 1) the state-sanctioned secret computer scans of 1994 and 1999; and 2) the PAP-government’s expanding use of CCTV surveillance to address criminal, terrorist, and anti-social behaviours. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Study on mechanical behaviors of cable-supported ribbed beam composite slab structure during construction phase
Published 2019“…Scheme one indicates that each span of CBS has certain level of mechanical independence such that the construction of a span is not significantly affected by the adjacent spans. …”
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Journal Article -
Surface wave interaction with a vertical viscoelastic barrier
Published 2022“…The viscoelastic sheet spans over the entire water depth, and is tensioned and hinged on both ends. …”
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Journal Article -
Chimpanzee self-medication in Budongo Forest: investigating the use of putative self-medicative resources in the Sonso and Waibira communities
Published 2023“…<p>This DPhil project explores established and putative self-medicative behaviors amongst wild chimpanzees (<em>Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii</em>) in the Budongo Forest, Uganda. The study spans eight and a half months of multidisciplinary data from two wild chimpanzee communities, Sonso and Waibira, supplemented by thirty years of longitudinal data. …”
Thesis -
Structure of mushy layers grown from perfectly and imperfectly conducting boundaries. Part 1. Diffusive solidification
Published 2025“…For low concentration ratio the high porosity zone spans the full mush depth at early times, before localising near the mush–liquid interface at later times. …”
Journal article -
Bibliometric analysis of global media representations of marginalized groups
Published 2024“…The study identifies five main clusters: mass media, anthropology, public health, gender studies, and sexual minority health, showing the evolving diversity in media research on marginalized groups. Research progression spans three stages: the Preparatory Development Period (2014–2016), Growth Challenge Period (2017–2019), and Hotspot Research Period (2020–2023).…”
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Article -
Structural performance of recycled aggregate concrete-filled stainless steel tube columns
Published 2020“…The experiment involved 12 RACFSST columns tested under pin-ended condition, as well as material tests and initial global geometric imperfection measurements. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design and 3D printing of reconfigurable structures
Published 2021“…The structure is made up of single modular units being repeatedly fixed together, this leads to the structure to isolate single modular units that are damaged, allowing it to be easily pin-pointed and replaced by fabricating another similar single unit, this cut cost as the structure can be salvaged by replacing a single unit instead of the whole structure.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Tie the knot - a step by step wedding planner
Published 2018“…The creation comprises essential management tools such as wedding checklist, reminders, budget tracker, guestlist, online electronic invitation and RSVP system with SMS function, seating plan, calendar function, vendor list, pin board, wedding day scheduler and chat function…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Attendance taking using QR code (III)
Published 2023“…The popularity came from the conveniences it provided, acquiring detailed information with just a scan of the code. The integration of QR code improved many manual processes in our society, meaning that it is optimal for this project of building an efficient attendance taking system. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Water electrolysis: from textbook knowledge to the latest scientific strategies and industrial developments
Published 2024“…The viability of water electrolysis still hinges on the availability of durable earth-abundant electrocatalyst materials and the overall process efficiency. This review spans from the fundamentals of electrocatalytically initiated water splitting to the very latest scientific findings from university and institutional research, also covering specifications and special features of the current industrial processes and those processes currently being tested in large-scale applications. …”
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Article -
Unjust energy transition: vignettes from the COPs, climate finance and a coal hotspot
Published 2025“…Contributing to critical climate and energy studies, the paper spans scale, space, and time in its interrogation of the unjust energy transition.…”
Journal article -
Enhancing interlaminar fracture characteristics of woven CFRP prepreg composites through CNT dispersion
Published 2013“…The findings and the mechanisms are discussed using the test data, SEM pictures, schematics, and scans of the fractured surfaces.…”
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Journal Article -
Functional modules of the human brain from resting-state fMRI
Published 2016“…Recent studies have identified many functional networks of the brain from resting-state fMRI scans. However, whether functional connectivity of male and female brain are different has not been explored so far. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
OORD: the Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
Published 2024“…There is a growing academic interest as well as commercial exploitation of millimetre-wave scanning radar for autonomous vehicle localisation and scene understanding. …”
Journal article -
Effect of porous density of twisted tape inserts on heat transfer performance inside a closed conduit
Published 2023“…The findings highlight the noteworthy impact of high porosity TTIs, which consistently reduce temperature spans, increase fluid velocities, and greatly HTC and Nu when compared to low porosity TTI, typical TTI, and plain tubes. …”
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Article -
SP.776 / SP.786 Design for Demining, Spring 2005
Published 2005“…MIT Design for Demining is a design course that spans the entire product design and development process from identification of needs and idea generation to prototyping and blast testing to manufacture and deployment. …”
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Learning Object -
Semantic matching in machine reading comprehension: an empirical study
Published 2023“…Matching coarse-grained context to questions, e.g., paragraphs, is more effective than matching fine-grained context, e.g., sentences and spans. We also find that semantic matching is helpful for answering who/where/when/what/how/which questions, whereas it decreases the MRC performance on why questions. …”
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Journal Article -
Finding Bukit Brown.
Published 2012“…The first phase of redevelopment is the construction of an eight-lane road that spans 2 kilometres across Bukit Brown. The film highlights the heritage value of the cemetery and examines how different Singaporeans are coming to terms with these plans. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)