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Low toxicity and long circulation time of Polyampholyte-coated magnetic nanoparticles for blood pool contrast agents
Published 2016“…The results showed that PAMNPs at the working concentration (0.138 mM) present similar hemocompatibility with negative control, thus have no significant effect to vessels. PAMNPs were mainly distributed in the liver and the blood. The circulation time in blood was considerably long, with the half-time of 3.77 h in plasma. …”
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Journal Article -
Goblet cell differentiation in colorectal cancer
Published 2023“…These groups included high, medium, and low MUC2/TFF3-expressing cell lines, cell lines with no/very low MUC2 but high TFF3 expression, and cell lines completely lacking these proteins. …”
Thesis -
Finite element analysis of expandable bi-leaflet heart valves for infants
Published 2018“…Upon completion of the finite element simulations for each bi-leaflet heart valve, the main performance parameters were analysed in greater detail. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Inductively coupled in-circuit impedance measurement based on two-port network characterization
Published 2017“…Then, with the proposed approach, an impact analysis of conducted emission measurement without and with line impedance stabilization network (LISN) is carried out. …”
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Thesis -
Ligand substitutions between ruthenium–cymene compounds can control protein versus DNA targeting and anticancer activity
Published 2018“…Using a novel ‘atom-to-cell’ approach, we establish the basis for the surprisingly site-selective adduct formation behaviour and distinct cellular impact of these two chemically similar anticancer agents, which suggests that the cytotoxic effects arise largely from DNA lesions, whereas the protein adducts may be linked to the other therapeutic activities. Our study shows promise for developing new ruthenium drugs, via ligand-based modulation of DNA versus protein binding and thus cytotoxic potential, to target distinguishing epigenetic features of cancer cells.…”
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Journal Article -
Wireless Communication Electronics by Example /
Published 2021“…Fully-solved, tutorial-like examples are used to put into practice major topics and to understand the underlying principles of the main sub-circuits required to design an RF transceiver and the whole communication system. …”
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Model Predictive Control of High Power Converters and Industrial Drives /
Published 2017“…In this original book on model predictive control (MPC) for power electronics, the focus is put on high-power applications with multilevel converters operating at switching frequencies well below 1 kHz, such as medium-voltage drives and modular multi-level converters. Consisting of two main parts, the first offers a detailed review of three-phase power electronics, electrical machines, carrier-based pulse width modulation, optimized pulse patterns, state-of-the art converter control methods and the principle of MPC. …”
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software, multimedia -
Emerging Materials, Technologies, and Solutions for Energy Harvesting /
Published [202“…"The main objective of this book is to identify and promote emerging materials, technologies, and solutions for energy harvesting"--…”
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software, multimedia -
Design and simulation of plasmonic metamaterials for sub-wavelength imaging in the visible range
Published 2013“…Unlike conventional metamaterial lenses that rely on metallic structures as the main transmission medium, the proposed lens uses dielectric as the main medium for image transfer. …”
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Thesis -
Electrical machine fault analysis and modelling by using electromagnetic approach
Published 2016“…It has been re-ported in the previous researches that the stator phase short-circuit is the main cause of machine irreversible demagnetization fault. …”
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Thesis -
A sociological analysis of Iranian popular music in the 21st century
Published 2015“…The main purpose of this thesis is to give a sociological explanation on what is called “Iranian popular music in 21st century” covering a period from the year 2000 to 2014. …”
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Thesis -
N6-Methyladenosine: a conformational marker that regulates the substrate specificity of human demethylases FTO and ALKBH5
Published 2018“…Due to its critical role in epigenetics and physiological links to several human diseases, it is also of tremendous biological and medical interest. …”
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Journal Article -
Characterization of the biosynthetic gene cluster and shunt products yields insights into the biosynthesis of balmoralmycin
Published 2022“…Balmoralmycin (compound 1) represents a unique group of angucyclines that contain an angular benz[a]anthracene tetracyclic system, a characteristic C-glycosidic bond-linked deoxy-sugar (D-olivose), and an unsaturated fatty acid chain. …”
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Journal Article -
Ductile-to-brittle transition and yielding in soft amorphous materials: perspectives and open questions
Published 2024“…This yielding transition was the main theme of a workshop held from January 9 to 13, 2023 at the Lorentz Center in Leiden. …”
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Self-Assembly of a Biologically Plausible Learning Circuit
Published 2024“…Over the last four decades, the amazing success of deep learning has been driven by the use of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) as the main optimization technique. The default implementation for the computation of the gradient for SGD is backpropagation, which, with its variations, is used to this day in almost all computer implementations. …”
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Article -
Existence and stability of periodic solution to delayed nonlinear differential equations
Published 2014“…The main purpose of this paper is to study the periodicity and global asymptotic stability of a generalized Lotka-Volterra’s competition system with delays. …”
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Journal Article -
Study of risk management adoption on firm value as effected by board's independence.
Published 2008“…Given the lack of prior empirical studies done with regards to the relationship between the varying degree of risk management adoption and firm value, we build upon our studies based on the postulations of Meulbroek (2002) and also other prior discussions of risk management and corporate governance with firm value. The main implication of our research is that the emergence and growing importance of risk management is not unfounded. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effects of cultural diversity on learning styles and performance development methods : a study of business professionals in Singapore.
Published 2008“…The main objectives of this research are to identify the nature of effects existing: (a) among sub-cultural groups and managers’ learning styles; (b) among sub-cultural groups and their performance development methods; (c) in the nature of the relationship between learning styles and performance development methods. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
On efficient solution of large-size wire-grid structures in a complex environment
Published 2008“…In the MoM, solving the impedance ma-trix equation becomes extremely computational time and memory intensive when the problem is large. Therefore, the main purpose of using these techniques is to break the bottle-neck existing in the MoM by either reducing the density or the order of the impedance matrix. …”
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Thesis -
Semantic mapping for articulated objects
Published 2019“…As an extension of semantic segmentation problem, there is still an unexplored field of identifying joints of an articulated object within an image. In this project, our main contributions are to re-train a semantic segmentation network on a smaller subset of items which can be considered prismatic or revolute. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)