Highly infectious prions are not directly neurotoxic
Published 2020“…We fur- ther show that treatment of brain homogenates from prion-infected mice with sodium lauroylsarcosine destroys toxicity without diminish- ing infectivity. This is consistent with models in which prion propa- gation and toxicity can be mechanistically uncoupled.…”
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Article -
Nanofiltration of hazardous congo red dye: performance and fluxdecline analysis
Published 2014“…Under20 mg L−1of initial CR concentration at pH 9, the decline of permeate flux was due to standard block-ing mechanism during the initial filtration. The cake formation took place rapidly at the second stage offiltration which contributed to the relatively constant permeate flux decline.…”
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Article -
The status of an illegitimate child in Islamic law: a critical analysis of DNA paternity test
Published 2016“…See more at: http://www.theantdaily.com/Main/Baby-dumping-cases-turn ing-into-an-epidemic-in-Malaysia#sthash.fpHHoWGk.dpuf.). …”
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Article -
Migrants becoming mathematics teachers : personal resources and professional capitals
Published 2017“…The focus of the research is on the complications of ‘bring[ing] off’ (MacLure, 2003:55) the embodied performance of becoming a teacher, and on how student teachers develop ‘enough’ (Blommaert and Varis, 2011:5) professional capital to pass the course. …”
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Thesis -
Exergy analysis of organic rankine cycle and electric turbo compounding for waste heat recovery
Published 2018“…Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) and Electric Turbo Compound-ing (ETC) system have a good potential to be used as exhaust energy recovery. …”
Article -
Engineering properties of asphalt binders containing nanoclay and chemical warm-mix asphalt additives
Published 2016“…In the effort to promote the construction of green pavement the asphalt concrete industry has been mak-ing consistent effort to use warm-mix asphalt (WMA) in their construction. …”
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Article -
Hijab wearing among Malay women in Malaysia: media or social influence?
Published 2013“…Social/interpersonal influence has a bigger influence than the media influence on hijab wear-ing. In addition, both media influence and social/interpersonal influence are positively related to one another. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Engineering properties of asphalt binders containing nanoclay and chemical warm-mix asphalt additives
Published 2016“…In the effort to promote the construction of green pavement the asphalt concrete industry has been mak-ing consistent effort to use warm-mix asphalt (WMA) in their construction. …”
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Article -
Structural analysis of floating offshore remote terminal for deep sea fishing
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Kripke completeness of strictly positive modal logics over meet-semilattices with operators
Published 2019“…Our concern is the completeness problem for spi-logics, that is, sets of implications between strictly positive formulas built from propositional variables, conjunction and modal diamond operators. …”
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Article -
Development of a low cost two axis force sensor
Published 2013“…This paper presents a low cost smart two axis force sensor with Analog-to-Digital (RS232 and SPI) interfaces, especially suitable for measuring low and moderate forces. …”
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Article -
Spirituality, integrity and counterproductive work behaviours among employees of selected Islamic organisations in Malaysia
Published 2013“…Measures used were Human Spirituality Scale (Wheat, 1991), workplace spirituality (Petchsawang and Duchon, 2009), counterproductive work behaviour (Gruys and Sackett, 2003), and the Substance, Production loss, and Interpersonal Problem Inventory (SPI). The findings failed to support the hypothesised model.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Mediating effect of integrity on workplace spirituality and counterproductive work behaviours
Published 2012“…Employees’ integrity was tested by using the Substance, Production loss, and Interpersonal Problem Inventory (SPI). It is a measure of overt integrity. Counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) measure was adapted from dimensionality of counterproductive work behaviour by Gruys and Sackett (2003). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Mediating effect of integrity on workplace spirituality and counterproductive work behaviours
Published 2012“…Employees’ integrity was tested by using the Substance, Production loss, and Interpersonal Problem Inventory (SPI). It is a measure of overt integrity. Counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) measure was adapted from dimensionality of counterproductive work behaviour by Gruys and Sackett (2003). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Control of pallets in automatic storage and retrieval system
Published 2009“…The controller is made up of PIC16f777 and PIC16f877A connected together using serial peripheral interface (spi). PIC16f777 is used because of its ability to control motors and solenoids that are used to drive the shafts and in turn move the pallets. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Environmental design consideration for courtyards in residential buildings in hot-humid climates: A review
Published 2014“…Mean-while, natural ventilation has been commonly utilized in woodenstructured traditional build-ings in hot-humid climates. However, most of the urban houses in Southeast Asian regions are becoming heavy-weight brick-walled buildings nowadays. …”
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Article -
Firearm recognition based on whole firing pin impression image via backpropagation neural network
Published 2011“…In this study, a set of data which focused on selected 6 features of firing pin impression images before an entirety of five different pistols of South African made; the Parabellum Vector SPI 9mm model, were used. The numerical features are geometric moments of whole image computed from a total of 747 cartridge case images. …”
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Book Chapter -
Artificial neural network implementation on firearm recognition system with respect to ring firing pin impression image
Published 2011“…In this study, a set of data which focused on selected 6 features of firing pin impression images before an entirety of five different pistols of South African made; the Parabellum Vector SPI 9mm model, were used. The numerical features are geometric moments of ring image computed from a total of 747 cartridge case images. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Firearm recognition based on whole firing pin impression image via backpropagation neural network
Published 2011“…In this study, a set of data which focused on selected 6 features of firing pin impression images before an entirety of five different pistols of South African made; the Parabellum Vector SPI 9mm model, were used. The numerical features are geometric moments of whole image computed from a total of 747 cartridge case images. …”
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Proceeding Paper