The effects of design on the tone and response of clarinet mouthpieces
Published 2000“…Information contained within the research will enable a more informed choice in the selection of lay profiles to be made by both players and makers, and aid in the design of new mouthpieces where both traditional and new features might be combined, thereby offering a broader range of playing properties.…”
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Thesis -
Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: a review from Islamic point of view
Published 2012“…Due to globalizing trend of homogenisation of culture, changes in the health care delivery system and market economics infringing on the practice of medicine, there has been a gradual shift in the attitude of the medical community as well as the lay public towards greater acceptance of euthanasia as an option for terminally ill and dying patients. …”
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Design thinking: unpeeling the sticky notes
Published 2018“…The emergence of design thinking is a document in its own right that demonstrates a continuous effort in mapping and rationalising the uncertainty that lays at the heart of the design process and, by reflex and paradox, the intrinsic resistance that design problems thanks to their liquidity oppose to the application of methods.…”
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Kripke completeness of strictly positive modal logics over meet-semilattices with operators
Published 2019“…Originated in logic, algebra and computer science, spi-logics have two natural semantics: meet-semilattices with monotone operators providing Birkhoff-style calculi and first-order relational structures (aka Kripke frames) often used as the intended structures in applications. Here we lay foundations for a completeness theory that aims to answer the question whether the two semantics define the same consequence relations for a given spi-logic.…”
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Commercial law in Malaysia
Published 2008“…Its primary objective is to provide students commencing legal studies and also lay readers a general overview on the commercial legal environment in Malaysia. …”
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Implementing key performance indicators in a government agency: a typical story?
Published 2015“…The key to perceived effectiveness of KPIs in this study lay primarily within the role of champions who were able to convince and convert members of the organisation of the value of KPIs to their activities.…”
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Essentials of Applied Mathematics for the Managerial Life and Social Sciences: Custom Publishing
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A study on parking space utilization at the International Islamic University Malaysia
Published 2005“…However, emphasis will be given to the central complex since it is the most dominant and active area in the campus. This paper lays the foundation in studying parking facilities and its utilization in the campus.…”
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Between social change and law
Published 2011“…WHEN laws are drafted, lawmakers lay down general rules of conduct. They usually have in mind the average citizen over 21 years old. …”
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The effect of fiber content on cotton reinforced albumen composites
Published 2011“…The composites having 0%, 3%, 6%, 10%, 13 %, and 16% w/w of cotton fiber were considered. Hands lay-up technique was used to prepare the CAC specimens and dried for 24 hours before characterised and evaluated for their mechanical performance. …”
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The influence of ageing on the impact damage of carbon epoxy composites
Published 2011“…Three different stacking sequences were investigated, one sequence with the classic lay-up, whereas the other two have quasiisotropic and quasi-homogeneous behaviour. …”
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XFEM modelling of single-lap Kenaf fibre composite hybrid joints under quasi-static loading
Published 2019“…Testing series investigated includes a variation of joint types, normalised W/d, lay-up types, plate thickness and bolt loads. Initially, cohesive failures appeared within adhesive layer, followed by nettension failure mode in all testing series investigated associated with stress concentration. …”
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Learning, knowledge and trade union renewal : an analysis of the student experience of the MA in international labour and trade union studies Ruskin College, Oxford (2006-2016)
Published 2018“…Secondly it asks, how is that learning and knowledge gained through social action made material? The former question lays at the heart of this thesis investigation. The latter is a significant reflection of its findings. …”
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Thesis -
Spiritual and moral reform of Muslim inmates: the model of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1878-1960)
Published 2010“…This paper discusses some of the fundamental concepts and strategies pertaining to the reform of Muslim inmates in light of Nursi’s perspective of change. Nursi lays the foundation for the comprehensive spiritual and moral reform of Muslim inmates, based on a set of concepts and themes such as the purpose of life, human nature, the notion of the ‘expansion of time’, and good and evil. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Symbiosis of religious principles and basic occupational values on Islamic work-life balance
Published 2014“…The plan for this article is to lay emphasis that the presence of human beings, which includes their mind, energy and whatever they can offer in the forms of work, benefits all. …”
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Spring-back simulation of unidirectional carbon/epoxy L- shaped laminate composites manufactured through autoclave processing
Published 2016“…Firstly, unidirectional prepreg lay-up samples are fabricated on moulds with different corner angles (30o, 45o and 90o) and the effect on spring-back deformation are observed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Faith-based organisations, development and the World Bank
Published 2013“…It argues that the main rationale for engagement with faith lay in the disappointing results of previous secular strategies and the feeling that religion had a positive role to play in fighting poverty. …”
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