Variability of plasma methadone concentration in opiate dependents receiving methadone: a personalised approach towards optimizing dose
Published 2012“…To compound the issue, addiction is mostly viewed not as a disease and its care is frequently relegated to the lay public, at least until very recently. In Malaysia, addiction has solely been under the charge of “Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan” (AADK), an agency that has mainly adopted a criminal approach to addiction. …”
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Book Chapter -
Attitudes toward euthanasia and related issues among physicians and patients in a multi-cultural society of Malaysia
Published 2014“…Introduction: Due to globalization and changes in the health care delivery system, there has been a gradual change in the attitude of the medical community as well as the lay public toward greater acceptance of euthanasia as an option for terminally ill and dying patients. …”
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Human rights provisions in the holy Quran and in international human rights declarations: a critical analysis
Published 2015“…There are copious references in the Quran and the practices of prophet Mohammad (PBUH) which lay down immutable provisions on various rights as later enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948. …”
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Virtual reality in heritage studies and historical reconstruction through animation – A case study of a 16th century university complex in the Ottoman world
Published 2007“…The aim was not only to deepen constructional understanding but to discover the historical and social context which lay behind the development of its city life. The virtual reality dimension of the study focused on a virtual walkthrough and animation of the overall Suleymaniye complex and selected parts of the complex such as the madrasa and the ‘imaret’ or soup kitchen. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cotton Mather's cosmology and the 1692 Salem witch trials
Published 2001“…Moving away from the at time banal observations of scholars about Mather's general Puritan theology, this thesis lays greater emphasis upon Mather's well-formulated and consistent cosmology and response to witch episodes prior to, during, and after the Salem trials. …”
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Thesis -
Active compliance control strategies for multifingered robot hand
Published 2018“…However, it was found that the adaptive controller produces better impedance control results as compared to the ISMC, with a 33% efficiency improvement. This work lays important foundations for long-term related research, particularly in the field of active compliance control that can be beneficial to human–robot interaction (HRI).…”
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Thesis -
Gessel's concept of free-money eliminating interest through information-money
Published 2011“…Money and the monetary system lay down the foundation for the exchange, distribution and investment process in the economy and influence the savings and consumption functions as well. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Education and politics : a comparative inquiry of the Fatimids and the Ayyūbids in Middle age Egypt
Published 2011“…This research is an attempt to open a small window on the great legacy of Islamic educational thought in the Middle-ages, which could contribute to the efforts of reviving the Islamic educational heritage. The research tried to lay foundations for a solid intellectual platform that aims to create a modern Islamic system of education that it is comprehensive, responsive to our current needs. …”
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Exploring the relationship between Islamic religious learning and community: Special reference to ‘Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun and Mohammad Tahir Ben Achour
Published 2013“…At the core of these critical contributions however, lays the question of the interplay between religious learning and community building, and the means according to which religious learning is continually the driving force for development and prosperity. …”
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Virtual reality in heritage studies and historical reconstruction through animation – A case study of a 16th century university complex in the Ottoman world
Published 2007“…The aim was not only to deepen constructional understanding but to discover the historical and social context which lay behind the development of its city life. The virtual reality dimension of the study focused on a virtual walkthrough and animation of the overall Suleymaniye complex and selected parts of the complex such as the madrasa and the ‘imaret’ or soup kitchen. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Miftah Al-'Arabiyyah = مفتاح العربية
Published 2011“…After getting student’s feedback towards the new book, I would like to provide some recommendations which aim to improve the situation such as adding more language activities, providing more attractive pictures, replacing vague vocabularies and improving the lay out. To sum up, curriculum design is an endless work. …”
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Maternal mortality and the implementation of maternal health policies in Zamfara state: challenges and issues
Published 2015“…The 1988 National Health Policy revised in 1996 and 2004 lays out the different functions within the system. …”
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The application of Islamic Law relating to non-consensual sexual offence: a comparative study
Published 2002“…I am confident that the Muslim and non-Muslim legal researchers, legal practitioners, members of the judiciary, law lecturers, policemen and lay men will find this article valuable and useful as it contains a comprehensive analysis of the law relating to sexual offences with special reference to the law of rape. …”
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The Experience of Depression among Black and Minority Ethnic Women in the United Kingdom : An Interpretative Phenomenological Study
Published 2016“…Discussions around experiences of taking antidepressants served to highlight the importance of the understanding of medication for lay individuals and their implications for treatment adherence. …”
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Thesis -
Cancer control and prevention in Argentina
Published 2019“…From the 1920s to the early 1980s, three distinct periods can be identified: first, an institutional approach, where the first cancer institute attempted to concentrate all the activities related to the control of cancer, that is, lay education, scientific research, diagnosis and treatment, patients’ support, and cancer statistics; second, a state approach, inaugurated by the arrival of Juan Domingo Perón to government, where the centralization of cancer initiatives became a state affair; and third, a long period characterized by the retirement of the state—marked by political unrest and a succession of military governments until the return of democracy in 1983—informed by decentralizing policies, the prominent role of civil society actors, such as voluntary organizations and medical societies, and the relative sway of the Pan American Health Organization. …”
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