Telling the story: what can be learned from parents' experience of the professional response following the sudden, unexpected death of a child?
Published 2013“…My research explores parents' experience of professional intervention following sudden, unexpected child death. …”
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Thesis -
Microbial induced calcite precipitation treatment on tropical residual soil
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
E-business framework design using an enhanced Web 2.0 technology
Published 2012“…However in this race, the e-business growth pendulum is only swinging one way, and it is easy to understand the reason for this by observing today's business market. …”
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Thesis -
Cotton reinforced biopolymer matrix composite: effect of ultraviolet (UV) on its mechanical properties
Published 2011“…The CAC were prepared by using hands lay-up technique with 10 w/w % of cotton content and cured at room temperature for 14 days. …”
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Learning, knowledge and trade union renewal : an analysis of the student experience of the MA in international labour and trade union studies Ruskin College, Oxford (2006-2016)
Published 2018“…Secondly it asks, how is that learning and knowledge gained through social action made material? The former question lays at the heart of this thesis investigation. The latter is a significant reflection of its findings. …”
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Thesis -
Dealing with environmental issues: preparing a framework for environmental education, policy and laws in Malaysia
Published 2007“…In this paper, it is submitted that Islam lays a good foundation for teaching and learning about the environment. …”
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Two men shaking hands
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Photograph -
A practice based methodology for research in the archive
Published 2019“…My research focuses on the fabric samples and documentation held in the archive of the furniture company Parker Knoll Ltd, part of the Frederick Parker Collection London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom (UK). …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The Equality Act 2010 and empty diversity : neoliberal legislation and inequality in the lives of trans* and sexgender nonconforming people
Published 2018“…In order to explore these dynamics I give a genealogical and multidisciplinary context to my work. More specifically, I trace the ways in which the development of trans* and sexgender nonconforming discourses impacts on the evolving self-understanding of my research subjects. …”
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Thesis -
Selected properties of hand-laid and compression molded pineapple leaf fiber (PALF)-reinforced vinyl ester composites
Published 2010“…Untreated and bleached PALF were used to reinforce vinyl ester (VE) utilizing hand lay-up (HLU) and liquid compression molding (LCM). …”
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Taking down of evidence by handwriting in a criminal proceeding under the Malaysian Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), and the Syariah Criminal Procedure (state of Selangor) Enactment...
Published 2005“…In this respect, the chief purpose of procedural law is to lay down the rules that criminal justice officials must follow: That persons must be tired not by arbitrary procedures but in accordance to the process outlined in the law is the basic principle of procedural law. …”
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Transformative economics education : using proverbs from around the world in the classroom
Published 2010“…The author proposes the use of proverbs from around the world as a way of challenging students' meaning perspectives, and describe my experience of using this approach in the classroom.…”
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'Contemporary performance as TARDIS': dancing through time and relative dimension in space
Published 2021“…I evoke the Tardis as it references science and art, matter and movement, is playful with postmodern potential, and in its transformational nature gifts me an image that resonates my concerns as a dance artist and performance maker. …”
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Faith-based organisations, development and the World Bank
Published 2013“…It argues that the main rationale for engagement with faith lay in the disappointing results of previous secular strategies and the feeling that religion had a positive role to play in fighting poverty. …”
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Fracture behavior of natural fiber reinforced biopolymer matrix composite
Published 2008“…The albumen-cotton composites have been fabricated by hands lay-up technique at varied volume fiber fraction from 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 vol.% cotton. …”
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Impact behaviors of epoxy/glass fiber composites at subzero and elevated temperatures
Published 2009“…Fiber reinforced epoxy composite specimens of different volume fractions of woven or chopped fibers were fabricated using manual lay up process. To obtain higher fiber volume fraction, a greater force is needed to consolidate the chopped fiber composite than for the woven fiber one. …”
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Book Chapter -
‘A window to the world’: the challenges and benefits of transnational joint Masters programmes for internationalising the curriculum
Published 2015“…In this role I did not teach but my position afforded me a unique perspective on students’ experiences of this type of internationalised curriculum, that is, the joint Masters. …”
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Book Section -
The development of Kolej Kediaman Pagoh freelancing system
Published 2024“…For efficient database management, phpMyAdmin was employed, providing a user-friendly interface for creating, editing, and organizing the system's data. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Morphology of the eye and free neuromast of larval ayu and pale chub and its relation to behaviour in water flow
Published 1983“…While ayu Plecoglossus altivelis and pale chub Zacco platypus lay their eggs on spawning beds with similar conditions in water flow and bottom sediments in rivers, the former achieves downstream migration after hatching and the latter remains in the river after its emergence from the spawning bed. …”
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Impact strength of Carbon Reinforced Epoxy Composite at different temperatures
Published 2011“…Charpy impact tests were conducted on carbon reinforced epoxy composites fabricated by hand lay-up method using 0.47, 0.56 and 0.66 carbon fiber volume fractions; tests were conducted at temperatures between -60oC to 60oC. …”
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