On hot-spot traffic pattern of TESH network
Published 2008“…It is shown that the dynamic communication performance of the TESH network is better than that of the mesh and torus networks. It is also shown that the relative difference in maximum throughput between torus and TESH networks decreases with the increase of hot spot traffic.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Determinants of banks’ total factor productivity: the post-Asian financial crisis experience of the Philippines
Published 2012“…The results indicate that both the domestic and foreign banks have exhibited productivity regress due to technological regress rather than efficiency decline. We find that the more diversified Philippines banks tend to be less productive in their intermediation function. …”
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Article -
Adopting an enterprise resource planning system in a privatized government unit: challenges and impacts
Published 2011“…The more senior employees, who opted to be employed with the new company after privatisation, were found to be resistance towards PRONTO system. Other than that, there were also other challenges faced by the company during the implementation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Towards an application of Musharakah Mutanaqisah principle in Islamic microfinance
Published 2011“…This paper illustrates that Musharakah Mutanaqsah, an equity based financing instrument, is better than debt-based financing because of its flexibility and end result in the ownership of assets on the part of the customer. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Linking sustainable livelihoods to natural resources and governance in OIC countries: prospects and challenges
Published 2011“…The findings revealed that countries having better scores in good governance performed better in more than one of the selected livelihood indicators. Performances in the selected indicators for sustainable livelihoods and good governance vary markedly among the countries, which underscores the need to intensify the existing collaboration. …”
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Article -
An update on diversity of sea cucumber (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in Malaysia
Published 2010“…It is estimated that more than 80 species of sea cucumber are present in Malaysia. …”
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Article -
Joining the dots on sexual exploitation of children and women: a way forward for UK policy responses
Published 2016“…In turn this has resulted in a focus on the vulnerability of individual young people rather than structural inequalities that connect CSE with sexual exploitation of adult women, despite the multiple similarities and overlaps. …”
Article -
Incremental reconstruction of moving object trajectory
Published 2017“…This paper proposes a unique, much simpler model-driven approach which is more efficient than other approaches for dynamic tracking such as Microsoft Kinect. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Introducing computer-assisted assessment : considerations for the new practitioner
Published 2005“…It is specifically aimed at the individual rather than at the institution and at new practitioners in particular. …”
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Article -
The Educational Experience of ‘African’ Students at London Metropolitan University – a Case Study
Published 2007“…In one sense they considered that their integration into academic studies here in LondonMet was more important than understanding and integrating into the wider social and economic life of the city.…”
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Article -
Relationships between breast-feeding, co-sleeping, and somatic complaints in early childhood
Published 2016“…Boys demonstrated significantly higher levels of sleep problems than did girls. These findings highlight the relationship between co-sleeping during early childhood, which could have implications for prevention, treatment, and intervention regarding somatic complaints and sleep problems in early childhood.…”
Article -
The effects of word characteristics on children's reading
Published 1987“…The regularity effect was seen to be dependent upon hostility and frequency of word neighbours, and the frequency of the target word itself, rather than due to a regularity-irregularity dichotomy.…”
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Thesis -
Bank lending procyclicality and credit quality during financial crises
Published 2014“…This paper analyses macroeconomic and financial determinants of bad loans applying a SVAR approach to investigate whether excessive loans granted during expansionary phases can explain the more than proportional increase in non-performing loans during contractionary periods. …”
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Article -
Do Islamic and conventional banks have the same technology?
Published 2012“…At the country level, Islamic banks are more cost efficient than conventional banks in Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey and United Arab Emirates, and less efficient in Bangladesh, Kuwait, Malaysia and Tunisia. …”
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Article -
Are rating agencies' assignment opaque? Evidence from international banks
Published 2010“…We find that support vector machines can produce considerably better predictions of international bank ratings than ordered choice models due to the formers ability to estimate a large number of country dummies unrestrictedly.…”
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Article -
The weekly structure of US stock prices
Published 2011“…The results indicate that the four series are highly persistent; a small degree of mean reversion (i.e., orders of integration strictly smaller than 1) is found in some cases for S&P and the Dow Jones indices. …”
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Article -
Interest rate dynamics in Kenya : commercial banks' rates and the 91 day treasury bill rate
Published 2011“…The results indicate that all series examined are nonstationary with orders of integration equal to or higher than 1. The analysis of various spreads suggests that they also are nonstationary I(1) variables, the only evidence of mean reversion being obtained in the case of the Deposits – Treasury Bill rate spread with autocorrelated errors.…”
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Article -
Time-varying spot and futures oil price dynamics
Published 2010“…We provide evidence that futures markets play a more important role than spot markets in the case of contracts with shorter maturities, but the relative contribution of the two types of market turns out to be highly unstable, especially for the most deferred contracts. …”
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Article -
The relationship between procrastination and sexual orientation
Published 2018“…Non heterosexual women were found to procrastinate more than heterosexual women (r=.162). Both relationships were mediated by conscientiousness, but not depression. …”
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Article -
Counting with understanding? What is at stake in debates on researching domestic violence
Published 2021“…We also point to the limitations of traditional crime codes in capturing the range of abuse suffered by victims of coercive control, and question whether measuring physical assault is any more straightforward in sample surveys than measuring non-violent forms of coercion. We conclude by calling for greater attention to qualitative narratives and practice-based knowledge to ensure that measurement frameworks reflect the lived experiences of victim-survivors.…”
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