Bilateral adrenal histoplasmosis: endoscopic ultrasound – guided fine needle aspiration as a method of diagnosis and assessment
Published 2011“…In this case, we found that the role of EUS – guided FNA was not only limited to diagnosis but also helped in the prognosis of the disease since the method was able to assess the general anatomy of the adrenal gland better than other imaging modalities due to its close proximity and direct visualization.…”
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Formation of Ti-Al-N dispersed composite layer on steel by TIG torch surface cladding
Published 2010“…Glazing under all energy inputs produced more than 1mm thick resolidified clad layer. The microstructural analysis revealed the clad layer with dispersion of dendrites of Ti-Al nitrides and Ti-Al intermetallic in ferrite matrix. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Isolation and analytical characterization of local Malaysian Leech Saliva extracts
Published 2011“…RP-HPLC chromatogram revealed that more than 30 different peaks were observed in leech saliva extract. …”
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Pool Finance Economic System
Published 2011“…As Thomas Jefferson claimed that the Conventional banks and banking institutions could become more dangerous and threatening than modern armed forces. There is no much works have been done about this financial system in regards to method, implementation, ways to success and free-interest quality. …”
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Book Chapter -
Menghidupkan semula pedagogi inkuiri falsafah di kalangan pendidik dan pelajar Islam
Published 2009“…Their education should empower and motivate them so that they can determine the direction of their lives rather than beingfed with 'education' that is not meaningful to them. …”
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Assessing performance of mutual funds in Indonesia
Published 2010“…It is mainly caused by a declining in both efficiency and technical efficiencies, where the efficiency change is largely contributed by the changes in pure efficiency rather than scale efficiency. The findings of the study suggest that the mutual funds' industry in Indonesia has a great opportunity to promote its TFP by constantly optimizing and upgrading the educational and training programs intended to improve managerial ability and to speed up the adoption of new technologies. …”
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Factors determining welfare of the child in Malaysian civil law of custody: an analysis of decided cases
Published 2011“…Another issue is whether to separate the children or not (if there is more than one child in the dispute) in deciding custody disputes. …”
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Spiritual and Psychological health of Malaysian youths
Published 2009“…Significant gender difference existed in terms of mean life satisfaction scores only, with females more satisfied than males. Overall, spiritual well-being predicted self-efficacy, self-esteem, and life satisfaction significantly. …”
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Book Chapter -
MSCT assessment of blunt abdominal trauma in paediatric and adolescent patients: our experience in Hospital Tengku AMpuan Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan, Pahang
Published 2009“…Although operative intervention in these cases were based on clinical criteria rather than imaging findings. CT information frequently increases diagnostic confidence of the surgeons and influence the success of nonoperative management in most children with solid viscus injury.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Preservation of health in Islamic law
Published 2009“…Preservation of health (hifz al-sihhah) is the most important branch of Islamic medicine since it is primarily concerned with the prevention of illness rather than cure. This book represents as of the few attempts to introduce the role of Islamic medicine, although Chapter One provides information about a historical background of the preservation of health in Islam, but its aim is to provide a fresh and timely overview of major aspects of legal, ritual and spiritual structures of the Islamic laws, foods and drinks as well as environmental laws, for maintaining and preserving human health. …”
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Mechanical properties of sintered aluminum alloy compacts
Published 2011“…Based on the experimental study conducted in this work, the A356 produced parts using the P/M process seem to have better mechanical properties than similar parts produced using the conventional permanent mold cast process. …”
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Book Chapter -
A solar assisted heat pump system for desalination
Published 2011“…The efiiciency of the evaporator collector was much higher than the conventional solar collector. The system has an average water production rate of 10 kg/hr.…”
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Book Chapter -
Fermentation of vinegar from star fruit (averrhoa carambola)
Published 2011“…The vinegar obtained had a concentration of acetic acid of 2.855% which was higher than predicted value obtained from the selected fennented star fruit juice and the efficiency of acetic fermentation was 32.5%.…”
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Book Chapter -
Contributions of Kerim Kerimov in aerospace engineering
Published 2011“…He had dedicated himself to the space researches throughout his life and contributed to the development of space exploration in his country. For more than 25 years involvement in aerospace industry, he had launched many astronauts and spacecrafts such as Vostok 1, Molniya, Soyuz 11 and so on. …”
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Book Chapter -
Multicast security : issues and solutions
Published 2011“…In case of multicast traffic, the inherent broad scope of a multicast session, the potential for attacks may be greater than that countered in unicast traffic. It is required to secure these services while maintaining the trade-off between efficiency and performance…”
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Book Chapter -
Introduction to fingerprint verification
Published 2011“…Even with the concern over the use of fingerprints, the finger biometric still remains more widely accepted than any other biometric…”
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Book Chapter -
Properties of montmorillonite-reinforced thermoplastic sago starch composites
Published 2011“…Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) revealed that the thermal stability of MTRSS was better than those of TPSS. In addition, the scanning electron micrograph results show that MMT were uniformly dispersed in the TPSS.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Free space optic communications – a review of quality parameters
Published 2011“…Considering that FSO Technology uses optical signals, the performance of FSO links happen to be highly dependent on weather conditions more than microwave radio links…”
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Comparison of diesel emission experiments in view of the environment: a case study at Dubai
Published 2012“…Because of the nature of the diesel engine combustion process, such engines produce more toxic emissions, more visible smoke and odour than gasoline engines. This has led to an increasing concern about the possible effects of diesel emissions on the environment and human health. …”
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Empirical understanding of and perceived ability in statistical concepts: a Rasch measurement approach
Published 2010“…The results also suggest that students more often than not overestimated their understanding of basic statistical concepts, particular those requiring conceptual understanding of the concepts.…”
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Proceeding Paper