Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology thesis portfolio (Clarke : 2015) : Adolescents' views of the electronic cigarette: a new gateway to addiction?
Published 2015“…Willingness to try an e-cigarette was a significant predictor of susceptibility to use of an e-cigarette in the next year (F (1,253) = 174.71, p < .05) and smoking in the next year, in non-smokers (F(1,190) = 60.34, p < .05). Conclusion: Findings illustrated high levels of e-cigarette awareness among adolescents in a London, UK population. …”
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Thesis -
Portfolio risk analysis : conditional estimates of value-at-risk and international volatility spillovers
Published 1997“…However, unlike previous studies, the analysis considers the effect of exchange rate movements on VaR estimates and the nature of the relationship between national stock markets. Our findings highlights the importance of considering the exchange rate in the estimation of VaR and in determining which national market plays the role of market leader. …”
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Determinants of foreign direct investment and its relationship to economic growth
Published 2012“…Indeed, the majority of applications of EBA are in the growth literature. The findings significantly outperform existing ones as endogeneity bias and model uncertainty are controlled for in that context. …”
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Identification of a novel method for differentiating human monocytic cell line into macrophages
Published 2020“…This novel research has therefore identified a cross-talk between THP-1 and HUH7 cells. Furthermore, these findings can be extended to research the known effects of activated macrophages in inducing hepcidin expression in HUH7 cells, by investigating the signals transferred by EVs between the two cells. …”
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The role of graduate recruitment in the employability agenda: a qualitative case study of undergraduate business education at a London Russell Group university
Published 2023“…The study draws on an educational and sociological theoretical lens, including Bourdieu’s conceptual tools of habitus and social & cultural capitals, Becker’s human capital theory, Foucault’s technologies of the self, and Young’s analysis of meritocracy. The empirical findings of the study reveal that the role of human capital may be a diminishing factor in graduate employment and, instead, it is the accumulation of social and cultural capital that are frequently the differentiating factors in the complex and hyper-competitive recruitment arena. …”
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To what extent and in what ways do communities of practice facilitate learning in the context of professional development for interpreting students and practitioners?
Published 2021“…It sows the seeds for a CoP mindset that sustains beyond participation and so has the power to transform the ethical values of the interpreting profession. Finally, these findings are transferable to all professional courses (but not only) within and beyond Higher Education.…”
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Thesis -
An Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Calcium Chloride As Dust Suppressant on the Strength of Unpaved Road
Published 2023“…It can be inferred from the results that calcium chloride has the potential to function as a stabilizer for unpaved roads. The findings of this study are expected to reduced life cycle costs for unpaved roads, provide insights for the best approach to materials analysis for unpaved roads, and contribute to environmental benefits by minimizing dust emissions into the atmosphere and reducing the release of chemicals into nature.…”
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Article -
Published 2023“…Utilizing kick and grab sampling techniques, we collected stream macroinvertebrates and benthic sediments along the entire upstream-to-downstream gradient of Pelepah Kiri and Gunung Muntahak. Our findings revealed a diverse assemblage of 385 macroinvertebrates from 28 distinct families, with notable abundance observed in Baetidae (14.0%), Simuliidae (10.6%), and Hydropsychidae (10.6%). …”
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Analysis of the Insulation Characteristics of Hexafluorobutene (C4H2F6) Gas and Mixture with CO2/N2 as an Alternative to SF6 for Medium-Voltage Applications
Published 2023“…This remarkable performance can be attributed to a positive synergistic effect between HFO-1336mzz (E) and CO2 , combined with the gas mixture’s excellent self-recoverability property. These experimental findings are further supported by finite element analysis, which confirms the observed results. …”
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An Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Calcium Chloride As Dust Suppressant on the Strength of Unpaved Road
Published 2023“…It can be inferred from the results that calcium chloride has the potential to function as a stabilizer for unpaved roads. The findings of this study are expected to reduced life cycle costs for unpaved roads, provide insights for the best approach to materials analysis for unpaved roads, and contribute to environmental benefits by minimizing dust emissions into the atmosphere and reducing the release of chemicals into nature.…”
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Using collaborative model to examine online persuasion through e-commerce website design: Comparative study between Gen X and Gen Y online shoppers in Malaysia
Published 2021“…According to the results, H1, H2, H3, H4, H7 of the study were accepted. The findings indicated that there is no significant difference between Gen X and GenY except the influential of Credibility support through navigation design (CSN) element. …”
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Thesis -
The mediating role of national culture on the relationship between corporate governance practices and corporate strategy effectiveness
Published 2022“…The Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the research hypotheses. Findings of this research revealed that there is a moderate level of corporate strategy effectiveness. …”
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Identity shift in South Asian and middle eastern selected novels
Published 2022“…The data were thematically analysed following Braun& Clark’s six essential steps: reading, highlighting, coding, reviewing themes, identifying themes, and writing up. The findings of this study, therefore, revealed that the main characters maintained their native cultural identity and yet they gained aspects of the other identity. …”
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