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Rummage my heart : exploring grief surrounding the passing of a loved one
Published 2017Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Mix and move ( the movable cocktail experience )
Published 2017Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
The Singapore blend : a country in a cup
Published 2018“…From 80 cents to $8,000 a cup, from being served in hawker centres to fine dining establishments, tea transcends social class, race, age and culture. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Performance of thermoplastic composite tubular structures
Published 2021“…Hence, hybridisation of carbon and polypropylene might be an interesting solution to explore. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Leakage modelling of revolving vane expander
Published 2010“…But in that model, there’s an inherent flaw both on his experimental setup and on his theoretical modeling. Hence, we perform in modeling in a different manner with results that converge well within his range of results. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Adsorption characteristics of various adsorbent-adsorbate pairs
Published 2018“…In recent years, global warming has become a serious threat to our planet due to the emission of carbon dioxide generated from burning of fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal to meet the high demand for energy. Hence, adsorption chiller has become the alternative to replace the current vapour compression system to minimise the ozone depletion and global warming potentials. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Grid integration of wind power generators
Published 2012“…Since the converters are situated at the rotor side, there is a significant reduction in the ratings and required number of converters for operation, hence leading to cost savings. Moreover, synchronisation performed at the stator terminals allows the ease of connection and disconnection of the DFIG in scenarios of grid faults or unbalanced grid conditions, hence transforming wind turbine into an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and improving its efficiency.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Musical activity for multi-touch system to promote user interaction
Published 2013“…Even in multi-player games, the direct interaction between users is minimal as users would only focus and interact with the graphical screen. Hence, this project aims to create a musical activity on a multi touch system without the use of visual display to encourage interaction between users. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Production of water from air
Published 2013“…Singapore is a humid country with an average humidity of 70% hence adopting the method of extracting potable water from air is highly feasible. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Injection moulding of micro droplet generation thermoplastics devices
Published 2014“…Micromixer is a type of microfluidic device that is used to mix fluids together at the nanoscale level, hence the channels of the micromixer is a critical factor in the efficiency and quality of the fluid flow. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes: a practical approach to diagnosis and management
Published 2021“…Classically, well-characterised 'onconeuronal' antibodies target intracellular antigens and hence cannot access their antigens across intact cell membranes. …”
Journal article -
Geobarrier system for use in underground structure
Published 2018“…A GBS is a man-made three-layer cover system designed as a vegetative layer combined with a two-layer unsaturated system which harnesses the distinct difference in unsaturated hydraulic properties between a fine-grained layer and a coarse-grained layer. GBS consists of recycled materials and does not use steel nor concrete and is hence more cost effective, thereby making it economical for use in high rise building. …”
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Book -
The HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY : Kisah tentang Cinta, Cita Rasa, dan Selera /
Published 2014“…Hassan Haji pun menyeberangi jalan menuju Restoran Le Saule Pleureur yang menyajikan fine dining ala Prancis. Siapa sangka perjalanan yang hanya seratus langkah ini memunculkan begitu banyak masalah? …”
text -
Instability Scaffolding: Enacting Strategic Instabilities to Produce Authentic Premium Wine
Published 2024“…My dissertation explores how strategic instabilities are enacted in productions of fine wine, articulating the practices and arrangements that facilitate working with unstable production conditions in productive ways—a process I refer to as instability scaffolding. …”
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Thesis -
The potential roles of granular activated carbon in anaerobic fluidized membrane bioreactors : effect on membrane fouling and membrane integrity
Published 2014“…For example, (1) GAC appeared to release micro- and nanoscaled fine carbon particles, which can form potential foulants. (2) GAC abrasion can induce partial membrane integrity loss, which was proven by membrane permeability increase and microscopic autopsy. …”
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Journal Article