Study on Palm Oil Kernel Shell Coarse Aggregate (PKSCA) as replacement material for coarse aggregate in concrete mix
Published 2018“…The construction industry is become bigger and bigger each day, but nowadays the price of material are not cheap like the old days. The price is increase drastically by 30% for the past few years. …”
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Book Section -
An overview of out-of-step protection in power systems
Published 2017“…The power system that designed as one of the main requirement is to survive from the larger type of disturbances like faults. The power swing in certain system is the variation in three phase power flow in the power system. …”
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Malaysia's palm oil exports: does exchange rate overvaluation and undervaluation matters?
Published 2011“…Hence, it is imperative that policy-makers avoid both overvaluation and undervaluation and keep the real exchange rate in line with the economic fundamentals. …”
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Pricing efficiency of the 3-month KLIBOR futures contracts: An empirical analysis
Published 2009“…The study spans the contract's entire 10-year history, June 1996 to June 2006. In line with findings in other markets, we find a pre-ponderance of overpricing. …”
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Assessing future needs of IT education in Malaysia: a preliminary result
Published 2008“…The research team found that technical, soft and problem-solving skills are the main concerns raised by the key informants. This is in line with the literature review and also the present higher education policy concerns by the Malaysia government. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ten gamat species in Malaysia’s seawaters for health-based industries
Published 2012“…The Langkawi Archipelago and Pangkor Island are the main produc=on sites of air gamat and minyak gamat. In line with the development of science and technology, modern-‐formularised gamat-‐based products sold by Malaysia’s companies e.g. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fade dynamics analysis for for terrestrial microwave links
Published 2010“…Terrestrial microwave system is the backbone line for mobile communication industry. In tropical region particularly in Malaysia, rain attenuation is the major constraint for implementing microwave system above 10 GHz. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Natural logarithm sliding mode control (ln-SMC) using EMRAN for active engine mounting system
Published 2010“…Moreover, the advantage of fast on-line training using Extended Minimum Resource Allocating Network (EMRAN) algorithm, made it possible to design feedback control law without having to obtain the precise system model which is normally becomes major difficulties of sliding mode approach.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Critical thinking dispositions of new intake engineering technology students
Published 2011“…This paper presents the findings a study to determine the initial critical thinking dispositions of new intake engineering technology students in the effort to provide base-line data for the integration of critical thinking (CT) in the English syllabus of the engineering technology programme. …”
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Active vibration isolation system for free space optic communication: virtual prototyping using LabVIEW-SolidWorks
Published 2012“…In Free Space Optic (FSO) communication, the alignment between transmitter and receiver telescope is very important. The line of sight of their optics must be aligned during the entire communication time; this is crutial in large distance data transmission. …”
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The reception of the law relating to Res Gestae in Malaysia
Published 2006“…Such acts omissions and statements are regarded, as part of the same transaction and the bottom line issue here is that whether such facts are allowed to be proved? …”
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Social Entrepreneurship as an Instrument to Empowering Small and Medium Enterprises: An Islamic Perspective
Published 2011“…The plot of current research is generated by few related frameworks that are in line with the Islamic notion which reviews the roles and obstacles of SMEs development. …”
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Development of alpha mangostin-PLGA nanoparticles as an anticancer agent
Published 2011“…The in vitro anti-cancer activity of α-Mangostin-PLGA nanoparticles was evaluated using lung cancer cell line (A549) and was compared to the free α-Mangostin. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Economic theories of Ibn Khaldun from his great work, Muqaddimah
Published 2009“…The study is based on library research whereby, books, articles are consulted. Magazines and on-line journal articles are of great use in conducting this study. …”
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Building and implementing a multi-level system of ethical code for biologists under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) of the United Nations
Published 2021“…Biologists are at the front line of biotechnology development and are key to maintaining biosecurity awareness and moral self-discipline. …”
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Ferocious Marys and dark Alessas: the portrayal of religious matriarchies in Silent Hill
Published 2021“…Unsurprisingly, such stereotypical depictions are in line with the patriarchal norms which have long persisted in wider, secular society, which deem women as inferior and subordinate to men (Schur 1984). …”
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Book Section -
Handbook of research on fostering social justice through intercultural and multilingual communication
Published 2022“…Building trust impacts the bottom line for global companies, and multilingual communication is a core pillar for effective growth. …”
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Bandwidth extension of planar antennas using embedded slits for reliable multiband RF communications
Published 2016“…This is accomplished by embedding capacitive slits in the rectangular patch with a truncated ground-plane, and exciting the antenna through a meandered strip-line feed. The proposed antenna was fabricated on standard FR-4 substrate with permittivity of 4.6, thickness of 0.8 mm and loss-tangent of 0.001. …”
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Towards a broader approach to the community interpreter’s role: on correspondence between role perceptions and interactional goals
Published 2016“…The various respondents seemed to differ in their perceptions of the interpreter’s role, ostensibly reflecting their own conversational goals, but not necessarily in line with their status as service provider, service recipient or interpreter.…”
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Teaching similarities and differences between non directive teaching and enhancing self esteem of special education students
Published 2021“…Teaching strategies are not fixed, they can be modified as needed. This statement is in line with the existing needs in special education. …”
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