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Low dropout linear voltage regulator
Published 2013“…LDOs has been very well-liked and widely used in low-powered contrivance for the reason that it has efficient voltage regulating capabilities which enhances a prolong battery proficiency and longevity. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effects of automation transparency on trust and diagnostic decision making with an automated decision aid during medical emergencies
Published 2015“…Novice doctors in a simulated emergency diagnosis task used automated decision aids with different transparency configurations, manipulated by the presence of two transparency features, a list of Key Diagnostic Cues that explain its recommendation and a Likelihood Rating that displays how likely the aid thinks its recommendation is correct. …”
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Thesis -
Maths pro (I)
Published 2015“…In this independent learning environment, by employing the usage of online lectures, tutorials, quizzes and materials sharing, it will be result in a very different experience for both students and instructors as the whole process of learning and teaching is made more simple and convenient. It is also likely to enhance the learning and understanding of every student in the topic of Engineering Mathematics (Numerical Method etc.).…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Sign language recognition – teach machine to talk to deaf people
Published 2015“…The problem is that people who have not learnt sign language before will most likely have difficulties in understanding what the deaf-mutes are trying to convey. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Characterizing the spectrum of slip behavior at the Sumatran subduction zone with long-term geodetic records
Published 2016“…I examine a range of oceanographic and tectonic processes that can potentially explain these observations, and find that the most likely explanation is a 15-year-long slow slip event on the Banyak Islands section of the Sunda megathrust. …”
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Thesis -
Carbon aerogel for removal of oils and organic solvents spills
Published 2016“…The demand for water is likely to increase due the increase in world population and industrial activities. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Edge color constrained influence maximization in social networks
Published 2017“…However, simply selecting the most influential people does not maximize the spread as the content of a post dictates how likely a user will ‘share’ it. Thus, we show that it is not only imperative to select the top-k seed nodes but also the top-r most relevant topics in the network. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Cadmium isotope fractionation during adsorption onto calcite
Published 2023“…However, near identical coordination environments of the aqueous and sorbed Cd species in the presence of PO43− likely led to the reduced Cd isotope fractionation. …”
Journal article -
Metacognition facilitates Theory of Mind through optimal weighting of trait inferences
Published 2024“…This effect was greater in magnitude with lower metacognitive sensitivity, i.e., when confidence is more likely to be misplaced. Furthermore, participants’ trait inference ability was associated with the accuracy of their understanding of the average mind. …”
Journal article -
Neotropical mammal responses to megafires in the Brazilian Pantanal
Published 2024“…The increasing frequency and severity of human-caused fires likely have deleterious effects on species distribution and persistence. …”
Journal article -
Range expansion of a declining forest species, the Western Gray Squirrel (Sciurus griseus), into semi-arid woodland
Published 2024“…Occupancy modeling revealed that western gray squirrels were equally likely to occur in piñon–juniper woodland compared to mature pine forest that they occupy elsewhere in their range. …”
Journal article -
The Pandemic EVIDENCE Collaboration Pillar 1: diagnostics and transmission
Published 2024“…The transmission dynamics to allow for a replication-competent virus to move from a reservoir to a susceptible host and establish an invasive infection is complex and it is likely multiple modes of transmission exist from direct reservoir-to-host (contact, droplet deposition, transplacental) and indirect reservoir-to-intermediary-to- host (vehicle-borne, foodborne, waterborne, and airborne) routes. …”
Conference item -
Multisensory processing in the ferret auditory cortex
Published 2017“…For example, animals were more likely to correctly localise stimuli when activity increased in the contralateral cortex and decreased in the ipsilateral cortex. …”
Thesis -
Online arts and culture for mental health in young people: a qualitative interview study
Published 2023“…Participants described that human connection was the feature of OAC most likely to benefit mental health and emphasised the importance of representation. …”
Journal article -
Use of intravenous immunoglobulin for the treatment of autoimmune encephalitis: audit of the NHS experience
Published 2018“…</p> <p><strong>Results</strong> A total of 625 patients who were 18 years of age or older were treated with intravenous immunoglobulin for autoimmune encephalitis, of whom 398 were determined as having 'highly likely' or 'definite' autoimmune/limbic encephalitis. …”
Journal article -
Effectiveness of supervised versus self-directed rehabilitation for adults aged 50 years and over with ankle fractures: protocol for the AFTER trial
Published 2024“…To aid recovery, some patients are referred to physiotherapy, but referral patterns vary, likely due to uncertainty about the effectiveness of this supervised rehabilitation approach. …”
Journal article -
A dormant overmassive black hole in the early Universe
Published 2024“…The black hole to host galaxy stellar mass ratio is about 0.4—that is, about 1,000 times above the local relation—whereas the system is closer to the local relations in terms of dynamical mass and velocity dispersion of the host galaxy. This object is most likely an indication of a much larger population of dormant black holes around the epoch of reionization. …”
Journal article -
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and a supertyphoon: A quantitative study in Cebu, Philippines
Published 2024“…Households who were financially impacted by Supertyphoon Odette were more likely not have recently migrated to their current residence (p<0.001), and to have lower monthly expenditure (p = 0.020). …”
Journal article -
Geometric latent dirichlet allocation on a matching graph for large-scale image datasets
Published 2010“…Applying standard inference techniques to this model enables images likely to contain the same object to be probabilistically grouped and ranked.…”
Journal article -
The emergence of DNAM-1 as the facilitator of NK cell-mediated killing in ovarian cancer
Published 2025“…Discussion: These findings reveal profound modulation of the tumour tissue and systemic profile of NK cells which likely contributes to the high rates of local progression and metastasis seen with OC. …”
Journal article