Focus control using flexible lens
Published 2005“…A passive control algorithm for auto-focusing has been employed using LabVIEW, a graphical programming language. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Active vibration control of a beam with piezoelectric patches: real-time implementation with xPC target
Published 2003“…A model based on Euler-Bernoulli beam equation has been developed a n d . then extended with bonded three piezoelectric patches which act as sensor, actuator and exciter. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Toward Efficient Low Cost Highly Accurate Emotion Speech Synthesizer,
Published 2008“…Abstract: A Text to Speech (TTS) system with the ability to express emotions is an interesting technology that is still under development. There have been multiple proposals to simulate emotion so far, and there are multiple dimensions for assessment. …”
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Perennial philosophy in re-understanding Malay mythology and science of symbol
Published 2010“…The intellectual discussion on Malay mythology, symbol and imagery have been almost completely forgotten by scholars and students of Malay studies presently and was very much misunderstood by scholars of Malay studies in the past. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Photovoltaic properties of semiconductor (ZnSe)/polymer (PEO-Chitosan blend) junction for solar cells applications
Published 2006“…The properties of ZnSe/PEO junction photoelectrochemical cells have been studied under dark and illuminated conditions. …”
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Electrochemical study of zinc selenide thin films prepared for photovoltaic applications
Published 2012“…Polycrystalline thin films of cubic zinc selenide semiconductor have been electrochemically deposited on conducting substrates of indium tin oxide, ITO glass. …”
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Book Chapter -
Pancreatic Metastases from Ovarian Carcinoma - Diagnosis by Endsocopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration
Published 2012“…Ovarian adenocarcinoma has been reported as a primary site of pancreatic metastasis, but its diagnosis has rarely being reported by endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA). …”
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Design of microstrip patch antenna using slotted partial ground and addition of stairs and stubs for UWB application
Published 2012“…A remarkable improvement has been noticed in this design. Moreover, the antennas structure offers great advantages due to its simple designs and small dimensions. …”
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Feminism as Islamophobia: a review of misogyny charges against Islam
Published 2012“…Historically, one treasonous use of feminism has been to misappropriate it in order to serve colonial interests and support imperialist wars of occupation that repress subjugated people including women and children. …”
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The essential oil of greater galanga (Alpinia galanga) from Malaysia
Published 1985“…This is the first time the latter substance has been reported in nature. Standardization of GC is proposed and tentatively applied towards a more systematic use of the Kovats indices as an aid in the identification of the constituents of essential oils.…”
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Parallel manipulator for auto tracking system: virtual prototyping using LabVIEW- Solidworks
Published 2012“…The 3-RPS parallel manipulator has been designed as a tracking system for the alignment between transceivers. …”
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The contribution of Muslims to science during the Middle Abbasid Period (750-945)
Published 2011“…Those accounts though greatly important in their own right have been the central focus of a number of works. This paper highlights those aspects of Muslims’ contribution to scientific body of knowledge that are subtle and perhaps more important to the development of the entire body of the scientific knowledge. …”
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Legal approach towards water resources protection and pollution control in Malaysia
Published 2004“…This situation becomes a great concern as when water is polluted; its quality deteriorates, causing problems such as health hazard and water shortage. Legal instrument has been known to be an important tool in combating the pollution of water resources. …”
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Book Chapter -
Fusion of multiscale wavelet-based fractal analysis on retina image for stroke prediction
Published 2010“…The efficacy of this technique has been tested using standard pattern recognition performance evaluation, Receivers Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis and medical prediction statistics, odds ratio. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Internationalization and integration via benchmarking visits: the IIUM experiences
Published 2007“…Other than these two agencies, the Students Affairs Division, in particular, the residential accomodation (Mahallat) also plays important role to ensure that the agenda of integration and internationalization is successful in IIUM. Various efforts have been taken including several benchmarking visits to international universities. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Identification of marine sand-dwelling dinoflagellates in Dinawan Island, Sabah
Published 2011“…Sixteen dinoflagellates species have been identified including 4 potential toxic species i.e. …”
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Mixed-flow impeller characteristics in baffled mixing tank
Published 2012“…In recent times, impellers have been designed and modified to combine unique hydrodynamic features to overcome redundancy during mixing. …”
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Dynamic modeling and simulation of waste energy harvesting system for urban car
Published 2012“…The system which functions as heat transfer is known as Waste Energy Harvesting System (WEHS). This system has been developed in order to supply enough boosted air for creating massive turbulence effect and auto oxidation to burn 100% of fuel with very short time. …”
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Biological and pre-clinical trial evaluation of a local medicinal plant bacopa monnieri (L.) Penn
Published 2012“…Penn., (root bark and stem bark) have been intended to be accomplished in this study. Review of the biological activities of Bacopa monnieri (L.) …”
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Analysis of Radio Model Performance for Clustering Sensor Networks
Published 2011“…Cluster-based routing protocols have been found to be more advantageous to other types of routing techniques when there is a relatively huge number of a sensor node to be deployed. …”
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