NL scoring and Bloom competency test: an experimental result
Published 2012“…The assessment also has been done for testing Bloom competency. Results have shown that Bloom competency can be assessed via assisted assessment.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
eSurvia: a web-based survey service using fuzzy conjoint analysis
Published 2010“…Fuzzy conjoint analysis has been employs in many studies which involving the use of Likert-scale to represent linguistic terms. …”
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Theoretical design of CMOS SAW resonator
Published 2012“…SAW devices can act as high pass or low filters, high quality resonators and are usually fabricated on piezoelectric substrates such as quartz or lithium niobate. Recently, there has been interest to design the SAW devices using complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) or integrated circuit fabrication techniques. …”
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Nomination and hibah issues in Malaysian takaful (Islamic insurance) industry
Published 2013“…Takaful has been introduced as a replacement for conventional insurance. …”
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The inveterate failures of the international community on Somali impasse
Published 2012“…Prior to this research no definite work has been done on the subject. The research therefore, investigates the methodology and the strategic framework adopted by the international community in reinstating or overcoming the Somali political and humanitarian impasse. …”
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On pricing futures options on random binomial tree
Published 2013“…The discrete-time approach to real option valuation has typically been implemented in the finance literature using a binomial tree framework. …”
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National security in Malaysia's digital economy: redefinition, reaction and legal reform
Published 2011“…At the end of the paper, it examines Malaysia’s readiness by looking at the policy and legal initiatives it has set to adopt. While steps have been taken to provide necessary policies and strategies, this paper argues that the law on national security requires a fresh look and interpretation in order to support the protection of national critical information infrastructure.…”
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Towards quick response and secure online banking transactions: using data compression and cryptography
Published 2013“…There are a lot of frauds and threats for online banking transactions that need to be studied, discovered and come out with the proposal of suitable solutions. It has been found that the main problem is in the connection channel between the end-user and the bank. …”
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Is time to implement a comprehensive corporate governance framework for banks in United Kingdom?
Published 2013“…The issue of governance can be traced back to the birth of the corporation and many corporate governance guidelines have been introduced to minimize the problems. Among the countries who have introduced corporate governance codes, United Kingdom is the first and earliest country which introduces the corporate governance code and it subsequently improves the code. …”
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Is any defect in Islamic banking products? a case study of BBA
Published 2013“…One of the most popular Islamic banking products for property financing is Bay‟ Bithaman Ajil (BBA). It has been widely used in Malaysian banking environment although this type of product is not allowed in Middle East. …”
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International wildlife trade regulation and its enforcement in Malaysia
Published 2013“…International awareness on the need for global trade controls to minimize the effects of trade on wildlife conservation had been recognized as early as 1900.[3] In March 1973, reflecting continuous international concern over the issue, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)[4] was signed to provide a framework to control trade of certain wildlife species from both exporting and importing countries. …”
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Electrical and electronic waste management: a case study in University of Duhok, Iraq
Published 2013“…It also tried to identify current e-waste management practiced by households in Duhok. It has been found in this study that much of the electrical and electronic equipment was updated within two thirds of their designed lifetime. …”
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The importance of country-of-origin information and perceived product quality in Uzbekistan
Published 1997“…There has been a proliferation of studies on product perceptions based on the country of origin. …”
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Photochemical and photophysical behaviour of vitamin E: Interaction of its long-lived transient photoproducts with carotenoids
Published 2003“…Multi-channel, flash kinetic spectroscopy with microsecond time resolution has been used for investigating the interactions between carotenoids and the following photoproducts of α-tocopherol (EH) in hexane, methanol, acetonitrile, and dimethyl sulfoxide: (a) the lowest triplet, (b) the tocopherol radical cation, which could be seen only in the polar aprotic solvents acetonitrile and dimethyl sulfoxide, and (c) the neutral tocopheroxyl radical. …”
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Postgraduate research in Islamic thought and civilization at the international institute of islamic thought and civilization (ISTAC), Malaysia
Published 2005“…Besides consulting the listing of the theses produced by the library, physical inspection for each theses and dissertation available in ISTAC library had been carried out in order to ascertain the accuracy of information. …”
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Precautionary principle under the cartagena protocol on transboundary movement of LMOs
Published 2013“…However, there are certain controversial legal and ethical aspects that require to be revisited and have to be amicably settled so that there could be wider acceptability of the precautionary principle. It has been observed that a large number of states prefer international trade in GMOs/LMOs over protection of human health and the environment, some countries for a short-term economic gain ignore this aspect. …”
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Ammonical nitrogen effluent prediction using artificial neural network
Published 2011“…Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N) in domestic wastewater treatment plants (WWTP’s) has recently been added as the monitoring parameter by department of environment. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The role of religion for an alternative sustainable governance theory
Published 2013“…In post-modern times, there has been much empirical evidence to indicate that religions and faiths play a pro-active role in the field of civil society but more importantly in the development of societies, which is a major factor in political and economic development of a country, as well as its governance. …”
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Low–lying states of odd nuclei in the south–west 204Pb region
Published 2013“…Binding energy of the ground state, energy levels and the B(E2) values of both positive and negative parities for 203,205Au, 203,205Hg, 203-207Tl and 203-207Pb isotopes have been calculated through shell model calculations using the shell model code OXBASH for Windows by employing the Modified Kuo-Herling interaction (khhe) for neutron and proton hole orbits in 208Pb. …”
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Design and optimization of a micro capacitive pressure sensor
Published 2013“…In this paper, a rectangular membrane type Micropressure sensor had been modeled using finite element package and shape optimization in order to design a more accurate flexible membrane. …”
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