Reflex inhibition of the human quadriceps in the presence of knee joint damage
Published 1984“…The nature of reflex inhibition has been studied in patients undergoing arthrotomy and meniscectomy in order to find ways of preventing inhibition. …”
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Thesis -
Comparisons of machine learning techniques for detecting fraudulent criminal identities
Published 2023“…This paper focuses on applications of various machine learning techniques on an anonymized policing dataset used in EU SPIRIT Horizon 2020 project to identify fraudulent identities and help Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) in their investigation in finding potential criminals and identity resolution. …”
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Experimental and simulation study on the aerodynamic performance of a counter rotating vertical axis wind turbine
Published 2017“…In the present work, development and aerodynamic performance predictions of a unique contra-rotating VAWT have been studied through experimental and computational approaches as it has yet to be applied to a VAWT. …”
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Thesis -
The biosemiotic imagination in the Victorian frames of mind : Newman, Eliot and Welby
Published 2016“…Drawing on nineteenth-century debates on the origin of language and evolutionary theory, the thesis argues that the ideas of John Henry Newman, George Eliot and Lady Victoria Welby were cultural precursors to the biosemiotic thought of the second half of the twentieth century and beyond, specifically in the way in which these three thinkers sought to find a ‘common grammar’ between natural and human practices. …”
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Thesis -
On the existence of phase transition for one dimensional P-adic countable state Potts model
Published 2011“…Note that it turns out that the finding condition does not depend on values of the prime p , and therefore, an analogous fact is not true when the number of spins is finite.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
A survey on Islamic Websites for children
Published 2011“…Websites are becoming pervasive for children in the last decade regarding for different uses and purposes which may include educational, entertainments, shopping or casual surfing to find infonnation. Children are learning to use computers and the internet at a very young age, which makes most of the family encourage their children to use particular websites for their age. …”
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Book Chapter -
The contribution of Ibn al-Awwam in botany and agriculture
Published 2011“…The significance of this chapter is for the people especially the new generations to appreciate the findings and thinking of the people of historical age, particularly the Muslim's scientists and their works so that the people in the present state could mere develop a new thought or findings. …”
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Book Chapter -
Al-Biruni's views on the discovery of the spherical earth
Published 2011“…However, this chapter investigates the method used by AI-Biruni to find the earth's circumference and this was the most precise calculation of earth's circumference during the medieval period. …”
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Book Chapter -
Taylor -Fixed point homotopy for solving nonlinear algebraic problems
Published 2010“…HAM can be considered as one of the new methods belong to the general classification of the computational methods which can be used to find the numerical solution of many types of the problems in science and engineering. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Muslim ummah, international organisations, and human development in the MMCs
Published 2012“…This chapter, by examining the features and achievements of the Arab League, OIC and GCC, will endeavour to find answer to the above questions. Before getting to the main analysis, the chapter presents a brief discussion on international society from the perspective of Islam. …”
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Book Chapter -
The Law Relating to Medical Confidentiality and Patient's Right of Privacy
Published 2012“…In providing care, medical professionals often find themselves trapped between conflicting duties and obligations. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Study of localized solutions of the nonlinear discrete model for dipolar BEC in an optical lattice by the homoclinic orbit method
Published 2013“…We use homoclinic orbits to find solutions of a dynamical system of the dipolar Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) in a deep optical lattice. …”
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Article -
On dynamics of Lotka-Volterra type operators
Published 2014“…We prove that trajectories of such kind of operators converge, and moreover, we find an estimation for fixed points of the introduced operators.…”
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Article -
Face recognition based on singular valued decomposition and back progagation neural network
Published 2005“…The back propagation training parameters are varied in order to find the best parameter with the highest performance accuracy. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Becoming Writers: Transforming Students' Academic Writing
Published 2017“…Rather than focussing on a deficit student in need of ‘fixing’, we introduce and reflect on the usefulness of free- and creative writing exercises as we explore how we can enable students to find ‘a voice’ as we support them on the way to becoming successful academic writers. …”
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Teaching Research Methods : a pragmatic approach
Published 2007“…Previous studies suggest that students often find such modules challenging and difficult to relate to, and recommend a number of different approaches to lessen these difficulties and to improve the student experience of research methods modules. …”
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Learning on The Move
Published 2011“…The project ‘Making the most of my space’: Students’ use of mobile phones for studying and note making, was funded by the Write Now and Learn Higher CETLs, in conjunction with the Centre for Academic Professional Development. The aim was to find out about student mobile phone ownership, their attitude to using their mobiles for learning, and if they are using them for learning, what they are using them for.…”
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