Land use sprawl evolution using remote sensing high resolution data based on cellular automata concepts
Published 2011“…The fifteen-year simulation until 2015 was run. In essence, the finding is able to predict the spontaneous sprawls of un-authorized land use within conditions stated and can be used to interpret and visualize the dynamic process of urban sprawl locally.…”
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Developing and validating an instrument for measuring m-commerce adoption: an exploratory analysis
Published 2011“…In this research, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted on different measures to identify the underlying factors influencing the adoption of M-commerce. The findings revealed that all the thirteen (13) factors were statistically significant and can affect the adoption of m-commerce.…”
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Exchange rate shock on Malaysian prices of imports and exports: An empirical analysis
Published 2009“…In fact, IRF is used to calculate the exchange rate pass-through on import prices and export prices. The findings indicate that, while the exchange rate shock is significantly affect the fluctuation of import prices, the degree of pass-through is incomplete.…”
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Monetary policy shocks and Islamic banks' deposits in a dual banking system: empirical evidence from Malaysia and Bahrain
Published 2009“…Compared to the Malaysian Islamic banks' deposits, the study finds that the Islamic banks' deposits in Bahrain are sensitive to monetary policy changes. …”
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Spiritual and psychological health of Malaysian youths
Published 2009“…Discussion includes implications of the present findings for counseling practice and guidelines for future research.…”
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Book Chapter -
Impact of delay on the formation of high-order interactions and structural imbalance
Published 2025“…Higher-order interaction is required by raising the value of delay. Our finding indicates that in the dynamics of Heider balance, increasing the delay period increases the order of interactions and the presence of imbalanced triangles even at temperatures close to zero.…”
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Metacognitive and motivational predictors of surface approach to studying and academic examination performance
Published 2014“…The implications of these findings are outlined.…”
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The Role of Communities in Counterterrorism: Analyzing Policy and Exploring Psychotherapeutic Approaches within Community Settings
Published 2017“…The role of communities in preventing or responding to terrorism and political violence is increasingly finding prominence within government strategies, nationally and internationally. …”
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Guidance for Trust managers : implementing and sustaining routine enquiry about violence and abuse in mental health services (REVA project, briefing 2)
Published 2015“…This guidance is based on findings from this study.…”
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Monograph -
The weekly structure of US stock prices
Published 2011“…The most interesting findings are the differences in the degree of dependence for different days of the week. …”
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US Disposable Personal Income and Housing Price Index: a Fractional Integration Analysis
Published 2011“…This paper examines the relationship between US disposable personal income (DPI) and house price index (HPI) during the last twenty years applying fractional integration and long-range dependence techniques to monthly data from January 1991 to July 2010. The empirical findings indicate that the stochastic properties of the two series are such that cointegration cannot hold between them, as mean reversion occurs in the case of DPI but not of HPI. …”
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Community radio and transnational identities
Published 2018“…The chapter reports on the findings of participatory action research carried out in part of the Transnational Radio Encounters project, funded by the EU's agency, Humanities in the European Research Area, 2013-2016. …”
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Book Section -
Geometric method for global stability of discrete population models
Published 2020“…Then global asymptotic stability is obtained by finding the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix at the fixed point. …”
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Casualised academic staff and the lecturer-student relationship: shame, (Im)permanence and (Il)legitimacy
Published 2020“…This paper is based on findings from an email interview study with 20 academics (17 women, 3 men) in the UK on short-term, insecure or ‘casualised’ contracts. …”
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The problem of the public good and the implications for researching educational policies for social justice
Published 2021“…We identified different types of potential injustices, and the subsequent chapters examined various of these in turn, in a range of educational contexts, through the prisms of research directed towards finding policy initiatives that might counter the effects of particular inequities. …”
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Book Section -
Exploring the cave of the unknown: transnational party politics in the EU
Published 2022“…Employing thorough qualitative, participatory and historical research methods, these books open the ‘black box’ of transnational European party politics by analyzing the networks, connections and practices of partisan actors in the European Parliament. The findings of the books demonstrate the highly informal, but no less important, influence party politics exert on the functioning and policy outputs of EU institutions. …”
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Using virtual professional learning communities to foster sustainable learning and close the awarding gap in higher education amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
Published 2023“…Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used to examine the data. Findings suggest that VPLCs can be used as a means to support students through collaboration, peer mentoring/coaching, networking, and sharing of resources.…”
Book Section -
How public engagement can strengthen the work of parliamentary committees: learning lessons from the experience of the Welsh parliament
Published 2022“…This article presents findings from this work, as it relates to the public engagement function of the Welsh Parliament.…”
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The Effects of Constant Illuminance at Multiple Temperatures Towards Muscle Activities for Rubber Scrap Industries
Published 2023“…At constant 500 lux illuminance level and 24˚C temperature, respondent’s body shows optimum correlation between left sides and right sides. On the contrary, findings show unbalanced correlation at 19˚C and 32˚C which indicate one side of the body is using too much energy for the task.…”
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Review on frequency reconfigurable antenna using substrate-integrated waveguide for cognitive radio application
Published 2021“…The design structure of FRSIW elements using different techniques is discussed in detail. The findings supported the effectiveness of FRSIW for managing radio spectrum to work in most efficient way.…”
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