Experimental investigation of free wing IIUM-UAV configuration
Published 2010“…In this work, the IIUM first free wing unmanned aerial vehicle model (IIUM-FWUAV) was investigated experimentally. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of educational software for stress analysis of an aircraft wing
Published 2012“…The developed software can be used to estimate load on a wing and to compute the stresses at any point along the span of the wing of a given aircraft. …”
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Flow visualization over a circular planform wing
Published 2013“…circular plan form wing at high Reynolds numbers has been carried out numerically. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Oscillating supersonic delta wings with curved leading edges
Published 2010“…In the present study Supersonic similitude has been used to obtain stability derivatives in pitch and roll of a delta wing for the attached shock case. A strip theory is used in which strips at different span-wise locations are independent. …”
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Effect of angle of incidence on stability derivatives of a wing
Published 2014“…In the Present paper effect of angle of incidence on pitching derivatives of a delta wing with curved leading edges of a attached shock case is been studied. …”
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Oscillating supersonic delta wing with straight leading edges
Published 2012“…A Supersonic similitude has been used to obtain stability derivatives in pitch and roll of a delta wing with straight leading edge for the attached shock case. …”
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Oscillating supersonic delta wings with straight leading edges
Published 2012“…A Supersonic similitude has been used to obtain stability derivatives in pitch and roll of a delta wing with straight leading edge for the attached shock case. …”
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Evaluation of aircraft wing-tip vortex using PIV
Published 2009“…The formation and development of a wing-tip vortex in a near and extended near filed were studied experimentally. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
How to cope with dengue in the developing countries like Pakistan?
Published 2011“…A viral disease like dengue lacking a specific form of treatment is a high menace to human health. …”
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Literasi sains : implikasi sosio-budaya ke atas masyarakat islam
Published 2008Get full text
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Kemahiran memupuk iltizam terhadap sains di kalangan kanak-kanak
Published 2011“…Itukah persoalan utama yang dikupas dalam kertas kerja ini. Penerapan konsep sains tauhidik akan dapat digarap dengan sempurna bila terbina keiltizaman yang sebenar terhadap sains dalam jiwa anak-anak tanpa paksaan. …”
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Book Chapter -
Pembangunan augmanted reality (AR) bagi matapelajaran sains (sistem suria)
Published 2020Get full text
Book Section -
Right-wing nationalism, populism, and religion: what are the connections and why?
Published 2021“…This collection focuses on right-wing nationalism, populism, and religion, both theoretically and empirically, with an emphasis on the following countries: Australia, India, Italy, Turkey, and the USA. …”
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Firearm recognition based on whole firing pin impression image via backpropagation neural network
Published 2011“…Firearms identification is a vital aim of firearm analysis. The firing pin impression image on a cartridge case from a fired bullet is one of the most significant clues in firearms identification. …”
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Book Chapter -
Firearm recognition based on whole firing pin impression image via backpropagation neural network
Published 2011“…Firearms identification is a vital aim of firearm analysis. The firing pin impression image on a cartridge case from a fired bullet is one of the most significant clues in firearms identification. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Frequency reconfiguration mechanism of a PIN diode on a reconfigurable antenna for LTE and WLAN Applications
Published 2018“…In this work, a frequency reconfigurable antenna with a BAR63-02V Positive-Intrinsic-Negative (PIN) diode is designed, simulated and fabricated. …”
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Induced rolling moment for NACA4412 plain and flapped wing
Published 2010“…Purpose – The paper aims to compute rolling moments on a follower aircraft wing due to vortices generated by a plain and flapped NACA4412 wing using experimental particle image velocimetery (PIV) data. …”
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Investigation of the vortical flow around a reverse delta wing
Published 2011“…A six component force balance was used to obtain the CL for a reverse delta wing and a delta wing for comparison purposes. A simulation of the streamlines, velocity vectors and surface pressure contours was carried out using CFD software to show the characteristics of the flow over a reverse delta wing.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Estimation of stability derivatives of a delta wing in hypersonic flow
Published 2012“…In the present study supersonic similitude has been used to obtain stability derivatives in pitch and roll of a delta wing for attached shock case. A strip theory is used in which strips at different span wise locations are independent. …”
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