Why do Malaysian customers patronise Islamic banks?
Published 2007“…Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the main factors that motivate customers to deal with Islamic banks particularly in a dual banking environment, like in the case of Malaysia. A discussion on factors relating to corporate social responsibility initiatives as part of potential customers’ banking selection criteria is also included. …”
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A Slippery Slope: the legal enforceability of Islamic finance judgments and awards in foreign jurisdictions
Published 2013“…Though the current trends seem like a continuum fallacy within the Islamic finance industry, concerted efforts by the stakeholders to introduce reforms are expected to yield sustainable results. …”
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Empirical research on project implementation success and change management practices in Malaysian Government-Linked Companies (GLCs)
Published 2013“…However, certain facets like “Human Resources” (resource allocation) and “Top Management Support” were found to require more concentration in order to be more compliant to the best practices, and resolve certain Project Team expectations. …”
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Investigation of effects of different media on CHO cell growth and production of IGFI
Published 2012“…The objective of the study was therefore to investigate the effects of different media on CHO-K1 cell growth and production of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) towards identifying the optimal media for further use. …”
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Practice of Islamic values influenced by co-curricular activities: a study of M6 students of selected Islamic private schools in Chana District, Songkhla, Thailand
Published 2013“…Likewise in a sense, co-curricular activities prepare students to practice for the future opportunities in case of working in team, to exercise leadership and taking initiative themselves. It is like preparing for actual learning in real life situations that encourage them to involve in the process and learn the process of different activities. …”
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lslamic view on reconstructive surgery: a child with polydactily as a case study
Published 2013“…The feedback given by the students at the end of the program was overwhelming positive. They would like more of such session to be scheduled.…”
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Exploring the processes and problems in teaching, learning and researching Malay manuscripts
Published 2010“…The results indicate that the lecturers mainly uses the “chalk and talk” approach when delivering their course; they refer students to one reference source throughout the course; they indicated that students must be able to read Jawi scripts to follow the course; the main assignment involved transliterating work from old Jawi scripted text into modern romanise Malay; and they would like to have access to more Malay manuscript texts that can be utilised by their students for their assignments. …”
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A study on legal issues related to blogs businesses in Malaysia: a proposal for a regulatory framework
Published 2013“…Today, it is also common to find businesses being conducted through blogs, particularly the free lance or those who initially plan doing business just for fun but later gets into a bigger and more serious transactions. Businesses like selling homemade chocolate, cup cakes, designed and personal accessories are among the many types of businesses which are commonly carried up via blogs. …”
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Balanced score card approach for better Shari’ah corporate governance
Published 2013“…In order to achieve the mission of Shari’ah compliance, organizations such as Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions, Islamic Financial Services Board and countries like Malaysia have provided Shari’ah governance guidelines. …”
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Use of alternative dispute resolution technique of mediation for speedy and fair resolution of land use dispute in Malaysia
Published 2012“…The nature of decisions handed out to resolve conflits in land use and environmental areas, may impose grave consequences in a community or ecosystem,and are often highly controversial and emotional, miscommunication, lack of information and lack of understanding of the intricate scientific issues involved with the environment, time consuming, high costs, difficulty with using courts to resolve land use and environmental disputes In light of these difficulties, representatives of business, citizen groups, environmentalists, and local, state, and federal administrators have increasingly turned to alternative forms of dispute resolution like mediation to resolve disputes they would otherwise take to court. …”
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In-Utero effects of the crude ethanolic extract of the leaves of mitragyna speciosa on neural tube formation in rats
Published 2010“…This study indicates that the crude extract of the leaves of MS is capable of selective neurotoxicity and producing spina bifida like NTD as characterized by altered brain size and neural tube formation, a finding that may have an important implication in the dependence liability associated with its use. …”
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Modeling food price volatility and testing heat wave and/or meteor shower effects: Evidence for Asia and Pacific countries
Published 2012“…Main findings of the study are as follows: (1) like other asset prices, food price volatility can be modelled by CGARCH variant of GARCH-family models for world as well as country specific levels, (2) increased risk does not necessarily lead to increased returns for world and specified countries except few instances, (3) mixed evidence of cross country mean and volatility spillover effects are reported. …”
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Effective dispute resolution in Takaful-related cases: A case study of the financial mediation bureau in Malaysia
Published 2013“…With an in-depth analysis of the 2011 and 2012 takaful-related cases mediated by FMB, this paper finds that parties do prefer fast and cost-efficient processes for dispute resolution, as takaful schemes also require efficient dispute resolution processes like other commercial transactions. Such successes recorded in Malaysia could be replicated in other jurisdictions offering Islamic financial services. …”
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CHO-K1 cells expressed IGF-1 Gene: a promising target towards optimal media at effective cost
Published 2011“…Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) has been shown to promote cell proliferation and inhibit apoptosis of cells. …”
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Carved arabesques with calligraphy, geometry and flora prevalent in the components of Malay Timber Houses
Published 2010“…The study found that several types of carved components like wall, door and window ventilation panels with distinctive application of flora, geometry and calligraphy as carving motifs were formed in two principal variants, namely monothematic and multi-thematic compositions. …”
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The political role of Muslim women: between traditional texts and changing realities
Published 2009“…The Qur’an urges women to stay quietly at home and not to make dazzling public displays like that of the pre-Islamic period of Jahilyia [ignorance] (33:33). …”
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Development of physical intrusion detection system using Wi-Fi / ZigBee RF signals
Published 2015“…Then, a controller is used to switch ON/OFF appliances like air conditioning, lights …etc. The system testbed doubles as a reliable alarm for physical intrusion detection to secure an indoor perimeter as demonstrated in the paper. …”
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Varieties and in vitro seed production technique for growing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under harsh and problematic BRIS soil of Pahang
Published 2015“…This concern was reflected in the previous several National Agricultural Policies and reemphasized in the current agricultural policy where increased consideration is being given to domestic production of food especially production in abandon land and marginal land like BRIS soil. BRIS soil is commonly known as a problematic soil in Malaysia. …”
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The Mongol invasions of Central Asia
Published 2016“…It concludes that the Mongol invasions, although initially catastrophic for Central Asia, as with most invasions, ultimately led to the integration of the Mongols into Islamic civilization (like the Ghaznavids and Seljuqs before them) and gave a new impetus to life and culture in the region later expressed in the Timurids and Mughals. …”
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Electrochemical sensor centrifuge platform for single-cell study
Published 2015“…Artificial gravity is created by rotating a disk-like platform that contains the spores in wells along with the calcium ISEs. …”
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