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Experimental studies of melting PCM in a heat sink
Published 2011“…This project presents the experimental studies and findings of melting phase change material in a heat sink. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Metacognitive knowledge about English language learning of Chinese tertiary-level students
Published 2008“…This dissertation reports a study of the metacognitive knowledge about language learning of 177 P.R.C. tertiary-level students of English in China and in Singapore. The purpose of the study was an attempt to investigate the similarities and differences in knowledge about language learning possessed by Chinese tertiary-level students in two learning situations and to find out how the students in Singapore related their learning experience to their metacognitive knowledge.…”
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Thesis -
Political corruption and accounting choices
Published 2022“…We examine how political corruption affects firms’ accounting choices. We hypothesize and find that firms headquartered in corrupt districts manipulate earnings downwards, relative to firms headquartered elsewhere. …”
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Journal Article -
Intercity connectivity and urban innovation
Published 2024“…These findings support the significance of a city's position within the intercity network in shaping its success in innovative activities.…”
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Article -
Behind every domain there is a shift: adapting distortion-aware vision transformers for panoramic semantic segmentation
Published 2024“…Third, aside from Pinhole-to-Panoramic ( Pin2Pan ) adaptation, we create a new dataset (SynPASS) with 9,080 panoramic images, facilitating Synthetic-to-Real ( Syn2Real ) adaptation scheme in 360∘ imagery. …”
Journal article -
Interplay of Transition Metals and Noncovalent Interactions in C–H Activation Catalysis
Published 2024“…Additionally, the ability of TMCs to exist in multiple spin states is often leveraged for practical applications, with one such example being spin crossover (SCO) complexes that exhibit a change in spin state as a function of external stimulus like temperature and are widely studied due to their increasing use in molecular switches. …”
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Thesis -
Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in the Second and Third LIGO-Virgo Observing Runs
Published 2024“…For nine pulsars, their spin-down limits have been surpassed for the first time. …”
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Article -
Persuasive evidence for electron-nuclear coupling in diluted magnetic colloidal nanoplatelets using optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Published 2020“…The incorporation of magnetic impurities into semiconductor nanocrystals with size confinement promotes enhanced spin exchange interaction between photogenerated carriers and the guest spins. …”
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Journal Article -
Direct measurement of magnetic monopole charge and transport dynamics
Published 2024“…<p>Magnetic monopoles are magnetic excitations with quantized magnetic charge whose existence in pyrochlore spin ice materials has been studied widely. As a platform to study the hypothetical magnetic monopoles, classical spin ices have aroused fundamental interest. …”
Thesis -
Direct observation of deterministic domain wall trajectory in magnetic network structures
Published 2018“…The DW propagation in the network structure is governed by the geometrically induced potential barrier and pinning strength against the propagation. This technique can be extended for controlling the trajectory of magnetic charge carriers in an artificial spin ice lattice.…”
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Journal Article -
Design and implementation of a non-iterative division circuit
Published 2024“…Linear programming is used to find the flat plane with best fit to the curved surface, i.e., minimum difference between the curved surface and the fitted plane (minimum error). …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Exploring students' hypertext reading behaviour and social media use in their learning
Published 2018“…The impetus to explore hypertext reading as part of information seeking behavior was borne out of the findings of a study which highlighted many problematic characteristics of the students’ information search process and attributed these tendencies to hypertext reading and multitasking. …”
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Thesis -
Brand- and price-based usage pattern analysis on peer-to-peer car-sharing platform
Published 2018“…This can help future researches to find out the underlying social or emotional factors consumers have to make a decision to make rent or a purchase.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with a hidden Markov model in O3 LIGO data
Published 2024“…In the frequency range searched, from 60 to 500 Hz, we find no evidence of gravitational radiation. This is the most sensitive search for Scorpius X-1 using a HMM to date. …”
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Article -
Two superconducting transitions in single-crystal La 2 − x Ba x CuO 4
Published 2017“…The effect is pronounced in the region of charge carrier doping x with strong spin-charge stripe correlations, reaching Tcs=36 K or 1.64 Tc.…”
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Journal Article -
Wages, family background, on-campus performance and gender: an investigation of Chinese graduates’ first job salaries
Published 2014“…<p>The last five decades have witnessed an increasing interest in the education-employment transition. In China, millions of university students graduate each year. …”
Thesis -
Tailoring atomic chemistry to refine reaction pathway for the most enhancement by magnetization in water oxidation
Published 2024“…Water oxidation on magnetic catalysts has generated significant interest due to the spin-polarization effect. Recent studies have revealed that the disappearance of magnetic domain wall upon magnetization is responsible for the observed oxygen evolution reaction (OER) enhancement. …”
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Journal Article -
Emergent geometric frustration of artificial magnetic skyrmion crystals
Published 2017“…The spin-torque reconfigurability of the artificial skyrmion ice states, difficult to achieve in other artificial spin ice systems, is compatible with standard spintronic device fabrication technology, which makes the semiconductor industrial integration straightforward.…”
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Journal Article -
Efficient circuit-designs using spintronic devices
Published 2019“…To be able to utilize the existing EDA tools for implementing spin-based logic circuits, it is important that the logic primitives in these data structures can be natively realized by spin devices. …”
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Thesis -
Optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopic analyses on the role of magnetic ions in colloidal nanocrystals
Published 2024“…The information extracted from the analyses of the ODMR spectra in those studies exposes fundamental physical parameters, such as g-factors, exchange coupling constants, and hyperfine interactions, together providing insights into the nature of the carrier (electron, hole, dopant), its local surroundings (isotropic/anisotropic), and spin dynamics. The findings illuminate the importance of ODMR spectroscopy in advancing our understanding of the role of magnetic ions in semiconductor nanocrystals and offer valuable knowledge for designing magnetic materials intended for various spin-related technologies.…”
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Journal Article