Admissibility and jurisdiction before the international criminal court regarding the Boko Haram situation in Nigeria
Published 2015“…However, up until date, despite the abduction of over 300 schoolgirls by the terrorist group, the Nigerian government has not been able to bring the girls back or prosecute the perpetrators. …”
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Public and private enforcement strategies in regulating market misconduct and continuous disclosure- an overview of issues and challenges in Malaysia
Published 2014“…However, regulatory authorities are now clothed with power to bring civil actions and private bodies are increasingly exercising public functions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Engineering management in developing countries a future prospective
Published 2015“…In many developing countries now the mega projects are multicultural projects different designers, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers from all over the world work together to achieve excellence but such projects bring with it many challenges on how all these people from different background, different laws, policies, legislations and ways of work can achieve harmony and finalize the projects within vale and time. …”
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Article -
A critical comparison of the origin of the cosmos in Islam, christianity and modern science
Published 2014“…People acknowledge the effort of Modern science in bringing cosmos into reality. The research made in space has made what was once considered impossible possible and has opened the cosmos wide for further investigations and discoveries. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Attitude and impact changes of hijab wearing among Muslim Malay women in Malaysia
Published 2014“…Hence, it can be concluded that a good perception and positive attitude towards hijab wearing is able to bring some impact changes on their practices. Therefore, it can be concluded that to a certain extent, Cognitive Dissonance Theory holds true for hijab wearing practices among Malay Muslim women in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Conceptual framework of Muhamad Rashid Rida's political thought
Published 2003“…Rida primarily spent his life as a political jor-rrnalist in an outlook of reform by introducing social and political restructure within the Muslirn political paradignr, in an attempt to bringing about transforrnatioll tl-lat would end the imbue of the Musim Ummah…”
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Book Chapter -
The great problems are in the street : a phenomenology of men's stranger intrusions on women in public spaces
Published 2014“…This thesis contributes new and unique evidence to the limited body of empirical literature on men’s stranger intrusion in public space, commonly termed ‘street harassment’, through a transdisciplinary study bringing a philosophical framework to the study of violence against women and girls (VAWG). …”
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Thesis -
A study into identity formation : troubling stories of adults taming mathematics
Published 2016“…As an iterative study into identity formation it puts theory to work in unusual ways. In bringing together internal and external processes (and the intersection of biography, aspiration and discursive practice), I unmask how participants underwent what Mendick (2005) calls “identity work”. …”
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Thesis -
Business cycles, interest rates and market volatility : estimation and forecasting using DSGE macroeconomic models under partial information
Published 2018“…And finally, in a response to many of the critiques of the, usually monetary policy oriented DSGE models, this research project provides another set of novel extensions to such models, aiming to bring more of Keynesian characteristics suited to a more active, endogenous fiscal policy deemed needed in the aftermath of the crisis. …”
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Thesis -
Unpacking diversity: barriers and incentives to standing for elections to the National Assembly for Wales
Published 2018“…It also makes broader recommendations where the Board can influence and inform others, or bring diversity matters on the agenda. The report suggests a theory of change through which the Board can achieve its strategic objectives by focusing on: improving information for potential candidates; improving the engagement strategy; providing for flexible working arrangements; and, potential of job share arrangements.…”
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Monograph -
Ideological and cultural constraints in audiovisual translation: dubbing The Simpsons into Arabic: an approach to raise awareness and understanding of practioners involved in the d...
Published 2014“…This paradigm enables researchers to describe, explore, analyse, interpret views of the participants, and bring forth the representational properties of the screen discourse as a vehicle for ideological and cultural power transfer. …”
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Thesis -
The mind of the everyday in contemporary fine art and Zen Buddhist practice
Published 2011“…It developed an enhanced understanding of the everyday in contemporary fine art and Zen Buddhist practice in new and original ways, through bringing forward and integrating the physical and theoretical components of my studio practice.The everyday in my studio practice refers to things we encounter day-in and day-out that we are unlikely to give a second thought, like background noise, we hear it but hardly pay any attention to it. …”
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Thesis -
Published 2023“…Purpose: Achieving technology transfer effectiveness (TTE) remains challenging in developing and underdeveloped economies to improve social infrastructures and develop economic systems. Bringing effectiveness in technology transfer is a complicated process for organizations that require improvement in their absorptive capacity (ACAP) and organizational innovation (OI). …”
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Article -
Malaysian local governments’ role towards sustainable development focusing on knowledge transfer practices framework
Published 2014“…The results of this study show that there is lacking in clear direction which bring to the unsupportive policy and management, the perceptions of stakeholders suggest that Local Governments need to show their capabilities in handling sustainable development at the planning approval stage and overall result demonstrates that staffs have low percentage of below 30% in acquiring and participating in activities related to sustainable development. …”
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Thesis -
Removal of phosphorus from synthetic wastewater using recycled concrete aggregates as a filter medium
Published 2018“…Concrete from the construction industry constitutes the major proportion of construction waste. This could bring negative impact including depletion of natural resources, pollution, increasing landfill space, and high cost of waste disposal. …”
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Dual band monopole antenna with harmonic suppression capability
Published 2018“…Due to these higher order resonances electromagnetic interference and noise increases and thus they bring down the performance of communication systems. …”
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Thesis -
The physicochemical and antioxidant properties of double-boiled kelulut honey
Published 2019“…In conclusion, double boiling treatment has established itself as a good alternative processing method for Kelulut honey, hence increasing the possibility to bring forward Kelulut honey as a unique source for the application in food and beverages industries.…”
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Thesis -
The relationships between organizational cynicism, high performance work system, perceived psychological contract violation, workplace incivility and organizational citizenship beh...
Published 2019“…The management should also have an adequate feedback system, clear job description and work performance-based incentives in schools to reduce behavioural issues among public school teachers. This would bring extensive benefits to schools and teachers as well.…”
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Thesis -
The human intellect, divine revelation and knowledge based on Al-Qaradowi's work: al-'Aql wa al-'Ilm fi al-Qur'an al-Karim
Published 2011“…Al-Mu’minËn 23: 80); for not realizing that the false gods worshipped by human beings could not bring benefit nor harm them (Q. Al-AnbiyÉ 21: 63-67). …”
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Article -
Gessel's concept of free-money eliminating interest through information-money
Published 2011“…Therefore, choosing a wrong money or monetary system might jeopardise the attainment of the Maqasid al-Shari‟ah, i.e. the objectives of Islamic jurisprudence, and thereby bring about negative consequences on Muslim societies. …”
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Proceeding Paper