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Investigating factors contributing to enhancer-promoter interaction
Published 2023“…This assay also revealed the unexpected importance of gene orientation relative to their enhancers, such that maximum enhancer-induced activation is achieved when the genes are in their native orientation, whilst in the reverse orientation transcription is impeded. Finally, I also find enhancer-promoter communication, in the context of the ⍺-globin locus, is partially independent from CTCF sites throughout the locus; removal of most sites individually or in combination has no effect on alpha globin expression. …”
Thesis -
Patterns of link reciprocity in directed, signed networks
Published 2024“…In order to quantify the tendency of empirical networks to form either mutualistic or antagonistic cycles of length two, we extend the Exponential Random Graphs framework to binary, directed, signed networks with global and local constraints and, then, compare the empirical abundance of the aforementioned patterns with the one expected under each model. We find that the (directed extension of the) balance theory is not capable of providing a consistent explanation of the patterns characterising the directed, signed networks considered in this work. …”
Journal article -
Perennial semantic data terms of use for decentralized web
Published 2024“…This often involves reading lengthy and complex Terms of Use agreements, a process that users often find daunting or simply ignore. This compromises user autonomy and impedes detection of data misuse. …”
Conference item -
Numerical simulations of laser-driven experiments of ion acceleration in stochastic magnetic fields
Published 2024“…We validate the FLASH MHD code with experimental results and use OSIRIS particle-in-cell (PIC) code to verify the initial formation of the interaction region, showing good agreement between codes and experimental results. We find that the plasma conditions in the experiment are conducive to the lower-hybrid drift instability, yielding an increase in energy ∆E of ∼ 264 keV for 242 MeV calcium ions.…”
Journal article -
Face validity of the arabic alphabets writing assessment instrument for children.
Published 2023“…Hence, there is an urge to find a trustworthy instrument to assess Arabic handwriting, especially among children in early childhood education. …”
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Approximate Analytical Methods in Double Parametric Form Of Fuzzy Numbers for Solving Fuzzy Partial Differential Equations (S/O 14188)
Published 2021“…However, in numerous cases, it is challenging to find their exact solutions. Similar challenge experienced in partial differential equations has brought about the emergence of approximate analytical methods for solving them. …”
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Monograph -
Optimization and mechanistic insight of phenol removal using an effective green kaolin adsorbent through experimental and computational approaches
Published 2024“…Based on the response surface methodology findings, the optimum conditions were pH 1.6, 40 min, 50 mg/L, and 2 g with 92.19 % maximum percentage removal. …”
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Ambipolar ferromagnetism by electrostatic doping of a manganite
Published 2018“…Magnetotransport characterization reveals that an increase of either electron-doping or hole-doping induced ferromagnetic order in this antiferromagnetic compound, and leads to an insulator-to-metal transition with colossal magnetoresistance showing electron–hole asymmetry. These findings are supported by density functional theory calculations, showing that strengthening of the inter-plane ferromagnetic exchange interaction is the origin of the ambipolar ferromagnetism. …”
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Journal Article -
Target Design and Optimizations for Spent Fuel Transmutation
Published 2024“…A proposed tank design with a lead/Tc-99 target that is surrounded by LLFP pins and heavy water is considered for the spallation study. …”
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Thesis -
Interplanetary space weather effects on Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter avalanche photodiode performance.
Published 2017“…We compare noise data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) SiAPDs with radiation measurements from the onboard Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) instrument. We did not find any evidence to support radiation as the cause of changes in detector threshold voltage during radiation storms, both for transient detector noise and long-term average detector noise, suggesting that the approximately 1.3 cm thick shielding (a combination of titanium and beryllium) of the LOLA detectors is sufficient for SiAPDs on interplanetary missions with radiation environments similar to what the LRO experienced (559 cGy of radiation over 4 years).…”
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Actionable Auditing: Investigating the Impact of Publicly Naming Biased Performance Results of Commercial AI Products
Published 2020“…Within 7 months of the original audit, we find that all three targets released new API versions. …”
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The International Affiliation Network of YouTube Trends
Published 2020“…Consistent with existing work on video popularity, we find that long trending times within one nation do not necessarily translate to reaching a wide global audience. …”
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Association between COVID-19 outcomes and mask mandates, adherence, and attitudes
Published 2021“…These effects are large, corresponding to 14% of the highest recorded number of cases, 13% of deaths, and 7% of admission proportion. We also find that mask mandates are linked to a 23.4 percentage point increase in mask adherence in four diverse states. …”
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Branch-and-bound performance estimation programming: a unified methodology for constructing optimal optimization methods
Published 2024“…Finally, we use the BnB-PEP methodology to find proofs with potential function structures, thereby systematically generating analytical convergence proofs.…”
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Probing axion-like particles at the Electron-Ion Collider
Published 2024“…In a prompt-decay search, we find that the EIC can set the most stringent bound for <jats:italic>m</jats:italic><jats:sub><jats:italic>a</jats:italic></jats:sub> ≲ 20 GeV and probe the effective scales Λ ≲ 10<jats:sup>5</jats:sup> GeV. …”
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Petz recovery from subsystems in conformal field theory
Published 2024“…In the case where A and C are far apart, we find a surprising non-commutativity of the replica trick with the OPE limit. …”
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Assessing compounding climate-related stresses and development pathways on the power sector in the central U.S.
Published 2024“…Potential supply gaps range from 5% in the North Central region under mild changes in climate to 21% in the Lakes-Mid Atlantic region under more severe climate change. We find increases in electricity demand to be more important in determining the size of the potential supply gap than stresses on power generation, while larger shares of renewables in the power system contribute to lower supply gaps. …”
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Anomalous crystalline ordering of particles in a viscoelastic fluid under high shear
Published 2024“…Here, we use a fully immersed parallel plate geometry to measure the high-shear-rate behavior of a suspension of particles in a viscoelastic fluid. We find an unexpected separation of the particles within the suspension resulting in the formation of a layer of particles in the center of the cell. …”
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Parallel Algorithms for Hierarchical Nucleus Decomposition
Published 2024“…Nucleus decompositions have been shown to be a useful tool for finding dense subgraphs. The coreness value of a clique represents its density based on the number of other cliques it is adjacent to. …”
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Crossover from viscous fingering to fracturing in cohesive wet granular media: a photoporomechanics study
Published 2024“…We inject water into the oil-filled photoelastic granular pack, varying the injection flow rate, defending-fluid viscosity, and intergranular cohesion. We find two different modes of fluid invasion: viscous fingering, and fracturing with leak-off of the injection fluid. …”
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