A mixed-method analysis on students’ critical thinking and problem solving skill development in Malaysian public universities
Published 2018“…The results also demonstrate that there is a relationship between transformational leadership style the skill development. The findings of this study provide the necessity for industrial training stakeholders to improve industrial training program, mainly by implementing appropriate leadership styles…”
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The reuse of the algerian petroleum sludge as alternative raw material for cement production
Published 2019“…After that, the cement produced was subjected to different chemical, structural, morphological and other analyses. The findings through this research were promising and the incorporation of petroleum sludge into cement plant could provide a sustainable low cost treatment method for this waste. …”
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An improved method for determining indoor air quality level in the classroom at pre-school building
Published 2018“…The result show that, Paya Redan Pre-school recorded total of IAQ index with 71.93%, while Pintas Raya recorded total of IAQ index with 100% and Seri Aman recorded total of IAQ index with 100%. The significant finding from this objective is most of Pre-school can be classified as IAQ index with good conditions at below acceptable limits. …”
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Energy absorption performance of braided basalt reinforced composite tubes under axial loads
Published 2018“…A numerical model of sandwich tube with the highest energy absorption capability obtained experimentally was developed and validated with the experimental result. The main finding shows that sandwich tubes have better crushing control than thin-walled tubes under a dynamic impact loading. …”
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Servant leadership and organizational citizenship behavior, mediated by interpersonal employee conflict in Malaysian Universities
Published 2019“…Results revealed that IEC mediated the relationship between Servant Leadership and OCB. The findings have implications for academic leaders to practice Servant Leadership to foster academicians’ OCB and manage interpersonal conflicts. …”
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The moderating effect of firm size on corporate governance practices with firm’s capital structure
Published 2016“…Firm size moderating the relationship between corporate governance variables and capital structure. These findings imply the importance of corporate governance practices to infuse better management practices, effective control and regulatory Practices for efficient utilization of firm’s resources.…”
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Predictive model for self-reliance intention of Malaysian Polytechnic Students
Published 2019“…The research provides empirical evidence of the significant influence of the research predictive factors toward self-reliance intention. The findings suggest that a combination of theories could be employed to develop a model and the research result could practically be used for curriculum planning in Malaysian polytechnics.…”
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Development of vehicle lane changing model within u-turn facilities
Published 2017“…Through the relationship between the RT, Vd and distance of the subject vehicle within U-turn facilities, the findings from the statistical model has been developed with the equation [Safe distance = (13.448 + 1.410 RT – 0.075 Vd)]. …”
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The implementation of persuasive technology principles in mobile application development: a qualitative study
Published 2017“…A model of the implementation of persuasive design principles in mobile application development was then proposed based on the findings gained from this research. The results from this study have provided contribution to the body of knowledge by leveraging the domain of persuasive technology studies particularly in mobile application development.…”
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Framework for sustainable TVET-Teacher Education Program in Malaysia Public Universities
Published 2020“…This framework was identified to embed the elements of 21st Century Education, thus filling the gap in this research. The research findings also indicate that the developed framework was unidimensional and valid for the development and research regarding TVET-TE program in Malaysia. …”
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The effect of community police integrity, trust and performance on community happiness in the United Arab Emirates
Published 2020“…To answer the research questions, qualitative interviews, descriptive statistics, and partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) were used to estimate the complex relationships between the constructs. Findings revealed that integrity and trust, vital for successful community policing, had a significant relationship with community happiness. …”
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Electrokinetic bioremediation technique on contaminated landfill soil by pseudomonas putida
Published 2020“…Currently, many researchers are finding solutions to remediate heavy metal contamination in soil. …”
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Inhibition of extracellular vesicle release enhances cancer chemotherapy and inhibition of outer membrane vesicle release sensitises bacteria to antibiotic and bacteriophage therap...
Published 2019“…Pre-treatment of PC3 cells with Cl-am prior to chemotherapy, exhibited increased activity of Dox and increased drug retention was shown by fluorescent microscopy, HPLC, FCM and fluorescence spectrophotometry. Overall the findings demonstrated the implication of EV inhibitors in improving chemotherapy while at the same time reducing its side effects. …”
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The nature and determinants of user-generated content for dissatisfied customers: evidence from second-hand luxury fashion brands
Published 2024“…Design/methodology/approach Building on an inductive qualitative study of 59 millennials from three European countries (France, Italy and the UK) and by examining the mediating role of UGC and dissatisfied customers, this paper develops a conceptual framework of three clusters of second-hand luxury fashion goods customers: spiritual consumers, entrepreneurial recoverer consumers and carpe diem consumers. Findings The proposed SEC framework (spiritual consumers, entrepreneurial recoverer consumers, and carpe diem consumers) illustrates how the emerging themes interconnect with the identified consumers, revealing significant consumer actions and attitudes found in the second-hand luxury goods sector that influence the usage of UGC and its integration into service failure and recovery efforts Originality/value This study suggested that the perceptions of consumers seeking second-hand luxury fashion products differ from those who purchase new or never previously owned luxury fashion products. …”
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Peptidylarginine Deiminase Isozyme-Specific PAD2, PAD3 and PAD4 Inhibitors Differentially Modulate Extracellular Vesicle Signatures and Cell Invasion in Two Glioblastoma Multiforme...
Published 2020“…Furthermore, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways for deiminated proteins relating to cancer, metabolism and inflammation differed between the two GBM cell lines. Our findings highlight roles for the different PAD isozymes in the heterogeneity of GBM tumours and the potential for tailored PAD-isozyme specific treatment.…”
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A framework to achieve sustainability in manufacturing organisations of developing economies using industry 4.0 technologies' enablers
Published 2020“…Finally, Robust Best Worst Method (RBWM) is utilised to identify the intensity of influence of each enabler included in the framework. The findings of the study reveal that managerial and economical, and environmental enablers possess a strong contribution toward sustainability adoption. …”
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The impact of a humanitarian disaster on the working approach of accountants: a study of contingent effects
Published 2021“…Data collected are analysed using thematic analysis through an inductive interpretative approach. Findings The contingent shock embodies both a reactive and adaptive approach in the accountants' professional work. …”
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Benchmarking the outsourcing factors of third-party logistics services selection: analysing influential strength and building a sustainable decision model
Published 2021“…A courier company in the United Arab Emirates is considered for implementation. Findings: All identified and validated factors are segregated into two categories (cause and effect). …”
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Exploring behavioural bias affecting investment decision making: a network cluster based conceptual analysis for future research
Published 2022“…This study analyses the trends, the intellectual structure, and provides directions for the future of academic research. Findings: In the article, it was determined which contributed documents were the most significant in this particular subject area, along with the citations, publications, and nations that were associated with them. …”
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Association between iron metabolism and SARS-COV-2 infection, determined by ferritin, hephaestin and hypoxia-induced factor-1 alpha levels in COVID-19 patients
Published 2023“…Further studies are needed to corroborate the findings, utilizing a broader range of markers to monitor inflammatory as well as iron status.…”
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