Performance of composite sand cement brick containing recycled concrete aggregate and waste polyethylene terepthalate
Published 2018“…Bricks are an important material for developing areas where manufacturers find it difficult to locate adequate sources due to the shortage of natural aggregate supply. …”
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Thesis -
الإمام الزركشي: حياته ومؤلفاته ومناهجه فيها (Al-Imam Al-Zarkashi: his life and legacy)
Published 2011“…The research relies mainly on surveying ZarkashÊ's works and approaching them analytically to demonstrate their relevance and scientific value. The findings of the research can be summarized as follows: The contribution of al-ZarkashÊ is seen in the early interest he showed in studying ÍadÊth known as “famous” or “mushtahara”. …”
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Book Chapter -
جهود الزركشي في فقه الحديث من خلال كتب الشروح (The efforts of Al-Imam al-ZarkashÊ in Fiqh Al-Hadith)
Published 2011“…The research relies mainly on surveying ZarkashÊ's works and approaching them analytically to demonstrate their relevance and scientific value. The findings of the research can be summarized as follows: The contribution of al-ZarkashÊ is seen in the early interest he showed in studying ÍadÊth known as “famous” or “mushtahara”. …”
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Book Chapter -
دلالات المجاز المرسل في شواهد قرآنيّة = The Significant of al-Majāz al-Mursal in the Qurʾānic instances = Makna-makna yang tersirat di sebalik al-Majāz al-Mursal di dalam beberapa...
Published 2020“…Therefore, this research attempts to find out the significations of al-Majāz al-Mursal in the Holy Qurʾān in order to enhance the understanding of the subtleties of this feature of Qurʾānic style. …”
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Article -
Critical control points and critical limits for industrial scale Halal poultry meat production
Published 2014“…In CCP4 also, the recommended minimum time between neck cutting and scalding is 9 min. For CCP5 (scalding), counter-current water flow system must be used for scalding and the CL for the temperature is 50 to 60C. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Experimental and theoretical DFT study of hydrothermally synthesized MoS2-doped-TiO2 nanocomposites for photocatalytic application
Published 2024“…The breakdown of methylene blue within 15 min confirmed that the prepared MoS2(1-x)TiO2x nanocomposite was a stable, and cost-effective material for photocatalytic application.…”
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Article -
Kajian keperluan kecerdasan emosi guru pelatih program ijazah sarjana muda perguruan di Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia
Published 2019“…Penyelidik menggunakan perisian SPSS version 19 untuk analisis statistik deskriptif iaitu min dan sisihan piawai. Statistik inferensi regresi pelbagai digunakan untuk mendapatkan hubungan di antara pemboleh ubah-pemboleh ubah. …”
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Thesis -
A primer in public policy analysis: techniques and methods
Published 2012“…Chapter seven involves two case studies where concepts of Islamization of public policy find real applications. In the first case attempt is made to discuss policies of privatization in light of Islamic principles and traditions. …”
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Book -
Economic Cooperation among the OIC countries: a case of Turk-Malay Economic Cooperation
Published 2013“…This research will try to find ways to increase bilateral economic cooperation between the two sister countries of OIC. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The effect of Eurycoma Longifolia Jack extract (Tongkat Ali) on serum leptin levels in male rats
Published 2013“…Recently it has also been shown to increase muscle mass in rats .That made us interested to find out if there is any change in the body fat content which is reflected through the serum leptin concentration. …”
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