Multicultural appeal of Pontianak films in the golden age of Singapore cinema
Published 2023“…This paper arguesthat the conventions that appeared in the pontianak films during the golden age of Singapore appealed to the masses as they contained elements familiar to people of all ethnicities living in Singapore. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
“What kind of Indian are you?” Frictions and fractures between Singaporean Indians and foreign-born NRIs
Published 2021“…In April 2016, a news blog post titled, “Singaporeans take back Mandarin Gardens from Indian expats”,1 was met with much more interest than is usually garnered by happenings in the community. …”
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Book Chapter -
Abui stories : seven children
Published 2014“…Kratochvíl, the Abui folklore forms a significant segment for which he has translated into English, Bahasa Indonesia, and Mandarin, facilitating the accessibility of this obscure culture with regards to the modern context – both in Indonesia and abroad.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Brother in arms project (2D flash animation).
Published 2010“…It also reflects the author’s decision making process, showing the influences he chose to aid in the production of the film and how he attempts to reconcile a Western dominated genre with Chinese elements. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Contentious consensus: challenges of diversity to identity-based language policies
Published 2024“…Officially designated community ‘mother tongues’ (i.e., Mandarin, Malay, Tamil) have not only been used to strengthen nation-building and maintain ethnic harmony, but also as instruments of socio-economic development. …”
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Book Chapter -
Keselamatan makanan di dapur Keajaiban bawang sebagai pengawet
Published 2024Get full text
UMPSA News -
舞出言语 : 语音与肢体动作之间的跨感官对应关系 = Dancing to tongues : an investigation of crossmodal correspondence between speech sounds and body movements
Published 2015“…Can we transfer our experience in one sensory modality to another sensory modality, for instance, from sights to sounds? …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Senjata Mukmin /
Published 2010“…Di dalam selawat tersimpan seribu satu keselamatan dan kesejahteraan yang akan membantu seseorang terhindari dari kekalutan padang mahsyar sekaligus memperoleh syafaat Nabi di akhirat kelak, Begitu juga amalan zikir dan wirid akan menghiasi diri dan nurani sehingga menjadi bersih bercahaya. Buku di tangan anda ini mengandungi hizib dan doa keperluan orang Islam serta khasiat ayat-ayat al Quran, rahsia Asmaul Husna, amalan-amalan murah rezeki yang menbawa berkat di dunia dan akhirat.…”
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DALANG DI SEBALIK KONSPIRASI PENAJA PEPERANGAN DUNIA : Kuasa Besar Kaut Untung, Umat Islam Jadi Korban? & Benarkah Kuasa Besar Dunia Bakal Hancur ?/
Published 2021“…Untuk mengetahui siapakah "DALANG DI SEBALIK KONSPIRASI PENAJA PEPERANGAN DUNIA " yang mengaut keuntungan daripada hasil Penjualan Senjata? Anda perlu baca buku ini.…”
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Mental health treatments and the influence of culture: portrayals of hypnotherapy and electroconvulsive therapy in Singaporean television dramas
Published 2024“…While storytelling about sickness can inspire possibilities and bestow meaning on traumatic experiences, fictional narratives written without sufficient care can have the inverse effect of curtailing horizons and limiting expectations. …”
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Journal Article -
MENGAPA YAHUDI INGIN KUASAI BAITULMUQADDIS? : Benarkah matlamat yahudi menawan Baitulmuqaddis untuk bina istana dajjal? /
Published 2018“…Buku ini adalah suatu pendedahan berfakta betapa usaha pihak Yahudi untuk menyesatkan umat manusia seperti mana yang dinyatakan dalam al-Quran, surah al-Baqarah ayat 120, maksudnya; "Selama-lamanya orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan merasa senang (tidak berpuas hati) kepada kamu (umat Islam) sehingga kamu mengikuti agama (cara hidup) mereka." …”
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大时代小人物的命运: 论新加坡教育改革下华校师生对语言的情意结 = Fate of individuals in a revolutionary era: a study on the language attachment of Chinese school teachers and students under Singapore's education...
Published 2024“…Many of these authors were either graduates or teachers from Chinese schools. Each of them harboured a strong emotional attachment to their first language - Chinese. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Language proficiency and the development of executive function in English-speaking chinese Singaporean children
Published 2016“…Compared to the subordinate language, the dominant language has been proposed to have a greater association with the EF due to frequent and quicker speed of activation. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Published 2024“…Inilah dunia affiliate marketing – arena perniagaan yang menawarkan kebebasan daripada tekanan hidup dan berpotensi menjana pendapatan jutaan ringgit. Dalam buku ini, anda akan mempelajari: ● Apa itu Affiliate Marketing: Pengenalan kepada model perniagaan yang memungkinkan anda menjana pendapatan tanpa perlu produk sendiri. ● Kuasa Affiliate Marketing: Cara pemasaran affiliate dapat menjadi sumber pendapatan yang lumayan dengan menggunakan strategi yang tepat. ● Jenis Affiliate Marketing: Pelbagai bentuk pemasaran affiliate yang dapat anda terokai untuk menyesuaikan dengan kekuatan dan minat anda. ● Penjanaan Dollar USD dari Malaysia Melalui Affiliate Marketing: Strategi untuk memanfaatkan platform global dan menjana pendapatan dalam mata wang asing, khususnya USD, dari Malaysia. ● Langkah Demi Langkah untuk Memulakan Kerjaya Affiliate: Panduan praktikal seperti memilih niche, mendaftar dengan program affiliate, dan promosi produk. ● Rahsia Penjanaan Jutaan Ringgit: Teknik dan strategi yang perlu anda ketahui untuk memaksimumkan potensi pendapatan anda dalam dunia affiliate marketing. …”
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Cultural identity, language ability, and their relationship among Chinese preschoolers in Singapore
Published 2019“…L. Lee, 2012; Ng, 2014) and it is important to investigate factors related to language ability to inform future policies aiming to increase Mandarin proficiency. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)