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Designing Electricity Distribution Network Tariffs for Beneficial Electrification
Published 2024“…Per-kW capacity tariffs (subscription and demand charges) are effective at mitigating EV-driven peaks, especially when paired with TOU energy tariffs. We recommend that regulators separate network charges from energy charges and introduce a per-kW subscription network tariff to collect a portion of the network revenue requirement. …”
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Thesis -
The Policy, People, and Place Impacts of Mining for the Clean Energy Transition in the US
Published 2024“…The third is an Indigenous lands case study centered around the Thacker Pass lithium mine, which illustrates how a tensions framing is critical when the tradeoff framing has historically risked Indigenous sovereignty over their lands. …”
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Thesis -
Tangible Telepresence: Distributed and Synchronous Tangible Interfaces for Enhancing Interpersonal Connectedness over Time and Space
Published 2024“…Third, it highlights that complex meanings or detailed information are not essential for strengthening connectedness when mutual awareness is established, as users perceive TeleTangibles as various forms of interaction that reduce the pressure of immediate response while confirming each other's status. …”
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Thesis -
Deformation and its surface expression in stressed planetary materials
Published 2024“…This thesis investigates the response of planetary materials to changing stress fields, and resultant signatures of stress in geophysical properties observable from planetary surfaces. When forces change within rocky and icy layers of planetary bodies, constituent materials of these layers adjust on the microscale; energetically favorable alignment of microstructural materials builds across scales to result in deformation, preferred directions for material transport and wave propagation, and heat release. …”
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Thesis -
Compact Capabilities: Developing and Evaluating a Field-Portable Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis System
Published 2024“…These results suggest that NRCA, especially when used in concert with NRTA and other neutron-interrogation techniques, has the potential to rapidly and nondestructively quantify and characterize isotopes of interest in support of safeguards material accountancy.…”
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Thesis -
From Words to Worlds: Bridging Language and Thought
Published 2024“…What do we understand when we understand language? Human language offers a broad window into the landscape of our thoughts. …”
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Thesis -
Alive Scene: Participatory Multimodal AI Framework for Collective Narratives in Dynamic 3D Scene
Published 2024“…Eventually, users adjust camera angles when the captions are agreeable. Visualizations of this analysis illustrate that these dynamic behavioral changes facilitate the development of collective perception. …”
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Thesis -
From Waste to Structure: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Circular Design
Published 2024“…Computational optimization has been implemented to automate the process, but state-of-the-art algorithms still require manually pre-defining a parametric target design-space or take too long to compute when applied to larger problems. This thesis proposes a new method for circular design utilizing Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) to design structures, requiring only a design gesture and the inventory as input. …”
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Thesis -
Fracturing Processes in Specimens with Internal vs. Throughgoing Flaws: An Experimental Study Using 3D Printed Materials
Published 2024“…The systematic analysis presented in this work sheds light on important considerations that need to be taken into account when conducting fracture research and adds knowledge to the fundamental understanding of how fractures occur in nature.…”
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On the non-microbial sources and sinks of dissolved metabolites in seawater
Published 2024“…Dissolved marine metabolites are small (<1000 Da) organic chemicals that remain in seawater when passed through a filter (typically <0.2 µm pore size). …”
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Thesis -
Retrieval of refractivity fields from GNSS tropospheric delays: theoretical and data-based evaluation of collocation methods and comparisons with GNSS tomography
Published 2024“…Both methods can sense the weather front, but their atmospheric structures appear more similar when the GNSS network has a well-distributed height coverage.…”
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Beam heating explains critical current suppression measured during ion irradiation of REBCO tapes
Published 2024“…Most importantly, we find that the dose rates expected in a FPP will not change Ic due to ballistic radiation damage or ion-Cooper pair interactions, allowing us to safely ignore these effects when designing FPP magnets.…”
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Classical correspondence beyond the Ehrenfest time for open quantum systems with general Lindbladians
Published 2024“…We prove a version of this correspondence, bounding the error between the quantum and classical evolutions for any sufficiently regular Hamiltonian H(x, p) and Lindblad functions L k ( x , p ) . The error is small when the strength of the diffusion D associated to the Lindblad functions satisfies D ≫ ħ 4 / 3 , in particular allowing vanishing noise in the classical limit. …”
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Protein Folding, Host Cell Proteostasis, and Viral Evolution
Published 2025“…Importantly, in cells, protein folding is assisted by intricate networks of chaperones and quality control factors, termed proteostasis networks. When a substitution on a protein impedes its proper folding, proteostasis network components can triage the defective protein variant to chaperones for folding assistance, or to quality control factors for timely degradation. …”
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Thesis -
Design of a Precision Needle for Injection of Fluid into the Suprachoroidal Space of the Eye for the Treatment of Retinal Detachment
Published 2025“…This work presents a device developed to minimally invasively reach posterior segments of the eye, deploy an injection needle in-situ with high resolution, sense when the needle tip has passed into the suprachoroidal space (SCS), and inject a viscous fluid. …”
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Thesis -
15.912 Technology Strategy, Spring 2005
Published 2010“…These tools can provide the framework for insightful planning when deciding which technologies to invest in, how to structure those investments and how to anticipate and respond to the behavior of competitors, suppliers, and customers. …”
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Learning Object -
Production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) by Ralstonia eutropha in high cell density palm oil fermentations
Published 2011“…Different PHA production strategies were compared using a recombinant strain of Ralstonia eutropha that produces high amounts of P(HB-co-HHx) when grown on plant oils. This R. eutropha strain was grown to high cell densities using batch, extended batch, and fed batch fermentation strategies, in which PHA accumulation was triggered by nitrogen limitation. …”
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Accelerating throughput-aware runtime mapping for heterogeneous MPSoCs
Published 2013“…Experimental results reveal that the proposed approach provides faster DSE, better design points, and efficient runtime mapping when compared to other approaches. In particular, we show that DSE is faster by 83% and runtime mapping is accelerated by 93% for some cases. …”
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Journal Article -
Adaptive regional feedback control of robotic manipulator with uncertain kinematics and depth information
Published 2014“…While much progress has been achieved in taskspace control of robot, existing task-space sensory feedback control methods fail when the sensor is out of working range. In this paper, we propose an adaptive regional feedback control strategy that enables the robot to start from an initial position outside the field of view and leave the field of view during the movement. …”
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Conference Paper