A road traffic simulator with parallel process ability
Published 2006“…A road traffic simulation in a large area often required in order to see the effect of traffic rules changing in more wide area. …”
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Book Chapter -
Towards an Islamic stock market: a review of classical and modern literatures
Published 2009“…This paper tries to find its origin in Islamic Shari`ah to see its status and validity from Shari`ah perspective. …”
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Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding dengue: a case study in Taman Temerloh Jaya, Malaysia
Published 2014“…The KAP were also analysed in order to find out their associated factors and to see whether there was any relationship between knowledge, attitude and practice regarding dengue and its prevention.…”
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Book -
The continuing debate on death penalty: an exposition of international, Malaysian and the shari'ah perspective
Published 2015“…The debate on the death penalty seems endless. Some see the death penalty as a form of human rights violation, while others consider it as a means to preserve and protect the rights of others. …”
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Exploring the use of a gap analysis approach for quantitative evaluation of teaching effectiveness
Published 2003“…The project focuses on several undergraduate and postgraduate business Marketing modules and was conducted to see whether the technique offers any particular benefits which the Department of Business and Service Sector Management may use in the future.…”
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Teaching and Learning Economics through Cinema
Published 2007“…In the United State, modules are usually run in the students’ first year presenting a variety of fundamental economic concepts such as opportunity cost, scarcity, aymmetric information and illustrating them using films (see, for example, Leet and Houser (2003)). The approach developed here is, in a sense, the reverse of that process since it is the medium of cinema which is allowed to inform and suggest the economic concepts that can be discussed through this medium. …”
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It takes two to tango: the state and organized crime in Russia
Published 2016“…Using a case study conducted in Tatarstan, which included interviews with criminal gang members and representatives of law enforcement agencies and analysis of secondary data, it argues that instead of a pattern of elimination or subjugation of Russian organized crime by the state, we see a mutually reinforcing ensemble which reproduces the existing social order. …”
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Young Europeans: a new political generation?
Published 2018“…This broad pan-European analysis suggests that young people see themselves in many ways as a politically distinct cohort, a generation with different political values than those of their parents and grandparents.…”
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Sexualised sexism: popular culture, sexualisation and violence against women and girls
Published 2014“…Women’s organisations which are experts on violence against women and girls (VAWG) see similar patterns in sexualised popular culture as those that underpin the perpetration of VAWG: masculinity equated with sexual conquest, representations of women and girls as perpetually sexually available. …”
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Monograph -
With whom do young Europeans' discuss their political identities?
Published 2020“…Based on 324 group discussions with 2000 young people, in 104 locations in 29 different European states, the findings suggest that many young people see parents as the people with whom they most often talk about politics. …”
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Breaking the cycle: media representations of victim-survivors and child abuse
Published 2019“…Thankfully, the media can also present more progressive depictions which challenge these so-called rape myths and enable people to make sense of their experiences and the experiences of others (see Kitzinger, 2001).…”
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"Darling look! It's a Banksy!" Viewers’ material engagement with street art and graffiti
Published 2016“…Viewers’ material engagements with street art and graffiti represent a disruption of the expectable order that demonstrates that what we see, according to our usual division of the sensible, could be otherwise – thus revealing the contingency of our perceptual and conceptual order. …”
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Book Section -
Sex differences as a statistical variable
Published 2017“…Gender differences are often seen as either biologically determined, or culturally acquired or conditioned. However, in an age where gender equality is the main target, neither peer reviewers nor students show much interest in gender differences. …”
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Book Section -
Regeneration of the historic waterfront of world heritage sites in Malaysia – the case of Penang and Melaka
Published 2010“…Many opportunities for successful redevelopment had emerged in rehabilitation of urban waterfront areas where the present trend sees recreation and tourism as a catalyst for redevelopment (Craig-Smith and Fagence, 1995). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
التنمية بوصفها عدالةً وعنايةً موقف السنَّة النبوية الشريفة موقعها = Development as an attribute of justice and care the position and view of the noble prophetic tradition...
Published 2015“…This emanates from the understanding that justice is one of the dimensions of values. Hence, we can clearly see that there is crisis in contemporary concept of development where people are endowed with bounties but void of values. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Faith and Finance: Multicultural Banks Versus Islamic Banks
Published 2010“…UM Financial in our over 5 year of retail Islamic financial products in Canada have come across many other faith groups where usury free products are requested. We are converting our current operations to a Multicultural bank which will be based on two principals 1. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ride performance analysis of half-car model for semi-active system using RMS as performance criteria
Published 2009“…Frequency response of the transfer function for the heave, pitch of the sprung mass and suspension deflections are initially compared and then mean square analysis is utilized to see the effect of semi-active scheme. Results indicate that significant improvements were achieved in the sprung mass heave and pitch responses using semi-active control scheme. …”
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Article -
Rectification and revival of muslim world
Published 2011“…This situation prompted us to look at our principal sources of inspiration, which are, the Qur‟an, Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW), and examples of the “enlightened Caliphs” and see if we could work out a seminal guidelines for our rectification and revival. …”
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Clinical assessment of watermarked medical images
Published 2009“…Approach: Clinical assessment will objectively evaluate the distortion on medical images to see whether or not medical diagnosis is altered. …”
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A study on ferns as carving motives in the Polynesian community involving the New Zealanders Maori, Indonesian Minangkabau & Malaysian Malay
Published 2011“…It is important to study the relationship of fern and carving in the Polynesian and Malay architectures in order to see how environment influenced the society. Moreover, how the environment is use as tool or metaphor to educate society. …”
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