Metacarpal bone Ewing's sarcoma : utilizing autologous metatarsal graft as a reconstruction option following resection
Published 2013“…At one year post-surgery, she achieved near normal functions of her dominant hand, with no donor sites morbidity. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Divorce as a mode to resolve matrimonial conflict - the first or the last resort?
Published 2010“…They are: to advise the wife with full kindness, to refuse sharing a bed with her and finally to beat her lightly as a way of teaching, but of course, not with the intention to harm her. …”
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The Essential Rokeya: selected works of Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain (1880-1932)
Published 2013“…This will enable readers outside Bangladesh and West Bengal to appraise and appreciate Rokeya’s fundamental role in the feminist awakening in South Asia, especially among the Bengali Muslims of her time.…”
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Breast feeding, Islamic guidance and scientific evidence
Published 2011“…Breast feeding by the mother to her new born infant is greatly beneficial. It is prescribed as Almighty commanded the mother to breast feed her child for two years: "The mothers shall give such to their offspring for two whole years” if the father desires to complete the term. …”
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Kuala Lumpur İslam Bankacılığı konferansı (Conference of Islamic banking in Kuala Lumpur)
Published 2011“…Malezya toplumunun yönetim kadrosu dünya konjektörünü iyi analiz edebilme yetilerinden dolayı ülke menfaatlerinin nelerde ve nerelerde birleştiğinin ipuçlarını da yakalayabilmektedirler. Her şey “Malezya için” konsepti her şey “Ümmet için” konsepti ile birlikte dünya dengelerinden soyutlanmadan iç içe sürdürülmeye çalışılmaktadır. …”
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Dem bu demdir, fırsat bu fırsattır (time is this time, opportunity is this opportunity)
Published 2007“…Kalabalığın her yaştan ve cinsten insanlardan oluşması, acaba benim bilmediğim bir bayram mı kutlanıyor? …”
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Cooling tower: an energy conservation resource
Published 1992“…In order ot achieve a higher level of performance of a cooling tower, various sub-systems of the tower should be refined and fine tuned to work together as a coherent system. Keeping in veiw the performance of a cooling tower analyses of the various sub-systems namely (a) air inlet system, (b) fill or packing (c) water distribution system (d) drift eliminators and (e) fan and associated equipment are presented here. …”
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Muslim wife's rights to maintenance: husband's duty to maintain a working wife in Islamic law and the law in Malaysia
Published 2010“…The duty arises as soon as the marriage contract is completed. The duty to maintain her continues until the contract of marriage ends either through death or separation. …”
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The rights of a rape victim in Islamic Law
Published 2008“…There has been a controversial issue regarding rape prosecution in Islamic legal system as the rape victim would be either charged with zina (illegal sexual intercourse) because of her confession or qadhf (false accusation) as a result of her failure to bring four male eyewitnesses. …”
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'A balancing act' : a case study of a student’s experience as a writer at university
Published 2003“…This paper examines the experience of one student (Thelma) as a writer through her three-year undergraduate programme, and the principal issues that arose for her. …”
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Indictment of misogyny on Mary Wollstonecraft and Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain
Published 2004“…Wollstonecraft’s supreme honour of being the mother of western feminism has been questioned by an indictment of misogyny by Susan Gubar; a similar charge of misogyny could potentially be made against the proto-feminist standing of Rokeya if her polemical works are eyed through Gubar’s lens. …”
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Placenta Cretas: Early Diagnosis is Needed
Published 2011“…First case: A 35 year old G6 with previous one caesarean for her first pregnancy and two dilatation and curettage (D&C) procedures during her fourth and fifth pregnancies. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
مسالك الإبداع: المبدع بوصفه مرآة للجامعات ومراكز البحوث ودور النشر
Published 2014“…Given writer or a researcher is expected to be creative in his or her writings or researches, and exhibit his or her creativity in teaching and lecturing, and thus extend his or her creative skills to universities as well as publishing houses. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Nigerian children sexual abuse as a result of child labour
Published 2011“…Some of them were raped, sexually abused by adult or peers due to the inadequate security to check and control crass act in society. …”
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Controlling political communication in the blogosphere: Business as usual in Malaysia
Published 2010“…Most of these laws were enacted before the explosion of online communication through online news portal and blogs. Malaysia, her citizen and her government, have embraced this information communication technology on the belief of its ability to propel the nation to become a developed nation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Psychotic manifestation in a patient with Wolfram syndrome (DIDMOAD)
Published 2014“…The patient was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus at the age of 10 years old and subsequently progressive hearing and visual loss a year later. Her ophthalmic evaluation revealed total blindness due to optic atrophy. …”
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Training students to develop creative and innovative talents
Published 2011“…Creativity is the ability of a person that enables him/her to think of, dream up or visualize unusual solution to a problem. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islamic perspective of quality administration
Published 2010“…The concept itself has no religion, so to speak; any one regardless of his or her religious proclivity could do quality job or acquire quality status or achieve superior ranking or perform with excellence. …”
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The application of law on pollution control towards marine biodiversity conservation in Malaysia
Published 2011“…Malaysia takes pollution issue seriously, and joins other key maritime nations in enhancing her legal regime in dealing with marine polluiton. …”
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Cairo and the printing press as the modes in the dissemination of Muhammad ‘Abduh’s reformism to colonial Malaya
Published 2011Get full text
Proceeding Paper