Molecular cloning and production of recombinant phytase from Bacillus Subtilis ASUIA243 in Pichia Pastoris
Published 2011“…The supernatant was then analysed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot method to check the protein expression.…”
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Position control of a four link hyper redundant robotic manipulator
Published 2013“…A validation experiment was conducted on a 4-link prototype to check the validity of the proposed algorithm. The experimental results showed satisfactory results with good repeatability.…”
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Punitive justice in the Malaysian criminal law and its sustainability: balancing the rights of offenders with those of the victims
Published 2011“…It will examine the existing legal framework in Malaysia to check the extent of which it secures the rights of offender and those of the victim and to suggest reforms to the system so that it is responsive and receptive to both parties.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Low cost SCADA system with auto fault detection using micro controller
Published 2005“…The design enables the system to check the alarm status, true or false, i.e. normal, faulty sensor or open circuit. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
State-feedback control design for polynomial discrete-time systems obtained via second-order Runge-Kutta discretization
Published 2024“…The sum of squares formulation was used to check the constraints. Two approaches are presented, the first makes use of the Lyapunov function to recover the gain matrices. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Theory appraisal in Islamic economic methodology: purposes and criteria
Published 2012“…Those criteria and purpose in theory appraisal and evaluation in a methodological unity of Islamic economics suggest a new approach in dealing with revelation, intellectual reasoning and facts observation in order to produce a coherent Islamic economic theory. Keywords Methodology of Islamic economics, Tawhidic methodology, Theory appraisal, Theory evaluation, Criteria, Framework, Islam, Economics Paper type - Conceptual paper…”
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HRM strategies for managing employee commitment: a case study of small construction professional services firms
Published 2012“…Arguably, there is a possibility that small firm owner-managers have no coherent strategy for managing human resources aimed at developing employee commitment. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The prevalence of mesioangular impacted lower third molar among patients attending the polyclinic, Faculty of Dentistry, IIUM
Published 2019“…Internet addiction was assessed using Chen Internet addiction Scale while the psychological distress was assessed using the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). …”
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Rheology of Malaysian Tualang honey
Published 2011“…These profiles were coherent with behaviour of a simple fluid which is Newtonian fluid. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Children’s lives across the anthropocene : reconsidering the place of modern childhood in education studies through the scholarship of taking ‘a wider look around’ : the covering d...
Published 2017“…This Covering Document offers a narrative addressing the contributory contexts, thematic coherences, and original contribution to knowledge made by the body of work presented for this award. …”
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Thesis -
Design for the environment: an ontology-based knowledge management model for green product development
Published 2021“…The findings are useful for both managers and practitioners as they provide a coherent domain ontology that can help them manage knowledge, improve teamwork, and make decisions in a collaborative green PDP. …”
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Exploring acquired brain injury (ABI) clients' experience of receiving cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) delivered by trainees : a qualitative study
Published 2014“…Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was employed to develop an in-depth and coherent understanding of participants’ experiences. …”
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Thesis -
Theoretical framework for authoring hypermedia for language learning
Published 1998“…Problems identified with the development of specific design guidelines for authoring hypermedia CALL led to a need for a thorough examination of the usability field with a view to creating a coherent and exhaustive theoretical framework providing a comprehensive contextual and conceptual design support. …”
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Thesis -
Topical and transdermal botanical formulations of the Chinese pharmacopoeia—a review
Published 2024“…The use of botanical materials in TCM formulations is guided by the “Jun‐Chen‐Zuo‐Shi” principle rooted in Yin‐Yang and the five elements' theories. …”
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Effect of Various Plasticizers in Different Concentrations on Physical, Thermal, Mechanical, and Structural Properties of Wheat Starch-Based Films
Published 2023“…The addition of different plasticizers shows improvement in water resistance; films plasticized with glycerol had the lowest water absorption at 35% fructose (187.4%) and also showed coherent surfaces. Glycerol, sorbitol, and urea films showed a higher mass loss compared to fructose films. …”
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Effect of Various Plasticizers in Different Concentrations on Physical, Thermal, Mechanical, and Structural Properties of Wheat Starch-Based Films
Published 2023“…The addition of different plasticizers shows improvement in water resistance; films plasticized with glycerol had the lowest water absorption at 35% fructose (187.4%) and also showed coherent surfaces. Glycerol, sorbitol, and urea films showed a higher mass loss compared to fructose films. …”
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Memleket’e Merhabalar (hello to the memleket)
Published 2007“…Yıllar öncesinde duyduğum heyecanı tekrar yaşayarak başlıyorum ilk yazıma. İnanıyorum ki her yazar için yazmaya iten bir neden vardır hayatında.35’e merdiven dayadık… Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı “Yaş Otuz Beş Yolun Yarısı Eder” dese de bence 35 yaş ömrün sonbaharı, verimli olmanın, meyveleri yavaş yavaş toplamanın yaşı. …”
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Dünya Kadınlar Günü (World Women's Day)
Published 2008“…Her konuda olduğu gibi, insanlığa bir lütuf olarak gönderilen, İslam dini kadın haklarını en ince ayrıntılarıyla işlemiş, ona lâyıkı ile hakkını vermiştir. …”
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Trunk-enabled toys
Published 2016“…The focus of the paper is on current participatory design sessions with an elephant and her keepers, giving rise to insights on species-specific interfaces and how to enable playful encounters with technology.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Evaluating the accessibility and visibility of Quranic websites
Published 2010“…It is futile to have a website that is difficult to access by users owing to non compliance with the accessibility guidelines. To check whether a particular Al-Quran website conforms or not to the accessible guidelines a software, A-Prompt could be used. …”
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Proceeding Paper