Development of mathematical cost model for room temperature end-milling of AISI D2 tool steel
Published 2011“…ANOVA output was utilized to check the adequacy of the developed model. The developed model was found to be statistically adequate and this was confirmed by the small prediction errors made by the model…”
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Book Chapter -
Image recognition technique of road tax sticker in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Plate Recognition became significant in daily life because of the unlimited increase of transportation systems which make it impossible to be fully managed and monitored by humans, examples are so many like traffic monitoring, tracking stolen cars, managing parking toll, red-light violation enforcement, border, toll gates and customs check points. This paper will propose a new image recognition technique for inspecting the validity of car Road Tax information in Malaysia based on Neural Network. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
On pure quasi-quantum quadratic operators of M_2(C)
Published 2013“…We think that such a result will allow one to check whether a given mapping from M2(C) to M2(C)x M2(C) is pure or not. …”
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Article -
Upgrading of small sewage treatment plants for ammonia removal - case of a university campus
Published 2015“…Effluent quality data of these plants was evaluated to check the compliance with the revised effluent quality standards set by the Department of Environment (DOE), Malaysia. …”
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Article -
Thinking skills course and student's academic self-efficacy
Published 2011“…The internal consistency reliability test was used to check the reliability of data measuring students' academic self-efficacy. …”
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Prototype modeling of security system with metal detector
Published 2007“…The system is working such as the customers self service in the library. The items need to be check at the counter before it been taking out from the store. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A robust digital image watermarking using repetition codes against common attacks
Published 2015“…The proposed methods have undergone several simulation attacks tests in order to check up and compare their robustness against various attacks, like salt and pepper, speckle, compress, Gaussian, image contrast, resizing and cropping attack. …”
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Thesis -
Dissolution of marriage on the ground of cruelty: A comparative overview of Fasakh and irretrievable breakdown of marriage (IBM) principles
Published 2010“…The practice in Malaysia, the Shariah Court will ask the wife to provide sufficient evidence to prove her claim, failure of which the application for fasakh will be set aside. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Methods of proof and evidentiary requirements in cases involving cruelty: a comparative overview of fasakh and irretrievable breakdown of marriage (IBM)
Published 2010“…The practice in Malaysia, the Shariah Court will ask the wife to provide sufficient evidence to prove her claim, failure of which the application for fasakh will be set aside. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Intrapleural streptokinase for the treatment of chylothorax
Published 2011“…We instilled intrapleural streptokinase, which improved her condition.…”
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Article -
Evolving Malaysia
Published 2009“…Towards the end of the 12th century, while Western Europe was still wavering between a dying Roman influence and a dawning Gothicism, preliminaries to a medieval era which would make possible the development of a worldwide humanism, Asia had already lived through her classical period and, sinking into decay, was preparing to face a long period of political and spiritual unrest.…”
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Article -
Values and education within the framework of Islamisation of knowledge
Published 2011“…Within the framework of Islamisation of knowledge education appears more holistic and all encompassing with primary emphasis on the person as a whole including; his/her mind, soul, heart, body, character, skills, social relations and over all bringing up.…”
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Book Chapter -
İslami Bonolara (sukuk) artan ilgi
Published 2011“…Eşyanın hakikati bu: “her şey aslına rücû eder.” İktisâdi faaliyetler insanlığın varoluşuyla birlikte farklı metod, yöntem ve araçlar kullanarak toplumun bir parçası olarak işleyişini sürdüregelmiştir. …”
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Article -
Can true crime be feminist?
Published 2021“…Alongside police manhandling of women at her vigil and the true picture of sexual violence committed by officers, we have had to accept that the justice system cannot be relied on to protect any of us, especially women of colour.…”
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Article -
Language learning strategies : a narrative literature review
Published 2020“…Language Learning Strategies (LLS) are the steps or actions that a learner consciously takes to improve and regulate his or her language learning (Cohen & Macaro, 2009; Griffiths, 2013; Oxford, 2011). …”
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Book Section -
Ortadoğu'nun değişmez kaderi (Unchangeable destiny of the Middle East)
Published 2011“…Bizim algımıza göre medeniyetler beşiği, tarihin başlangıç coğrafyası olarak isimlendirilmesi gereken “Ortadoğu” en dinamik yapısı ile, her zaman olduğu gibi tarihi yeniden şekillendirecek. …”
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Article -
Geldigin gibi gitme! (Don't go as you came)
Published 2008“…Güneş varken, ışıklarıyla bütün bir kainat aydınlanırken güneşin ışığında yıldıza ne hacet var denilebilir. Oysa her aydınlığın da bir karanlıkla yüzleşeceği anlar vardır. …”
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Article -
SABIR Bir Felek Romanı
Published 2016“…Girizgâh, Her romanın yaşamın içerisinden süzülerek akıp gelen bir parçası vardır. …”
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Book -
İslâmi finans sektörü: Yeni İpekyolu (Islamic finance sector: the New Silk Road)
Published 2011“…Birçok uygarlığın doğup geliştiği Anadolu coğrafyası her zaman olduğu gibi Doğu ve Batı arasında etkileşim merkezi olmuş ve olmaya devam edecektir eğer coğrafyanın öneminin farkına varılıp, fırsatlar değerlendirilirse. …”
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Article -
Consent to intercourse and the transmission of veneral or serious diseases: a comparative overview
Published 2003“…What should a man be required to disclose to a woman before taking advantage of her consent to intercourse? Should any sexually transmissible disease or illness qualify for this purpose? …”
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