“Everything, it was everything”: victim blame, victimism, and responsibilisation
Published 2022“…To make the process as participatory as possible, I ran follow-up focus groups and requested feedback from the women to ‘sense check’ my findings. The focus group data were analysed through thematic analysis and NVivo software. …”
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Thesis -
A Review of Research and Policy on Financial Abuse within Intimate Partner Relationships
Published 2015“…It was only in 1964 that the Married Women’s Property Act entitled a woman to keep half of any savings she had made from the allowance given to her by her husband. In 1970 the Equal Pay Act made it illegal for employers to pay women lower rates than men for the same work; yet at the same time working women could only secure a mortgage with the signature of a male guarantor. …”
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Monograph -
Using dynamic assessment of writing to promote technology-enhanced learning in higher education (Abstract) [Conference paper]
Published 2023“…Round 1 (implicit) consisted solely of a scored and highlighted rubric, not identifying the location or nature of the erroneous parts and was provided by randomly chosen peers) via Padlet to ensure anonymity and allow students to experiment with digital platforms. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The ethical eye : photojournalists' views of ethics and digital photography in UK national newspapers
Published 2018“…This research suggests that these duties aid in guiding them when taking action in ethical situations. - Photojournalists take ‘care’ while taking photographs, exhibiting excitement and dedication to their profession. …”
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Thesis -
“The facts don’t work”: the EU referendum campaign and the journalistic construction of ‘post-truth politics’
Published 2018“…In this context, this paper will seek to understand how British media have constructed the notions of truth, fact and the ‘post-factual’ during the referendum campaign, by analysing a number of key contested issues in the referendum debates, with a particular focus on the ‘fact-check’ websites and blogs which emerged in order to address what media channels presented as a distorted and unenlightening political process.…”
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Article -
The potential for one-to-one synchronous writing support in UK higher education : a report from the LondonMet Writing Centre
Published 2010“…Throughout, the Writing Centre’s main focus is its "writing mentors" scheme, in which students are trained to work with their peers on all aspects of their writing: from understanding assignment questions to offering feedback on drafts. …”
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The Conservative Party representatives study 2002: a multi-focus, quantitative analysis of the beliefs, behaviour and background of Conservative Party politicians in 2002
Published 2010“…A 20-page questionnaire was sent in April 2002 to all Conservative MPs, Peers, MEPs, Scottish MPs, Welsh and Greater London Assembly members, local councillors in Scotland and Wales and a 10% random sample of local councillors in England. …”
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Thesis -
Young Europeans’ constructions and discussions of migrancy and racism
Published 2024“…We focus on the necessity of supporting young people in discussing their values and experiences in a deliberative context, following their specific contingent concerns, and using the vocabulary and terms they use. Deliberation with peers promotes the growth of personal development and an inclusive culture, respecting and including heritages and the marginalised groups. …”
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Book Section -
Journeys of creativity in pedagogy: “butterflies leaving the cage”
Published 2022“…Drawing from personal experiences as a designer and lecturer, Chiara Cola reflects on her dual role as an educator and student, particularly within the context of the BA Interior Design course and the PGCert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education at London Metropolitan University. …”
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Article -
Book review : Human development and capabilities: re-imagining the university of the twenty-first century
Published 2014“…The review was overall positive but argued that the book did not go far enough, and in the case of some authors such as Nussbaum, there was a contrast between the argument on what constitutes 'justice' and her actual actions as in the case of supporting a brutal regime.…”
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Aspects of the biology of fish populations from the Medway Estuary, based on power station intake sampling with special reference to parasitism and pollution
Published 1977“…Trawl samples were also taken as a check for selectivity. During the study over 46,000 fish, divided between 59 species, were collected. …”
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Thesis -
Mobilising big data analytics capabilities to improve performance of tourism supply chains: the moderating role of dynamic capabilities
Published 2024“…Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was applied to confirm the constructs, followed by partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) to check the mediating effect of dynamic capabilities (DC) on TSCs performance. …”
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Construing economic behaviour
Published 1996“…For too long, the expression ceteris paribus has been the catchall of economic modelling, and when pressed for examples of "other things being equal", invariably many of these are psychological factors. …”
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Thesis -
The golden thread of Woolmington – A domestic yarn that should never have been spun
Published 2025“…It will be shown that there were numerous ‘red flags’ in Reginald Woolmington’s behaviour towards Violet, his wife, which indicated that she was at risk of serious physical violence from her husband. The commentary then reflects on the fact that such an important ruling is named after a domestic abuser.…”
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Anglo-German commercial and financial rivalry in Brazil 1900-1929
Published 1988“…Being reminiscent of the continuous enquiries into the state of Britain's home industries, the thesis re-opens the complementary debate about British comparative efficiency in world trade and her ability to withstand Germany's expansion into new overseas markets. …”
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Thesis -
Women in management : barriers to career progress
Published 2002“…Secondly, the study casts new light on the pressures that women face when trying to reconcile the needs of work and caring responsibilities. …”
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Thesis -
Gross motor coordination and weight status of Portuguese children aged 6-14 years
Published 2015“…One-way ANCOVA, controlling for age, physical activity and SES, indicated that normal-weight children scored significantly better than their obese peers in all gross MC tests. Overweight boys and girls also scored significantly better than their obese colleagues in some MC tests. …”
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‘Maturing out’ as dilemmatic: transitions towards relatively light drinking practices among UK University students
Published 2021“…One dilemma was characterised by managing to drink less (or nothing) without cutting off social options with university friends/peers. A second dilemma concerned not wishing to fully abandon the pleasures and increased social confidence that alcohol consumption could afford. …”
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Article -
‘Really putting a different slant on my use of a glass of wine’: patient perspectives on integrating alcohol into structured medication reviews in general practice
Published 2023“…Conclusions: Including alcohol in SMRs and changing the framing of alcohol away from a brief check with little meaningful scope for discussion, toward being fully integrated within the consultation, was welcomed as a concept by participants in this study. …”
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