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Quantifying the energy consumption of the water use cycle
Published 2017“…</p> <p>This thesis presents variousmethodological approachesto quantify and understand energy use in water infrastructure systems, as well as how to incorporate them in decision-making processes. The main hypotheses are as follows: firstly, a detailed understanding of the use of energy in water infrastructure systems can facilitate more efficient and sustainable water infrastructure systems and, secondly, that incorporating energy into planning for water and wastewater resources can help understand the impacts of decisions and establish trade-offs between actions.…”
Thesis -
Evaluation of rabies awareness and the population dynamics of free-roaming and owned dogs in Herat city, Afghanistan
Published 2022“…There was high level (97.3%) of awareness that dog bite is the main cause of rabies. The total direct medical and indirect costs due to dog bites were estimated to be 9.658992 million Afghani (120,737 USD) and 2.88 million Afghani (36044 USD) per year respectively. …”
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Thesis -
Transcriptome analysis of ischemic stroke recovery induced by neural stem cell preconditioned with baicalein-enriched fraction of oroxylum indicum
Published 2024“…In brief, this study provides new knowledge regarding the mechanism of BEF-preconditioned NSCs therapy to treat ischemic stroke based on the significant main expression of genes using microarray analysis.…”
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Thesis -
Visible light communication systems supporting wireless data access and indoor positioning applications
Published 2020“…However, the development and deployment of indoor VLC and VLP systems face some key challenges, such as integration of VLC and VLP to provide simultaneous communication and positioning services, inter-cell interference (ICI) in indoor multi-cell VLC systems, negative effect of line-of-sight (LoS) blockages on the performance, and guaranteeing different quality of services (QoS) of various indoor devices. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Study on muscle remodeling using in vivo microscopy of drosophila metamorphosis and quantitative image analysis
Published 2018“…With the availability of advanced fluorescence microscopes and a reporter line with two markers, we acquired time lapse images of muscles and myonuclei. …”
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Thesis -
Understanding the role of Enterococcus faecalis in polymicrobial wounds
Published 2023“…Since E. faecalis T7SS encodes toxins involved in bacterial competition, but not the MPT and EET systems, I hypothesized that a link between the energy metabolism systems and the T7SS may exist. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
The effects of atmosphere-ocean-wave coupling during tropical cyclone
Published 2018“…This transfer of momentum (from atmosphere to ocean) is not a one-way link, i.e., there are feedback effects from ocean (both in terms of enthalpy and momentum) on the atmospheric boundary layer. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Rotor angle stability-constrained dispatch and control of large-scale wind penetrated power system
Published 2022“…Though wide use of wind power is beneficial to environment and economy, it could bring technical issues to power system stability due to its intermittency and uncertainty as well as non-synchronous nature. In general, four main effects on power system transient stability are: 1) wind generation has no contribution to system inertia and system with synchronous generators replaced by wind turbines will lead to reduction of inertia, 2) power electronics converter-based interfacing is added when wind turbines are implemented, which will change the dynamic behavior of the system, 3) power dispatch of synchronous machines will change fast to compensate wind power variation, 4) the magnitude and direction of power flows will fluctuate quickly and randomly in the transmission lines. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Performance enhancement and size reduction of near-eye display
Published 2020“…In Chapter 3, to solve the main conflict between resolution and device size, a versatile resolution enhancement method for NED is implemented by overlapping multiple display panel images. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Why do Chinese firms go public abroad and how do they perform?
Published 2023“…Next, we compare the performance of listed firms in the Hong Kong, United States, and A-share markets based on statistical analysis. The main finding is that overseas-listed companies do not perform better than A-share listed firms, but they are more likely to conduct M&A activities, financial investments, and bond issuance in currencies other than RMB. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Muscle ultrasound changes and physical function of critically ill children: a comparison of rectus femoris cross-sectional area and quadriceps thickness measurements
Published 2024“…DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Secondary analysis of a prospective cohort study of children 0-18 years old admitted to a tertiary mixed PICU between January 2015 and October 2018 with PICU stay greater than 48 hours and greater than or equal to one organ dysfunction. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Ultrasound QT and RFCSAwere measured at PICU admission, PICU discharge, hospital discharge, and 6 months post-discharge. …”
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Journal Article -
Efficacy of Wolbachia-mediated sterility to reduce the incidence of dengue: a synthetic control study in Singapore
Published 2024“…All intervention and control locations practised the same baseline dengue control protocol. The main outcome was weekly dengue incidence rate caused by any dengue virus serotype. …”
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Journal Article -
Construction of complex nanostructures in solution phase
Published 2013“…In this thesis, the main work explored a new methodology for preparation of complex nanostructures in solution phase. …”
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Thesis -
爱德华•卡宾塔在西方与中国 :以《中间之性》为中心 = Edward Carpenter "the intermediate sex" and its influence in Europe and China
Published 2013“…This thesis consists of five main chapters. The first chapter further discusses the value of this research and the significance of this topic. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Light management in nanostructures for solar cell application
Published 2013“…Solar cells have received great interest and tremendous efforts have been devoted in the last few decades. However, the main problem of the conventional solar cell is that the cost is too high to achieve relatively high efficiency. …”
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Thesis -
Asymmetric synthesis of N-benzyl-5-methylhydroxy-piperidone and modular synthesis of C1-substituent tetrahydroisoquinolines (THIQ) and C2-symmetric bisisoquinolines (C2-BIQ) and th...
Published 2015“…The core objective of this thesis is to develop effective strategies for the asymmetric synthesis of N-benzyl-5-methoxypiperidone, a common building block embedded in many biologically active compounds such as cytisine, vareniciline, paroxetine, tacamonine, and deplaincheine. Two main approaches were investigated: (1) chiral auxiliary, and (2) asymmetric catalysis. …”
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Thesis -
The development and application of fish scale waste for tissue engineering applications : waste-to-resource conversion of resource resilient materials
Published 2017“…However, the current principle source of collagen is mainly from mammalian animals, which may contain some risk of zoonotic disease transmission and which may have restricted used for some religious and ethnic communities. …”
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Thesis -
Pulsed fiber laser at 1 μm wavelength region
Published 2017“…The optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of ~ 67% for the main amplifier and the 4σ beam quality (M2) of 1.7 is obtained. …”
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Thesis -
Design and investigation of block copolymers for dispersion of carbon nanotubes in polymer matrices
Published 2018“…By introducing the allyl functional groups, the polymer can further react with other materials where the functional groups can then be easily changed to other functional groups. The main achievement of this thesis is that we first apply chromium complexed SWNTs in polyimide composite films and get a reinforcement in the mechanical properties, especially in modulus. …”
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Thesis -
Evaluating the rediscovery process as a treatment programme for a range of substance use disorders
Published 2019“…Third, a thematic analysis evaluation of participants’ experience of the TRP identified two main themes (1) control and (2) flourishing. These themes reflected the value participants found in applying the approach to controlling substance use, emotional regulation, personal growth, empowerment and their sense of self. …”
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