A Review on the Trends in Event Detection by Analyzing Social Media Platforms’ Data
Published 2022-06-01“…Moreover, the event and its location with a 24 × 7 real-time detection system will bolster the overall event detection performance.…”
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Tissue Engineering Challenges for Cultivated Meat to Meet the Real Demand of a Global Market
Published 2023-03-01Get full text
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Edoxaban Treatment in routiNe clinical prActice in patients with non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation (ETNA-AF) in Iberia: Baseline data
Published 2020-11-01“…Resultados: Fora, incluídos 892 doentes com FANV, com média de 73,9 anos, 75,3% dos quais receberam a dose elevada (60 mg) e 24,7% a dose reduzida (30 mg) de edoxabano. …”
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Development and validation of a multiplex real-time PCR assay for detection and quantification of Streptococcus pneumoniae in pediatric respiratory samples
Published 2023-12-01“…ABSTRACT Streptococcus pneumoniae (Spn) is a bacterial pathogen that causes a range of disease manifestations in children, from acute otitis media to pneumonia, septicemia, and meningitis. Primary Spn laboratory diagnostic identification methods include culture, antigen testing, single-plex real-time PCR, and syndromic PCR panels. …”
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Multi-detector computed tomography in traumatic abdominal lesions: value and radiation control
Published 2021-08-01Get full text
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Creating Authentic Assessments Through Controversy
Published 2022-12-01“… We are surrounded by controversy—politics, religion, diets, and even science are all up for debate in our 24/7 world of social media and the internet. With this controversy comes a lot of misinformation and competition with what our students might otherwise be learning in our classrooms. …”
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Robust representation and recognition of facial emotions using extreme sparse learning
Published 2015Get full text
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Journal Article -
Selection for growth and maternal ability impacts simulation on the reproductive efficiency in a nellore herd Simulação dos impactos da seleção para crescimento e habilidade matern...
Published 2010-09-01“…Ao final de 20 anos de seleção, a idade à puberdade média do rebanho seria 14,4 meses, a idade ao primeiro parto 24,7 meses, o período de serviço 78 dias e a taxa de prenhez 77%. …”
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Caracterização das intoxicações agudas registradas em São Luís/MA: a importância das instituições hospitalares como centros notificadores
Published 2019-03-01“…Resultados: Foram registrados 468 casos de intoxicações agudas em São Luís/MA no ano de 2011. A idade média dos indivíduos foi 24,7 ± 17,3 anos. Os agentes tóxicos mais envolvidos foram as drogas de abuso (30,13%; n=141), os medicamentos (22,65%; n=106) e os alimentos (8,33%; n=39). …”
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Agriculture/Hydroaquaoponic Bioscience Sensor - Mobile App with Simulations and Software for Industry and Science Education Curriculum Module
Published 2015-02-01“…The goal is to provide sustainable monitoring for growing healthy greenhouse foods 24/7. In this paper, we propose a sustainable solution for optimizing plant growth by using computer simulations and smart phone applications for plant growers and fisheries to access data in real-time and provide guidance on how to manage healthy environments for plants, such as "electric conductivity is lower than the standard for the tomato, so please add 5ml of nutrients". …”
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