Active learning with applications in biomedical document annotation
Published 2017“…We then adopt a statis- tical method to rank the potential false negatives of unlabeled docu- ments 1) by using a language model that measures the probabilities of the expression of multiple events in documents and 2) by using a named entity recognition system that locates the named entities that can be event arguments (e.g., proteins). The proposed method fur- ther deals with unknown words in test data by using word similarity measures. …”
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Thesis -
Innovation in public service delivery: essays on the social impact bond
Published 2021“…I do this by: 1) providing an original conceptual framework from which to analyze the effect of SIBs on systems of public service delivery, 2) laying out the conceptual arguments for how the SIB model could affect provider and front-line staff, and extending this conversation to include differences between types of interventions, 3) furthering the field’s empirical understanding of how the SIB model impacts public service delivery and front-line staff through an in-depth case study, surfacing a unique and original discussion of the risks of disproportionality, and 4) offering the first systematic investigation of SIB design over time, comparing the SIB model in practice to its original promises. …”
Thesis -
Molybdenum isotope fractionation in the mantle
Published 2016“…Based on mantle fertility arguments, Mo in the BSE could even be lighter (lower 98/95Mo) than that in chondrites, which might be explained by loss of S rich liquids from the BSE during core formation (Wade et al., 2012). …”
Journal article -
Children and the Millennium Development Goals: fragile gains and deep inequalities
Published 2010“…We discuss descriptive and analytical evidence from the Young Lives sample, within the scope of the MDGs, to elaborate four core arguments:</p><p>First, between 2002 and 2006 we observe evidence that national economic growth was associated with some limited gains in household wealth in the Young Lives sample. …”
Record -
Games as mathematics of logic and computation
Published 2017“…In particular, our game-semantic approach enables an analytic study of logic and computation, as opposed to more standard synthetic ones such as categorical semantics, in the sense that it reduces the two concepts to the highly primitive notions of '(dialogical) arguments' between prover and refuter mathematicians, and '(computational) processes' between a computational agent and an environment, respectively, giving a deeper understanding of the very notion of logic and computation. …”
Thesis -
‘Factory of invalids’: Mortality, disability and early release on medical grounds in GULAG, 1930-1955
Published 2020“…</p> <p>In addition, the thesis develops three original arguments. First, central administrative intervention in mortality distortion was not meticulously coordinated, but was ad hoc, reactive and short-term. …”
Thesis -
Integrated tacit knowledge sharing model among medical practitioners over social media with moderator and mediator interaction effect
Published 2018“…Hence, with the advent of social web tools, several studies argued that these new technologies may provide new opportunities to facilitate tacit knowledge sharing among medical practitioners. In spite of these arguments, there is still a lack of understanding and an empirical research on how social media may facilitate tacit knowledge sharing. …”
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Thesis -
Preferences for timber species among value-added wood product manufacturers in Malaysia
Published 2017“…Although previously thought that the reducing supply and increasing cost of local wood resources is leading to increasing wood imports, these arguments have remained unsubstantiated. In fact, research investigating the attributes of sawn timber that influence its usage by the wood based manufacturers in Malaysia have been limited and unreported. …”
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Thesis -
Quality of use' in flipped classroom for entrepreneurship education: An instructor perspective
Published 2017“…Chen, Wang, and Chen (2014) define flipped classroom as the condition where students will learn using several technologies at their own pace and complete the exercise in the physical class (Chen et al., 2014).Scholars found that flipped classroom has been used in various levels of educations such as K-12, undergraduates and postgraduate levels (Bristol, 2014; Butgereit & Osman, 2014; Horn & Staker, 2011).There are little studies that focus on blended learning for the business and management discipline, particularly the entrepreneurship education.This finding confirmed the arguments made by previous scholars that little studies of blended learning were conducted in entrepreneurship education (Arbaugh, 2010; Arbaugh & Hwang, 2015).However, the review of entrepreneurship education in Malaysia highlighted that course design is one important issues that need to be considered if institutions decided to blend the teaching and learning activities for this subject (Ahmad & Buchanan, 2015; Yusoff et al., 2014).The course design must be aligned with the current trends and objectives of entrepreneurship education of the institutions (Ahmad & Buchanan, 2015).In Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), entrepreneuship education has also been taught as a formal subject at all levels of studies in UiTM (diploma, undergraduates, and graduates) (Loh et al., 2015).Students must enroll entreprenuership subject as one of the requirement for graduation.Importantly, the field of entrepreneuship should have a good partnership between business dicipline and other diciplines such as science and technology disciplines in order to improve the employability of graduates after completion of their study (Idris, 2011).In UiTM Perlis Branch, the entrepreneurship subject (Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship – ENT300) for diploma students has leverage the flipped classroom since 2012 because of problems related with high enrollmentin this subject (up to 1,400 students per semester) and limited instructors (10 instructors) who can teach the subject.The continuous assessments related with a project (business plan), presentation and mid-semester examination. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Ordinal regression based on data relationship
Published 2019“…Because of the data argumentation by permutation, deep learning can work for ordinal regression even on small datasets. …”
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Thesis -
从“我”和“吾”的分布看《左传》中特殊的双宾结构 = A non-canonical double-object construction in Zuozhuan based on the distribution of two first person pronouns...
Published 2009“…A typical double-object construction will always include three NPs as their arguments. However, the construction “V军+ wǒ我 +NP处” does not meet this criterion as the verbs are inherently two-valence instead of three-valence. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Human Rights, Celebrity and Democracy
Published 2018“…Most especially, this section will compare and contrast the arguments made about the worth (or not) of celebrity engagement within the international public sphere. …”
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Book Section -
Theoretical studies on cluster compounds
Published 1989“…The zero-order potential we derive is of central-field form, depends on the geometry of the cluster, and has a well-defined relationship to the full nuclear-electron potential. Qualitative arguments suggest that this potential produces different energy level orderings for clusters with a nucleus with large positive charge at the centre of the cluster, enabling the spherical jellium model to be applied to alkali metal clusters seeded with magnesium and zinc. …”
Thesis -
From foreign aid to domestic debt: essays on government financing in developing economies
Published 2014“…Although this result countervails more established arguments against domestic debt (i.e. that it leads to crowding out and banks to become lazy), there is some evidence that above a ratio of 35 percent of bank deposits, domestic debt does begin to undermine economic growth. …”
Thesis -
Effects of financial development, institution and financial inclusion on sectoral output, firm and income inequality
Published 2020“…The first objective of this thesis is motivated by theoretical and empirical arguments (Robinson, 1952 and Lucas, 1998) amongst the economists of the earlier school of thought asserts that financial development plays a limited role in promoting development of real activity. …”
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Thesis -