Conceptual model for funding of businesses based on Islamic principles in Malaysia
Published 2012“…The size and extent of Islamic banking and finance globally in the last three decades of existence is impressive and is a sign of its acceptability worldwide among the billions of world Muslim population as well as non-Muslim. However, arguments abound that the practices of Islamic banking and finance have deviated from being Shariah compliant especially regarding funding of projects and products like bay bithaman „ajil, BBA; the circumventing of interest through a backdoor charging of Riba. …”
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Thesis -
Existence, convergence and efficiency analysis of nash equilibrium and its applications
Published 2016“…It is shown that the sequence of action profiles generated by best response principle with inertia possesses almost sure no-regret property. Via smoothness arguments, the upper bound of POTA is identified for both linear and nonlinear latency networks respectively. …”
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Thesis -
New Chinese immigrants in Singapore : barriers of integration
Published 2017“…Based on the empirical data gathered from them directly in addition to online news reports and forum comments, this study makes the following arguments. Firstly, this study analyzed the ongoing failure of pervasive English training in immigrants sending country caused the existence of English language barrier when many new Chinese immigrants entering the Singaporean host society. …”
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Thesis -
Geospatial data analysis : from querying to visualized exploration
Published 2018“…The availability of substantial amount of such geospatial objects gives prominence to the spatial keyword query, which is to find the geo-textual objects that best match the query arguments exploiting both locations and textual descriptions. …”
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Thesis -
The birth of the mandate idea and its fulfilment in Iraq up to 1926
Published 1970“…Both crystallize the contemporary argumentation in an important way. While they are placed under the sub-title, Premises of Scientific Peace, others such as Amery are for their imperial senti- ments discussed under the second sub-title: Imperial Sentiment and its Impact on Planning for a New World Order. …”
Thesis -
Pay-performance relationship: An empirical study on employee performance in the context of Nigeria
Published 2015“…Egger-Peitler, Hammer, Chmid & Meyer, 2007; Perry, Engbers, & Jun, 2009).Hence, the findings of the extant research are inconclusive.Research has established pay performance nexus in which the productive workers are paid with high pay wages.This practice is strongly based on the scientific management approach which assumes that financial incentives were a motivating factor that stimulate employee performance.The principles of scientific management approach were based upon a foundation of one-sided development of a fair incentive pay system (Ismail, 2006).On the other hand, financial incentives which, according to administrative management approach, reflect fair representations of employee effort would improve efficiency and productivity if employees perceive fairness in it (Dessler, 2005; Hellriegel & Slocum, 1996).To date, there has been support for both arguments. Scientific management approach has formed the basis for many compensation decisions, with many contemporary organizations tying at least part of an individual’s pay to team, work unit or performance (Henderson, 2006; Locke & Latham, 1990a, 1990b).Notably, a careful observation of compensation-performance nexus reveals that the relationship is indirectly affected by perceptions of distributive justice.Thus, investigating distributive fairness is a useful and appropriate contextual variable for this study. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
أوجه الدلالة في استنباط المذهب الإباضي في العقيدة على ضوء معياري القصدية والمقبولية لدى روبرت دي بوجران = Forms of meaning in the Ibadhi Sect’s method of deduction of their doctrin...
Published 2018“…This will be done by applying the standards of intentionality and acceptability proposed by de Beugrand on the proofs forwarded by the scholars of Ibadhi as arguments of their belief. The study also intends to put forward to the others the most important underpinnings that the Ibadhi scholars committed themselves to. …”
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Article -
Counting, modular counting and graph homomorphisms
Published 2016“…Strong amplifiers have received quite a bit of attention, and Lieberman et al. proposed two potentially strongly-amplifying families —one of them called superstars. Heuristic arguments have been published, arguing that there are infinite families of superstars that are strongly amplifying. …”
Thesis -
The political theory and practice of the English Commonwealthsmen, 1695-1725
Published 1981“…Too often dismissed as anachronistic, these ideals and the ways in which they could be defended supplied some of the most important topics for political debate in Augustan England, and the Commonwealthsmen made a notable contribution to these arguments. I hope, therefore, that my conclusions will add- a little momentum to the already discernible reaction against the tendency to view the politics of the time purely as a two-party system.…”
Thesis -
大众宗教复兴的政治 :庙宇、国家和跨境宗教网络 = The politics of revitalizing popular religious : temple, state, and trans-boundary religious networks
Published 2017“…It presents four major arguments. First, the religious economy model argues that the relation between state regulation and religious competition and vitality is inverse. …”
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Thesis -
道德與解脫 :中晚明士人對儒家生死問題的辯論與詮釋 = Morality and liberation : debates and interpretations on the Confucian philosophy of life and death among mid-late Ming scholars...
Published 2018“…He argued that moral emotions are endowed by the heaven, which is different from the so-called qingshi in Buddhism. He also made arguments on the immortal realm of Confucian sages, insisting that the learning of liberation from death is an innate part of Confucian philosophy. …”
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Thesis -
DENIZENSHIP DI INDONESIA Model Citizenship Orang-orang yang Tertolak
Published 2012“…Although the Constitutional Court has decided that the Oil and Gas Law and the Electricity Act on the amendment because it is not mandated by the Constitution, but in reality, the arguments of policy-based fixed values of liberalism, while also using communitarianism claims. …”
Thesis -
The Indian National Congress and political mobilisation in the United Provinces, 1926-1934
Published 1975“…The concluding chapter draws together these arguments.</p>…”
Thesis -
Recollecting the infinite: refining and defending St Augustine's constructivist account of memory and imagination via contemporary cognitive neuroscience
Published 2024“…The primary methodology is philosophical analysis which draws on cognitive neuroscience, experimental psychology, religion, and theology. Some of the argumentation techniques I use involve mathematics (geometry, set theory) and logic (propositional and property predicate). …”
Thesis -
Factors affecting the evolution of group territories in babblers (Turdoides) and long-tailed tits
Published 1976“…It is suggested that high adult survival in a situation where the habitat is fully saturated with territory holders creates the optimal conditions for group territoriality, but other important factors are also described.</p><p>Arguments are put forward to suggest that the advantages of group territory are likely to be greater for non-breeding group members than for the breeders, and this inequality is proposed as an important factor in the origin of co-operative breeding. …”
Thesis -
Competition in the history of economic thought
Published 1975“…</p> <p>First, a review is made of the various arguments for the theory of perfect competitiont While stressing its strategic and instrumental role in the development of abstract economic thought, I argue that it is no longer acceptable on scientific grounds, either on the strength of empirical evidence or on the rigour of logical reasoning. …”
Thesis -
Life and works of Franz von Baader
Published 1976“…</p> <p>Because theosophy claims knowledge as well as faith, we begin our Third Part by reviewing the main arguments of Baader's mystic epistemology. While repeating without critical spirit the traditional ciphers for divine illumination, he calls upon preternatural experience in order to show that theosophy can fulfil even the rational criteria for 'knowledge'. …”
Thesis -
The English boroughs and the King's government : a study of the Tory reaction, 1681-85
Published 1976“…But it should by now be clear that the limited nature of much of the evidence has made it impossible to cover the problems as systematically as I would have wished: in only a few chapters have I been able to support my arguments with full statistical evidence. Elsewhere it has been necessary to rnaKe points by the accumulation of repeated examples. …”