Helices on del Pezzo surfaces and tilting Calabi-Yau algebras
Published 2010“…For helices on del Pezzo surfaces the algebras are of dimension three, and using an argument of Herzog, together with results of Kuleshov and Orlov, we obtain a complete description of the tilting process in terms of quiver mutations. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.…”
Journal article -
Review of Ann Whittle’s Freedom & Responsibility in Context (Oxford University Press, 2021)
Published 2024“…This review provides a summary of the main argument, and briefly mentions some points that will be of interest in further developing the view.…”
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Should all patients who attempt suicide be treated?
Published 1995“…Some patients who attempt suicide ought to be allowed to die. My argument for this claim turns on judging some patients who attempt suicide to be sufficiently competent and rational be allowed to die.…”
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Zeros of pairs of quadratic forms
Published 2015“…We prove the Hasse principle and weak approximation for varieties defined over number fields by the nonsingular intersection of pairs of quadratic forms in eight variables. The argument develops work of Colliot-Thélène, Sansuc and Swinnerton-Dyer, and centres on a purely local problem about forms which split off three hyperbolic planes.…”
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Praying to stop being an atheist
Published 2010“…In this paper, I argue that atheists who think that the issue of God's existence or non-existence is an important one; assign a greater than negligible probability to God's existence; and are not in possession of a plausible argument for scepticism about the truth-directedness of uttering such prayers in their own cases, are under a <em>prima facie</em> obligation to pray to God that He stop them being atheists.…”
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Really, health is but just a business
Published 2008“…Rather, it is a complicated mixture of economics as well as politics; health is just an incidental part of the argument.…”
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Many-body chaos and energy dynamics in holography
Published 2018“…In this paper we provide an argument that the phenomenon of pole-skipping is universal for general finite temperature systems dual to Einstein gravity coupled to matter. …”
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Many-body chaos and energy dynamics in holography
Published 2018“…In this paper we provide an argument that the phenomenon of pole-skipping is universal for general finite temperature systems dual to Einstein gravity coupled to matter. …”
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Illusions of transitive expletives in Middle English
Published 2021“…Before the late 14th century, modals were full verbs taking a thematic external argument and full clausal complements, and after about 1600, they were merged directly in T, occurring in a monoclausal rather than a (reduced) biclausal structure. …”
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A dynamical mechanism for the Page curve from quantum chaos
Published 2021“…Abstract If the evaporation of a black hole formed from a pure state is unitary, the entanglement entropy of the Hawking radiation should follow the Page curve, increasing from zero until near the halfway point of the evaporation, and then decreasing back to zero. The general argument for the Page curve is based on the assumption that the quantum state of the black hole plus radiation during the evaporation process is typical. …”
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Critical test of the beneficial consequences of lifting the ban on direct-to-consumer advertising for prescription drugs in Italy: experimental exposure and questionnaire study
Published 2023“…This argument has been part of the health care community's wider discussion of whether DTCA of prescription drugs benefits the population's general interest or is only an attempt to increase the sales of the pharmaceutical branch. …”
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Managing economic statecraft via multilateral agreements: the roles of ASEAN member states in shaping Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Published 2024“…I validate this argument by using the case of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). …”
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《左传》使动双宾语结构再探 = The causative double-object construction of Zuozhuan
Published 2011“…Based on this, the structure of double-object construction obtains the ability of assign an extra “causee” argument.…”
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Thesis -
The Fictional Character of Pornography
Published 2015“…Her argument applies less well to pornographic works in many fetish genres, which are typically not response-realistic. …”
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Sound, sense, and story : narrativity and poeticity in the contemporary lyric poem
Published 2018“…We conclude on the argument that poetry demands a conscientious receptiveness to alterity and a sensitive attendance to form that require the reader to enter into a creative co-writing of the text with the author.…”
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Thesis -
ANCAMAN DISINTEGRASI BANGSA INDONESIA:BELAJAR DARI PENGALAMAN YUGOSLAVIA = The Threat on Disintegration of Indonesia: A Lesson from Yugoslavia Experience
Published 2001“…To learn from other state, it uses an analogical argument and lesson drawing argument, by building an analogy upon the past or other cases as a precedent. …”
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Jordan, Palestine and the British world system, 1945-57: Glubb Pasha and the Arab Legion
Published 2014“…It thus supports the revisionist argument that pre-war negotiations helped shape the 1948 War, but explains the Arab Legion's adherence to this secret scheme by emphasising Glubb's (limited) autonomy. …”